Category Archives: … at Picture Taking
Guys, tomorrow is December 1. IT’S DECEMBER. I know people say something to that effect every single year, but seriously, 2017 – where you at? Maybe I shouldn’t complain. Perhaps it’s the universe’s way of telling us that this year was a dumpster fire and we’d all be a lot better off if it quietly showed itself out. But I’m not here to remind of us of the current state of things, instead for #ThrowbackThursday, I’m taking a little stroll down memory lane… literally.
If you caught up on my most recent post, you know that I am no longer residing on the island of Nantucket and instead now have planted my feet firmly in the continental U.S. (If you’re like hey girl, I have no idea what you’re talking about, you can read more about it here.) Even though it was totally the right decision and there is really is no good time to make a major life change like that, one of the things I will really miss about the island is Stroll Weekend, which happens to be starting in oh, less than 24 hours. In case you don’t know, Stroll is this amazing time of the year when the island is transformed into what can only be described as a Norman Rockwell painting, Hallmark Christmas movie, and an episode of Gilmore Girls on peppermint-flavored crack. It’s busy and amazing and expensive and the most festive thing you will ever experience in your life. Dare I say, it’s downright magical.
Last year, my friend Molly and I (the social media-savvy lady seen above) decided to get up early before the crowds and hit downtown to fully experience Stroll before it becomes a madhouse of silly Christmas hats, off-islanders, and just sheer holiday madness. Despite the fact that both of us had lived on-island for a few years, we hadn’t really gotten to take it all in and we wanted to snap some photos of the scene.
Ah, bloggers. Who else would indulge your need to take so many photos not looking at the camera? (If you don’t recall, Molly captured some amazing outfit photos for me last year, like this one and also these. I miss her so much since she moved back to the West Coast and I swear it’s not just because she takes awesome pics of me “looking at the ground” as Steve says of blog photoshoots.) Also in case you haven’t had enough of reading about people’s experiences moving off the island, Molly has a great post about it here too.
Any good morning for us on Nantucket started at Petticoat Row. Between the sweets (the secret ingredient in everything? BUTTER), the proximity to our office, and the inviting interior, Petticoat was always like Visa – everywhere you wanted to be.
With no real schedule for the day, we explored all the streets and storefronts with displays that I snapped not only to capture the moment, but to remember for any and all future homes I might be able to decorate. I mean, the window boxes at Greydon House are my kryptonite. This updated inn was across the street from my office, and I can’t tell you how many times I hung out in front of the building in all seasons, taking pictures of their most recent window displays when I was supposed to be checking my mail. Hey, if it’s good enough for AD… well then it’s probably way too good for me. But a girl can dream.
I know, more window boxes. It’s worth mentioning that I don’t care for greenery or plants or anything that I have to keep alive without a pulse. But man, Nantucket changes you in a lot of ways, and for me? It made me want to have a green thumb (or, enough money to pay other people with those thumbs to do this for me).
Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good theme. One of my other favorite places on Nantucket, The Corner Table (I swear we did more than just eat) incorporated actual food into their outdoor decorations. FOOD. Get it? Because they’re a culinary center? I can’t, it’s just too good.
Since my dog cannot be trusted to walk around downtown or wear accessories no matter how much I bribe him, I had to settle for getting a shot of this cutie instead.
More Culinary Center goodness. Every year during Stroll, they have live free demos that just any ragamuffin off the street like me can walk in and watch (and more importantly, try the food). This is Sarah Leah Chase, who has a very well-known Nantucket cookbook that I have personally tried things from that she has made and oh my God is it like heaven in your mouth. I mean, not enough to make me actually want to cook anything, but enough to get me to show up at things when I hear she’s in town.
And how much was I coveting one of these N.TUC Marché bags depicting the story of Moby-Dick? (It doesn’t seem to be available anymore on their website but OHMYGOD THERE’S A DRESS VERSION.)
I kid you not, I had basically no knowledge of Jeep Wagoneers before I moved to Nantucket. Now of course I’m obsessed and I want one and I see them everywhere I go, like on these adorable ornaments at Vineyard Vines.
