Category Archives: … at Not So Everyday Things

Well, here we are. Or should I say, here I am. My 100th post. You see, it may seem like I only started blogging once a certain forest creature invaded my apartment just a year ago. What many of you may not know is that I actually started this blog all the way back in 2008. And when I say “blogging,” I mean I registered on Blogger and wrote a single post about a one Miss Britney Spears and didn’t return for five months. If you’d like to see how it all began you can catch up here.
But to understand how this really began, we have to go back. Way back to the days before blogs and Twitter and the Internets. Okay, only one of those is true. But other than having a Live and/or Dead Journal, I had never heard of blogging or knew anyone who did it when I was in college. I had always loved to write, and once I transferred to a school that actually had a functioning newspaper, I knew I wanted to be involved. The problem was that I really only wanted to write about one thing: student government.
I’m totally kidding. Obviously it was celebrities.
Looking back, I’m not even sure how I convinced anyone to let me write about this, let alone allow me to have a weekly column. But it was with The Clock that I finally found something that I cared about and a group of people that were totally okay with me being ridiculous. That’s huge when you’re a transfer student and also hot mess.
It took some searching, but I finally found my first ever Lindsay’s Look:
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remember these two? ah, those were the days. |
As you can see, it was originally titled “Lindsay’s Look at All Things Celebrity.” I remember that I loved that title and I was so pissed at that time when one of the layout people changed it without my knowledge, and that it would forever more be “Lindsay’s Look at Celebrity Scandal.” Or at least until I graduated.
That’s right. Reality is a cruel, cruel mistress. You get so comfortable and jaded in your little campus bubble, taking classes just because they “sounded interesting” and working for $5.50 an hour and being totally cool with it. With graduation day looming, people asked me what was to become of Lindsay’s Look. I had no idea, because I never imagined that I wouldn’t spend the rest of my days writing about the trials and tribulations of Tinsletown’s biggest disasters. My roommate and fellow editor Erin told me that I should continue my column in blog form. It seemed like a good idea, but I was too busy imagining my fabulous post-grad life (and applying for jobs to hopefully help me achieve that) to really buckle down and do it.
Until almost a year later, when I decided I missed my creative outlet. I obviously didn’t miss it that much, because after that one post, I only composed two others in the following year. And the next year, one more. In two years, I wrote four blog posts and two of them were about Britney Spears. I know, this is shocking information.
Then, in 2011, about six months after I got married, things started to get more interesting. Slightly. After all the hubbub of wedding planning was over and I settled in being married and working everyday like a normal adult, I found myself kinda bored and completely unsatisfied creatively. I got back into the swing of things, mainly commenting on reality stars and whatever was happening on Glee. It wasn’t until the end of the year that I finally started to write about anything that actually had to do with, well, me. And weirdly enough? Those first Christmas tree posts ended up being my most read ever. For some reason it seemed weird to me that anyone would be interesting in listening to me talk about myself or my life or the food that Steve cooks for me.
And that’s kind of where we’ve been going since then. I say we meaning me and those of you that for some reason choose to read this. There may not be many of you now, but I hope to continue to grow my readership beyond just the people that happen to click on my links via Facebook. Getting to know everyone through Boston Bloggers and attending the first Blog Better Boston conference were huge sources of inspiration for me. I love reading any and all comments, and lots of times there are only two of them, or none at all. But I like to respond to every one because I just want everyone to know how much it means to me that you took a moment to read something I wrote. I know I personally read like a hundred blogs on a daily basis and if I didn’t have to work or shower I would comment on all of them.
So nothing crazy to say here. I know a lot of you are expecting the 2012 Christmas tree story (which I promise is coming) or some other witty commentary on someone famous being ridiculous somewhere, but for now I just wanted to reflect on this. It only took me four years to get to one hundred, which I guess is kinda sad if you think about how many days that is, but it’s still a milestone.
But in case you need some reminding as to why you came here in the first place, take a look back at some of my personal favorite posts:

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cue the hallelujah chorus. for steve anyway. |
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is that not the face of man overwhelmed by sheer happiness? |
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wait, they sell food here too? |
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tiny boots |
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money can buy happiness. for $250. |
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joy. |
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this is the closest to us getting a picture together this whole time. |
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you haven’t really lived if you’ve never had a grilled goat cheese sandwich. |
Okay, I guess it’s called “antiquing.” Or as I know it “finding dirty old things that make me sneeze.”
I’m half kidding. I actually found some cool things. But everything was so dusty and I couldn’t breathe and again, we were there for a solid three hours. But more on that tomorrow.
Back to the Bean. After much deliberation, Steve finally picked out his perfect pair of boots:
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all mine, baby. |
These aren’t just any boots, though. These are the 100th Anniversary special edition Bean boot. You know they’re special because they have red soles. You know, just like Louboutins.
It was love at first sight.
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is this love that i’m feeling… |
And me? I met this bird. We developed a very special bond.

