Category Archives: … Lindz-terest
It’s February. Is it too late to use the greeting “Happy 2016!”? Because it’s definitely still how I’m addressing all of my emails.
On that note, I hadn’t done a Lindz-terest post in a while, so it seemed like the perfect time in the “new year” to share all of the things I’m loving right now. As usual, there’s no rhyme or reason to any of this, just whatever links, music, fashion, decor, and more that are peaking my interest right now. So let’s get to it!
“Roses” by The Chainsmokers ft. Rozes
I have been in a total slump with music lately. Is it just me, or is every artist now saving all of their good music with the hopes of being one of the “songs of the summer”? Like I can’t listen to one more breathy Selena Gomez song and wonder if it is or isn’t about the Biebs. Once I heard this catchy EDM track on the radio, I was hooked. Like listen to it on repeat over and over again hooked. I don’t know anything about the artists (and was shocked to find out they put this song out in June) but I kind of love that it’s not everywhere yet. Yet being the keyword here.
Neon Winter Outfit from Southern Curls and Pearls
The chilly weather always seems to stunt my style. Sure, at first it’s fun to think about when the temp dips below forty degrees and you can wear colored tights again, but after a week, it’s like give me my sundresses back already. There’s only so many oversized sweaters and boots a girl can handle. The exception is this fun look from blogger Cait of Southern Curls and Pearls. She makes winter look like a breeze in this head to toe happy ensemble, so much so that I barely noticed all the white stuff around her. Her hat/coat/boot game during her entire recent trip to Lake Tahoe was so on point it almost makes me want to escape to a wintery locale versus a warm-weather vacation that Steve and I are trying to plan right now (emphasis on almost). Unfortunately, the hat is sold out (although if I ever spent $55 on a knit beanie I can most definitely assure that Steve would never take me anywhere again) and I’m hoping that maybe J.Crew Factory will come out with a more budget-friendly version of this sweater by the time next Christmas rolls around. And those Hunters… sigh. I have always wanted a pair, but am slightly crippled by not knowing which color is the best to invest in, beacause the correct answer is all of them.
Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown Podcast
I never thought I’d be able to get into podcasts because I drive literally three miles to work, but I’ve somehow found time out of my car to listen to a few really good ones that really expand my thinking and open my mind to new ideas. Or you could just be completely entertained, which leads me to my new favorite, Bitch Sesh with Casey Wilson and Danielle Schneider. If you are a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fan (or just enjoy the mind suck that is Bravo in general), you will love listening to these two and their bevy of special guests (aka other comedians that are equal fanatics) break down all of the really important (no matter how minuscule) details of each week’s episode. My new goal is to be invited into Casey’s breakfast nook to one day share my own perspective on whether or not Yolanda is “really sick” (a very hotly debated topic on the show). Beverly Hills is actually the city I watch the least, and I still tune into this podcast every Wednesday like clockwork. It’s really helping to fill the void in my life from the cancellation of Happy Endings (yes, I know it happened in 2013 and no, I cannot get over it). Thankfully, it’s now on Hulu so Steve and I are very slowly binging in hopes that the fifty-seven episodes will sustain us for a little while.
Home Office Rolling Ladder from Addison’s Wonderland
I know our Pinterest boards are full of ridiculously expensive and unreachable home decor goals, but holy crap you guys someone actually took my dream of having bookshelves with a rolling ladder and made it a reality. And it’s in like, a normal room and not in a library in some mansion. Just to give you a little background, this obsession started when I saw Beauty and the Beast in second grade, and hasn’t waned even now that I’m thirty and have accepted that at this point, I will probably never live in a castle. But this is seriously like every bookworm/petite woman’s dream. I don’t know what this supposed business is that I’m going to need a home office for, but I imagine that I would be THE BEST at it if I had a room like this to work in.
Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove
In my quest for better skin in this new decade of my life, I’m starting to think about daily habits that I could improve on. One thing I know for a fact that I’m failing at is regularly cleaning my makeup brushes. Like I can’t even tell you the last time I washed them. I think my main issue is that no matter how much I rinse them, I always feel like they still have gunk in them and feel as soft as when I first bought them. Not to mention I don’t really have any expensive tools, so sometimes I just throw them out and start fresh. I’ve seen multiple bloggers touting the benefits of this silicone glove with eight different cleaning textures. Even the thumb piece serves a purpose (to help reform brushes).
Beyond Beautiful: A Raw & Honest Roundtable
There’s nothing more inspiring than a bunch of talented, kick-ass women in a room together chatting about their triumphs and challenges as a lady in 2016. Granted, they’re also super-talented actresses who make more money from a single film than I will probably ever see in my whole life, but listening to them talk about the sexism that they encounter daily in Hollywood somehow still seems relatable in Entertainment Weekly‘s new initiative Beyond Beautiful. I’m sort of biased because Reese Witherspoon is my most favorite actress of all time, but seeing these women together completely turns whatever image you had of #squadgoals upside down. I’ve been stalking the PO Box and my copy still hasn’t shown up yet (damn you, island mail + New England weather), but you better believe when it does, I will be hunkered down reading the full issue cover-to-cover. For now, watch this video (it’s twenty-eight minutes and worth every second) and just bask in the awesomeness of these four females.