Fun fact: My husband wired these lights at Beauty Counter on the wharf. All I got out of it was him yelling at me when he realized I was buying their lip balm that costs $10 a tube (but seriously, it is the best).
Later we headed down to the Easy Street basin to see the annual Christmas tree floating in a tiny boat. For those of you on my Christmas card list, you may recognize this from our first year on Nantucket, as well as in pretty much any tourist’s photo during the month of December.
It was there we stumbled upon a mother trying to capture a photo of her toddler on her iPhone for a Christmas card that he was having no part of. Molly helped distract him and I snapped a couple shots of him with my Canon and assured his mom that I would send them to her to use for her card. She thanked us by promising to send me a copy and taking the only photo of Molly and I together the entire day.
I told you – craziness. This is literally how the streets look from the time when Santa is about to arrive until people head to their dinner reservations.
Speaking of Santa, he arrives by boat with the Coast Guard, and it led up the wharf by an actual town crier. For those that think I say this in jest, see Exhibit A (above) and Exhibit B (below).
I mean, after all that excitement, where does one go?
To a party in the back of bike shop, of course. (Again, I couldn’t make any of this up.)
And of course, we always take advantage of when our favorite stores that were closed for the season open back up again, so we would make a point to visit Follain any time they opened their doors.
As day turns to night, the island becomes even more of a movie set when you see all the community-decorated trees that line Main Street (and all the people are pretty much gone, either at one of the restaurants that are only open again for the weekend or at fancy holiday parties).
All joking aside, Stroll Weekend is one of the best times to be on the island, if for nothing else than that there doesn’t seem to be anything like it anywhere. I know lots of vacation towns do their own version of a holiday festival, but this one is really unlike anything else I’ve seen in any New England town ever.
I’m so glad that we did this last year, because 2017 is definitely going to be less festive for the Scouras’s. With the move, and me living in America and Steve still coming back and forth from Nantucket, it just doesn’t make sense to get a tree or decorate for the holidays this year when we’re actually trying to pack all of our belongings (don’t even get me started on my Christmas card or lack thereof right now). If you need me, I’ll be reliving all the holiday hubbub with these photos and sustaining myself on the Buddy the Elf diet.
Happy Strolling,
My outfit details:
Old Navy coat [sim] & scarf (mine’s old, but they have some newer colors here)
Nautica jeans [sim] via the Lightship Basket Museum Yard Sale
L.L. Bean socks & boots
The Lovely hat [sim] (I have no idea what brand it is but it came with a second interchangeable pom pom in another hue)
Kate Spade purse & earrings (these are both old but there’s sometimes similar styles at the outlet)
Molly’s outfit:
Primark scarf [sim] (I know because we both bought the same one last year – they don’t have it on their website but I feel like that pattern is everywhere now)
Gap pea coat [sim] (Disclaimer: I lent Molly this jacket because she is from California and therefore doesn’t exactly have a rotating wardrobe of wool coats. I have to tell you that I have had this coat since my freshman year of high school. I still don’t even know how that’s possible)
Hunter boots
Okay, so it’s not like there’s exactly a “chase” after six years of marriage, I just really wanted to take advantage of the chance to use that line from my favorite Lady Gaga song (plus, it’s my #1 karaoke jam).
But seriously, Steve and I have been married SIX YEARS today. Six years! I know those of you that have married for longer are like “psssh, talk to me in ten,” but seriously – every year that goes by I keep thinking to myself, how am I old enough to be with someone this long? (Hint – start by getting married at age twenty-five). I guess it’s just that I don’t feel like I’m that… I don’t want to say old, but that’s the first word that comes to mind. I still sometimes forget that I’m over thirty when someone asks me my age. Maybe it’s because Steve and I have been together since before we were old enough to drink. Maybe because after eleven years together, I have basically grown up with this person. Whatever it is, I hope that this youthful feeling continues for our relationship (and my skin… praying to the aging gods that I will continue to be mistaken for a twenty-three year old).