Remember a few weeks back how I said that Steve and I don’t have regular schedules, therefore rarely spend time together other than having dinner at 10:00 pm? We agreed it was high time to fix that and decided to go away for a weekend. Which for us, meant Sunday-Tuesday.
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if only. |
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signed by two presidents. fo real. |
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that thing on the right is from the front of an actual boat. also it probably has a real name. |
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steve said he wants this above our bed. like i can handle that after the ship wheel. |
But there was also a lot of reading. And wandering. I tried really hard be a historically supportive wife. I tried for every store I’ve ever dragged him to, for every Reese Witherspoon movie I made him take me to see in the theater. But after a while I sort of gave up on the exhibits and just started taking pictures of nautical elements that could someday be framed to compliment a certain couple’s bedroom. Or something.

Steve and I went apple picking yesterday. I know, thrilling stuff, right?
I haven’t gone apple picking in years. Mainly because I barely eat healthy food that I can buy from a grocery store, let alone having to traipse around outside and gather it for myself like some sort of early settler.
But it’s fall in New England, and this is just one of the things you’re supposed to do. Plus for the first time in weeks, we actually had a day off together. For all of you out there with normal schedules (or “real” jobs, as Steve calls them), it’s probably no big deal for you and your husband/life partner/cat to carve out some quality time to spend together. For us, it’s slightly more difficult due to our unconventional schedules, hence why we often eat dinner at 9:30 pm.
Mondays are our Sundays, in that we can usually swing being off together and doing errands and grocery type things. Correction: Steve goes to the grocery store on Monday and I sleep in until he comes home and so rudely wakes me. But this is also the day where we do couple things, like go to the gym together. Okay, so that’s not normal either. But I did go with him yesterday, which was a mistake because he made me do level four on the elliptical. LEVEL FOUR.
After this, the plan was to go apple picking at Steve’s beloved childhood farm Tougas in Northborough. And by that I mean he went there as a child, not that he used to live on a farm. Ew. But since this was our only day off together, we had to do other less fun grown up things too- like look at mattresses. Yep. Lindsay and Steve’s Apple Picking/Mattress Buying Day of Fun.
So we headed off to his beloved Tougas. I had obviously dressed for the occasion with the perfect ensemble for a crisp fall day. Or at least, what I thought was perfect.
Steve: What are you wearing?
Me: This is my apple picking outfit. Well, apple picking or if I was going to sit in a ski lodge. I would have to change the boots though.
Steve: Okay, you are inappropriately dressed for BOTH OF THOSE THINGS.
Me: What am I supposed to wear?
Steve: I don’t know… SNEAKERS?!
Me: Ick.
BTW, there was a slight pit stop on the way to the farm because we realized that my car was overdue for an inspection. Whoopsie. We all know what happened last time I let that one go. Apparently, I looked slightly out of place at the local body shop.
Steve: You look so inner city right now.
Me: Okay I really hope you mean “city.”
Steve: Whatever, you don’t belong here.
By this point it was almost three o’clock. But it didn’t matter! Because even if it killed us, we were going to pick those damn apples. As we drove up to the farm, with rows of apple trees lining the quaint New England windy roads, we envisioned all the amazing things we’d do with our foraging. Well, Steve envisioned and I crushed all of his dreams. He had to think outside the box because he already knew of my disdain for apple pie (I KNOW, I’m horrible, stop reminding me).
Steve: I could make apple crisp.
Me: Eh, I don’t really like soggy apples.
Steve: If you make it right, they’re not soggy.
Me: Okay, then I don’t like cooked apples. I don’t like chunks of cooked apples in things that are supposed to be dessert.
Steve: Well then, excuse my language, but you are just shit out of luck. Your mouth is not a fun place.
Me (the most offended I’ve ever been): WHAT?!
Steve: I’m sorry, but for the person you are, your taste buds are bland. You like plain cupcakes-
Me: Classic.
Steve: Plain. You like brownies, and that’s it. Oh wait, you like the worst frosting in the world- fondant. No one likes the taste of fondant. Your palate is BORING.
Of course, after that exchange, I was determined to be a fun person to do things with. I was going to frolic around that damn orchard with the best of them. I was going to look fabulous while picking apples that I was going to eat uncooked right off the core. It was going to be the best fall day he’s ever had in his twenty seven years on this earth.
Until we got to the farm and found out it was closed.
Yep. You know our Sunday? No matter what way you slice it, it’s still Monday. And they’re open Tuesday-Sunday.
It was soul-crushing.
We sulked a little while around their farmstand and ate our emotions in the form of homemade sandwiches and apple cider donuts. I took the opportunity to take pictures of at least some fall paraphernalia because I knew that by the time we had another day off together, there would probably be snow on the ground. Which could technically be October, but still.
Instead of crying in the parking lot or just stealing apples off of the closest trees to the road (both of which I considered in my inner emotional meltdown), Steve used the powers of technology and some website that he found that helps you find where you can pick things. I’m serious- this is how he found the Christmas tree farm. And we all know how that turned out.
The closest place was Honeypot Hill Orchards in Stow. So there we went. And it was glorious. Mainly because they let us in.
There’s two of us, so the obvious choice is…
But why let that spoil the fun?
Know what does spoil the fun? All the cautionary signage warning us about the dangers of careless apple picking.
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i could use a double alright. |
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hey look what I found. |
Actually I did pick something:
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a happy weirdo. |
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and we did. |