So what’s getting you through the winter blues (or the mean reds)? Let me know in the comments. Remember, only thirty-nine days until spring – we can do this!
I don’t think I’ve done a Lindz-terest update since switching over to my new blog space, so it seemed about time. You never quite know when inspiration is going to strike, and I’ve actually been finding myself getting sick of my usual resources for interesting information. I used to be all about BuzzFeed, and it’s still the place where I am introduced to a lot of things (mainly because my feed is bombarded with every “article” that could literally ever exist about anything) but I just feel like I’m kind of getting sick the “21 things you’ve ever thought about this” or “48 times that animals ruled Tumblr” (I think that was an actual headline today… and yes, I read it and laughed, because how could you not). So lately, I’ve been trying to seek out alternate sources of internet entertainment, which believe it or not, is easier said than done. Here’s a few of what caught my eye this week:
#HotDudesReading: I feel like every week there is some witty Instagram account that pops up and I’m like omg omg follow follow follow. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about one since discovering Fashion Dads (which is the brainchild of one of my favorite bloggers), but Hot Dudes Reading has definitely slid into my top spot. Mainly because I enjoy anything that turns the tables and objectifies men instead of women. Seriously, how creepy would it be if there was a website where men sketchily take cell phone pics of women without their knowledge? (Oh wait, there is.) But for real, something about this is really sweet to me. I’m seriously just happy that there’s this many people still in the world that aren’t just staring at their iPhones. My favorite part? #NoKindles.
Art History’s Burn Book: You’ve seen them on Capitol Hill. You’ve seen them take on the French Revolution. But the best new Mean Girls parody account has to be Art History’s Burn Book. The simplicity of it is just brill – timeless works of art overlaid with the greatest words Tina Fey has ever written. And apparently it’s been around for like a year but I’m just arriving now to the party because of what else? BuzzFeed.
Grammys, Toddlewood Style: I’m sure I’ve posted about this before, but I’m kind of obsessed with this photographer Tricia Messeroux and what she does with these tots. I love seeing her kiddie interpretation of award show fashion a few days after the red carpet. Some people might think that this is the epitome of everything that is wrong with our society/a little reminiscent of JonBenét Ramsey (too soon?), but I find it to be hilarious. Everyone takes these award show fashions so seriously (including myself) and there’s something about a scowling mini-Kanye that kind of allows you to take a step back at it and remember that it’s all in fun. It also reminds me of Cameron on Modern Family when he dresses up baby Lily as music’s fiercest females for elaborate photoshoots in their home. Obviously that’s the kind of mother I would aspire to be. Um, she also birthday does parties. I know what I want to do for my 30th…
Origins Quarter Life Crisis Campaign: I was scrolling through one of the many social media emails I subscribe to, and this article about Origins new campaign immediately peaked my interest. Why? Because I am totally their target demographic here. My friends and I have been joking the past few years about how we’re still breaking out in our late twenties despite serving our time as awkward pimple-faced teens. Turns out, we’re not the only ones, and the company is capitalizing on our vulnerability in a real and kind of amusing way with a “global, integrated, digital campaign developed by Estée Lauder’s own millennial employees, aimed at 20-somethings to help them address the early signs of skin aging.” There’s even an app for that. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I know I have seen a definite shift in my skin since I hit the second half of my twenties, and this is the first time that I can think of any major cosmetics line saying that they get that. I don’t know what kind of Mad (wo)Men they have behind this, but I can tell you they’ve got me hooked.
Read anything interesting online lately? Or are cat videos still all the rage? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I’m always looking for new inspiration/procrastination resources.
It’s been a few weeks, so I thought it was time for another installment of Linds-terest, my wrap up of internet goodness that I’m kind of obsessed with. This week, it feels like the holidays just exploded, probably prompted by my day at the Boston Bloggers Home for the Holidays event, and punctuated by the fact that I’ve already started making gift tags and even purchased a few Christmas presents already. I am ON IT this year, you guys. I’ve even started my 2014 Christmas list Pinterest board, coming soon as it’s own post. As soon as I finish my DIY pennant banner (and you know, Thanksgiving is over), I am going to Christmas the crap out of this place. So let’s explore these early goodies getting me in the holiday spirit.
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24 Delightfully Festive Ways to Do Your Nails for the Holidays on Buzzfeed
I am a self-proclaimed nail art addict. I’m not a reenact entire scenes on your fingertips kind of girl, but I do enjoy a subtle ring finger bling. So when I saw this entire post on Buzzfeed filled with holiday-inspired manis, I clicked immediately, ready to do some serious Pinning to my Nailed It! board. I was a little turned off by some of the more elaborate ones (especially anything involving French tips… the year 2001 has come and gone, people). I mean, I don’t like nutcrackers in my home and I certainly don’t want them on my fingertips, especially if it requires more than one finger to complete the scene. My favorite has to be the plaid/sparkle combo, which probably existed before last weekend but I feel in some way is inspired by my ensemble for the Boston Bloggers Home for the Holidays event.
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“Toast Talk” on A Piece of Toast
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“I Know I’m Not the Only One” by Sam Smith
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That’s it for the first installment. Not sure exactly when my next post will be, but I’ll be on the prowling the web this week in search of new finds (and I mean that in the least To Catch a Predator way possible).