A few years ago, I shared some of my favorite photos from our winter wedding. Today, I was feeling a bit more nostalgic, and I found on my hard drive the SUPER old pics – you know, the really good ones from when your megapixels were low, as well as your fashion sense.
So please enjoy this trip down memory lane, and please remember – we met in 2005. We did not know the things we know now (like that trucker hats would not stand the test of time).
Happy Wedding Wednesday, folks! Today I’m excited to share the culmination of Bridget and Ted’s wedding photos, which began over a month ago for their one-year anniversary (oops). In case you missed it, you can read part one of their wedding story here. As I said before, I took so many pictures at their gorgeous nuptials that it took me one full year and two posts to share my favorites. So let’s continue celebrating their one-year anniversary!
I know it’s not customary for the photographer to step in front of the camera, but I had to get a picture with some of my AG girls. We spent years in high-end children’s retail and live to tell the tale. I loved catching up with these ladies on life after birthday stickers and Fancy Flips (industry terminology, I’m sure you understand). Miss you gals!
Today’s post is a year in the making, not only because it took me that long to sort through over a thousand photos, but because today is also Bridget and Ted’s one year anniversary!
You may remember this adorable couple from the e-session I did with them last year in Boston. Bridget and I survived the trenches of high-end children’s retail and lived to tell the tale, and I was completely honored when she asked me to shoot her August ceremony + reception. So for my eighth and final wedding of 2015, I got to play the role of photographer/guest at their nuptials, which was amazing because not only do I love photographing people that I already know and adore, but I also got to reunite with some of my AG ladies that I hadn’t seen for a long time (and no, I don’t mean Kirsten and Samantha).
So much can change in a year. There have been ups and downs for this couple throughout their relationship, but they truly support each other through it all. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel, as Bridget and Ted are now pregnant and having a baby this January! I had so much fun reminiscing about this wedding, and I hope to continue to be their official family photographer when Baby K arrives in 2017.
So grab a snack, sit back and relax, because folks – this is a long one. It was so hard to narrow it down – I loved so many of the pictures from this night that I was basically avoiding this post because I knew it would take me forever to pick my favorites. But I told Bridget I would have a post to commemorate her first anniversary, and dammit, an American Girl always keeps her promises. So here’s to Bridget and Ted!
(Disclaimer: Wow, I wasn’t kidding about how many favorite photos I had from this wedding. I’m pausing here at the halfway point – look for the formals/reception photos in the next post… coming soon!)
Since moving to Nantucket, I’ve been kind of out of the wedding photography scene. With the cost + effort to travel on and off the island (especially during the high season, which let’s face it, is also wedding season in New England), I am not really actively marketing my services right now. That being said, there’s always room for exceptions. When Bridget, one of my former retail comrades in black, asked me to photograph her wedding this August, I knew I couldn’t say no. So during Patriot’s Day weekend when I happened to be home already for a bridal shower + bachelorette party (for two different people – did I mention that everyone I know is getting married this year?), we made plans to meet up in Boston for an e-session.
A little back story on Bridget: She has to be one of the funniest people that you will ever meet, as well as one of the strongest. If I ever find myself in a bar fight or a dance off, she’s who I want in my corner. She was always so encouraging of me and my photography, and I was quite honored that she chose me to capture this day that she has literally been dreaming of her whole life. So here’s to Bridget & Ted and their August nuptials – can’t wait!
Seriously, could you ask for a better backdrop? (Or a more in love couple?)
Congrats, B&T!

Congrats to Sam and Ben, and thank you so much for choosing me to capture your day!

If you’ve been round these parts before, you might remember last summer when I took my first-ever maternity photos for my friend Tim and his wife, Cassie. In addition to photographing their wedding, I have known Tim since high school, and for the past few months, he’s been heading up our ten year high school reunion planning committee, so he’s a busy guy. I was shocked when he told me that the whole Buck family was willing to take a day trip to Nantucket for me to do a family shoot, their first since Maddie was born (who is now a year old). I said yes (duh) and we made arrangements for them to travel to my little elbow of sand.

There are many more images but it would make this the longest post ever. Check back later for pictures from the wedding and reception!