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mazel tov. |
Photos courtesy of Yahoo, USA Today, Style Blueprint, Gizmodo, IMDB, ABC News, Imgur, Nick Verreos’ blog. Don’t bother suing me, unless you accept payment in the currency of things that cost less than $10 from Forever 21.
Ugh, I’m sick.
Not like I have a cold sick. I get colds and coughs and general snottiness all the time (I know you just had to know all of that. You’re welcome).
If you asked me on Saturday night, I would have told you I was dying. Alright, I guess that’s a little overdramatic but I was in such pain that death seemed imminent. After going to the E.R. and whatever other doctor I could find (thank you Urgent Care, for taking in a dumb twenty seven year old young woman who STILL hasn’t found a primary care doctor in Massachusetts despite taking up residence here for the past three years), it’s pretty much a guarantee that I have a kidney infection. And it suuuuuuuucks. Not just because it sucks anytime you feel like a part of your body is failing on you (or in my case, rebelling because I’m not so good with the eating healthy/exercising), but because the pain I have felt in conjunction with this has like totally imobilized me.
I am now on day three of sitting on the couch/doing nothing and even I am bored with myself. Did you know that there’s only so much Bravo you can watch before you lose vital brain cells that prevent you from performing basic functions? Combine that with painkillers and you’re basically a useless blob. I always wish I had this many days off in a row, but that was to hopefully you know, accomplish something. The pain in my side has prevented me from putting away my laundry, blogging (!!!), painting my nails, washing my hair (I don’t want to talk about how long it has been) and performing any motions other than walking back and forth to my bedroom.
So needless to say, that’s why I’ve been sort of MIA. And not in a cool way like the rapper, as in like absent in the world. Especially blog world. Which really sucks, because now would be the perfect time to just get a whole bunch of crap done. But when you feel this horrible/are in a oxycodone haze, the last thing you can do is pull yourself together enough to compose a Friday’s Fancies, Olympic wrap up, or a montage of adorable photos from my first ever maternity shoot (taking the pictures, not being in them. After the discomfort I’ve been in I can tell you that having a baby is the LAST thing on my brain right now).
In short, this is what I can deduce from living the past three days as a vegetable:
1. I miss humans. Real ones, like other than the other sickly people in waiting rooms and every person on Bridezillas.
2. I don’t really care for Aylin (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you clearly didn’t just watch six episodes of The Glee Project IN A ROW).
3. Microwaveable heating pads are the greatest invention ever (can you believe in the old days they had to be plugged in?! psh).
4. It’s okay to abandon all of your fashion rules when you feel like crap (I went to the E.R. in socks and sandals- I KNOW) but you still have to brush your teeth.
5. Husbands are the best. Well I don’t know if all of them are, but mine certainly is. I knew this already, but it pretty much hit home when I woke up this morning and realized he labeled all my medications in black Sharpie because it’s really hard to tell them apart in a drug induced haze.
So that’s where I’ve been. I’m hoping after this round of antibiotics I’ll be back to my regular self. Because the version of myself that I have been for the past seventy two hours is someone that no one should want to be friends with. I’m thinking about breaking up with me.

