Hey guess what? I’m still working. At a job where I don’t have to wear black everyday. I know, I sometimes can’t believe it either. But let me tell you, it’s stressful. It’s almost like a fun stress, but for someone who is terrible at getting up in the morning, I frighten myself sometimes when I spring out of bed with little time to spare. I think one of the things that’s helped me is the fact that all of my clothes are on a rolling rack in my temporary bedroom on full display. I literally look at them all the time. It gets the wheels in your fashion brain moving and you think a lot more about this going with that, or that with this, and don’t I have a necklace that goes with that? As much as I love having things neatly put away (sometimes) I suggest that everyone should work some of their favorite pieces into your decor. Get some decorative hooks or display your shoes neatly on shelves. You spend all that money on clothes, if you can’t wear ’em all at once, at least you can look at them!
That’s my tip for the week. Now, onto the outfits!
j crew coat/kate spade dress/forever 21 necklace/targe purse/payless shoes |
This coat is my most favorite coat that I have ever owned, and that’s saying something, because I have a coat problem. I saw it in J. Crew the first holiday season I was working at the mall. I had never owned anything from J. Crew, hell, I don’t even think I had ever step foot in one, and I saw this coat and I knew it was meant to be. Except a tiny problem: it was $300. Steve surprised me with it at Christmas, and it was the first of many times that we have shared all the methods in which we used to lower the price of a gift for each other. He Extreme Couponed himself out on this one, and I was so excited that he paid attention and tried to so hard. The shoes I found in my sister’s closet that she never wore and the dress was a birthday gift my my mother-in-law. Which was very nice of her, because my birthday is in July and she gave this to me in February.
f21 top & headband/banana republic skirt/macys shoes/jcrew purse/pink pineapple necklace |
We were encouraged at work to rock some blue in honor of Autism Speaks day last week. And I couldn’t wear my navy without inviting the rest of my nautical friends! So this outfit was born. I really restricted myself when peplum came into fashion and bought just this one top. Unfortunately, due to my wardrobe restrictions, I’ve only worn it like twice. Well, NOT ANYMORE.
As much as I was excited about the cuteness factor of this outfit, something even more exciting happened that day. After Instagramming my usual daily outfit pic, Pink Pineapple- one of my favorite shops in Newport- shared my picture on their Instagram. If you’re ever wondering why I always tag where all my pieces are from, that is why. I love seeing how real people wear clothes, and in my mind, these companies should too! This was my first real shout out for my fashion, so I was super excited.
instagram celebrity. well, for like a night at least. |
old navy coat/ny&company blazer & belt/loft dress/payless boots/aldo watch |
This was another cold and windy day, hence the topknot. Seriously guys, the wind here is a killer and I feel like my hair never looks good after my ten minute walk to work. Layers were also a necessity. I love this dress because it’s relatively simple, therefore you can dress it up in lots of different (but all nautical) ways.
ny&company sweater/forever 21 skirt & belt/target shoes/vintage necklace |
I don’t know how it happened, but this ended up being one of my favorite outfits. I mean, it’s nothing crazy. A simple top and skirt. Polka dots are probably my favorite pattern, and you all know that I’m having an affair with color right now. Anyone who can wear color and chooses not to is just silly. No one ever looked back on an amazing moment in their life and remembers an awesome shade of taupe they were wearing.
Once again, there is no Friday photo. I full planned on taking one. I got up that day, like any other. I prepared a cute but functional ensemble, as Friday is when I go out and do my weekly flyering around town. Plus it was raining. So I was walking down the street, trying to get all my locations covered without getting soaked, and I saw a truck coming. I l noticed that I was kind of close to a puddle, and thought to myself, “I should move over so I don’t get splashed by this truck.” Apparently, stepping a foot over to the left was no match for what turned out to be the most deceptively deep puddle in the history of all puddles.
That photo? That is exactly what happened to me. Head to toe, soaked. Soaked through every layer of clothing. I had to go home and change, and then wait to see if anyone at the office noticed that I had a different outfit on for the rest of the day. I was so distraught I actually put on black pants. I haven’t even touched a pair of black pants since I walked out the door the last day of my previous job. So yeah, taking an outfit photo was not high on my priority list that day. What a bummer. I thought I looked cute.
So other than that minor snafu, I thought week three was a fashion success. Now the challenge begins. When am I allowed to start repeating, if ever? What if I am running late and throw on, *gasp* a pair of pants and like, a button down shirt?! Will the world stop turning? Will everyone unfollow me on Instagram? THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS.
Until next week,