Something, Something About the Chase (Six Whole Years)

Written by Lindsay Scouras

Okay, so it’s not like there’s exactly a “chase” after six years of marriage, I just really wanted to take advantage of the chance to use that line from my favorite Lady Gaga song (plus, it’s my #1 karaoke jam).

But seriously, Steve and I have been married SIX YEARS today. Six years! I know those of you that have married for longer are like “psssh, talk to me in ten,” but seriously – every year that goes by I keep thinking to myself, how am I old enough to be with someone this long? (Hint – start by getting married at age twenty-five). I guess it’s just that I don’t feel like I’m that… I don’t want to say old, but that’s the first word that comes to mind. I still sometimes forget that I’m over thirty when someone asks me my age. Maybe it’s because Steve and I have been together since before we were old enough to drink. Maybe because after eleven years together, I have basically grown up with this person. Whatever it is, I hope that this youthful feeling continues for our relationship (and my skin… praying to the aging gods that I will continue to be mistaken for a twenty-three year old).

A few years ago, I shared some of my favorite photos from our winter wedding. Today, I was feeling a bit more nostalgic, and I found on my hard drive the SUPER old pics – you know, the really good ones from when your megapixels were low, as well as your fashion sense.

So please enjoy this trip down memory lane, and please remember – we met in 2005. We did not know the things we know now (like that trucker hats would not stand the test of time).


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