How many times did you say that day you “wanted a hot dog real bad?” I’m going to guess no less than five for us.
Speaking of accessorizing, how bummed was I that the horrendous downpour prevented me from sporting so many of my planned outfits? Well I can tell you, not as bummed as the fact that Steve showed up in this:
Which quickly turned into this:

Did you miss me?
Okay, so I may have taken an accidental hiatus the past few weeks. I went on like three trips, which is three more than I’ve taken all year, let alone in three weeks. I say my hiatus was accidental because I brought my laptop to many of these places with me and didn’t crack it open once. Sorry, folks. I missed you though.
So needless to say, I have tons of recapping/updating/photo editing/unpacking (yes, still. I’m the worst) to do. Tomorrow is my first full day off without plans in a long while so I’m locking myself somewhere with WiFi hoping to get some things accomplished. And if I don’t… it means it was nice out and I went to the pool instead. My life is so hard.
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even steven (get it?!?!?!) has been begging me to blog again. or maybe he just wants me to leave him alone so he can watch olympics coverage in peace. |

I love presents. Yes, I said it. I know that people are supposed to be all humble and like “oh, I don’t need any earthly possessions. All the gifts I need are love and happiness and health and that’s all.” Yes, all those things are great and everyone should have them, but c’mon- getting presents is FUN. There, I said it.
I would also like to point out that I love to give presents as well. And buy fancy cards that my husband says we can’t afford. And gift-wrap like I had my own room in Candy Spelling’s house. So it’s definitely a two-way street. Presents are awesome and anyone who says otherwise is LYING.
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Thomas Paul Scrimshaw Plates |
I am obsessed with these plates for obvious reasons. Part of the reason that I want this set is because I am already the proud owner of the Moby Platter. I mentioned in a previous Mall Madness Monday post that Steve was in a tizzy over this plate because it was plastic. In fact, these are all plastic. However I think it’s the perfect casual set to use outdoors. Do I have an outdoor space? No. Of course not. But I’m thinking of the future/things I want immediately.
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Most Talkative by Andy Cohen |
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This Means War on DVD |
I don’t care what the critics say, Steve and I saw this in the theater and I loved it. Then again, I’m slightly biased because Reese Witherspoon is my favorite actress of.all.time. I have almost every single one of her movies on DVD (and some on VHS!) so I need this to round out my collection.
I only discovered The Bloggess a few months ago, but apparently Jenny Lawson has been at this for years. Around the time I started reading was when she announced her first book was coming out. Obviously I’m all for supporting my favorite bloggers in any capacity, and releasing an actual book is like a huge deal. Plus she’s just super funny and I can’t wait to read this.
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Perfect Skinny Glitter belt in Gold by Ann Taylor |
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Touch Cut Away Tank via Roster |
So this tank has been available forever in Roster, but only the Sox version. I am always on the hunt for more girly Bruins things to wear (not a pink hat, but do jerseys have to be so boxy?) and it wasn’t until April that I finally saw this version pop up. Probably because I had been personally begging Alyssa Milano to show us a little love. Well maybe it’s more cause the B’s finally took home the cup. Anyway, this one has to go on the birthday list because I could never spend $60 on a tank top for myself. Well I could, but not even a Bruins logo would convince Steve that that was a worthwhile purchase.
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Initial Signet Ring by Jennifer Zeuner |
I have a love/hate relationship with Lauren Conrad, because I am bitterly jealous of all of her success but I love everything she wears. When I saw her sporting one of these monogrammed signet rings I was all like “ahhhh omg I have to have it.” I like that it’s old school (Prince William wears one instead of a wedding ring!) but I would rock it on my middle finger a la LC and not on the pinky like the leader of an Italian mob family. I would be happy with either and “L” or my full on initials, but again, minorly obsessed with gold at the moment. Also it could really be from anywhere, because this one is almost $200. Maybe if I had LC money this would fly, but I mean, I could get like twenty dresses on clearance for that at Forever 21.
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Top of the Rock by Warren Littlefield |
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Cards Against Humanity via Amazon |
If you’ve never played this game before, you probably have never had real actual fun in your life. Also you’re probably a good person. This game is for bad people who know they’re going to hell and might as well have fun before their handbasket arrives. It is basically a super-offensive version of my favorite game, Apples to Apples. Make sure to play in a judge-free zone. I tried it once with friends and I absolutely need my own.
Of course I am in no way implying that I am expecting to receive all of these things or that I need them all. This is just a momentary fantasy in which I’m indulging myself via a birthday wish list. I promise to be less selfish tomorrow.

So I’m sure that all you savvy readers noticed that in my Mall Madness Monday post last week, I may have mentioned that I purchased a bicycle. And I know that you have been salivating as you hover over your computer, waiting for details as to how I came to such an important decision.
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ta da! cute helmet definitely not included. |
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air steven |
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priorities |
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apparently, audrey hepburn is the only one that can get away with capris on a bike. |
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watch out |
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cranberry walnut chicken salad. apparently “small” is also code for “the size of your head” |
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tortellini salad. lunch of champions & cruisers alike |