Category Archives: … at Not So Everyday Things

I was in Boston on Saturday for a last minute opportunity to do something as a result of my blog that now I can only look back on as a memory of as an ordinary day spent taking pictures on the Common and the Public Gardens with the city in the background. I was so excited to be a part of it, and now I fear I won’t be able to look back at the photos and not remember is as an eve to a somewhat loss of innocence. I hope someday I can share the pictures with you to celebrate a tiny ion of accomplishment for this blog that I love so much with respect for what happened only days later.
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peace. |

I have a routine when it comes to music. It’s not intentional, but every time I fall into a similar pattern with my song preferences.
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this is how excited i am about awesome new songs. |
Ever since I discovered the awesomeness that is Spotify, I do this:
1. Hear a song on the radio, TV, someone humming it, whatever. Obsess over what song it is.
2. Use every method of research possible to determine said song. Otherwise known as Google.
3. Find song. Feel the glory of victory.
4. Add song to “new” list on Spotify. Wonder why, after however many months on this thing, I still have only two playlists.
5. Stop thinking about #4. Song is so amazing, forget everything that exists.
6. Listen to whatever the three newest songs are on over and over again. Take longer doing everything because I keep clicking back on the first song.
7. Get sick of an occasional song here and there. Instead of removing it from the playlist, move it to spot further back as to not contaminate cool new songs with old boring song. BOO BORING SONG.
8. Repeat 1-7 a few thousand times.
9. Scroll through mile long playlist and discover omg all those songs I used to be obsessed with! Play them again for nostalgia.
10. Feel bad for songs I discarded. Immediately pay for them on iTunes so I can redeem myself and listen to them forever.
I mean, that is just not normal. I can see what other people are doing on Spotify (it’s one of those amazing Internet tools that allows you to stalk mercilessly without punishment by law) and it doesn’t appear anyone else has listened to the same songs forty seven times in a twenty four hour period. I can’t explain it, but it’s what I do.
I listen to music constantly. In the morning when I wake up and I’m getting ready, driving in my car, working out once every three months. I barely ever listen to the radio anymore because people I hate morning talk and commercials are the bane of my existence. I’ve used some form of iTunes/Pandora/Spotify/Sattelite radio for the past four years or so, and as you can see by my previously mapped out erratic behavior, it’s an obsession.
These are the current tracks that have my brain (and my playlist) spinning:
“Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton
I don’t know if I can even count how many times I have played this song since I first heard it when the guys were guests on SNL. Like I am so obsessed with this song I don’t know if I can even put it into words. Like so many others, I was lured in by the catchiness of “Thrift Shop,” but I have secretly wondered whether or not I actually like it. I really hope that things work out for them, because after seeing them perform and then downloading half of their album, I can see they are so much more than a one-hit wonder. I just heard this song in a new Windows commercial the other day too, so hopefully it’ll catch on. If you’re not a bigot, you should download “Same Love” and revel in the fact that this could be a refreshing change in hip hop that will hopefully catch on.
“Carry On” by fun.
I may have mentioned before that I caught this video on TV one day and started sobbing. I enjoy fun., but even their best songs have become a little repetitive once you’ve heard them 27,000 times. I thought “Some Nights” would be my jam 4-eva and then Kiss 108 murdered it into the ground. I am not yet sick of “Carry On,” so for now, this one has a pretty secure spot on my list. Plus I live on an island now that only gets about four radio stations, so I am totally in control of my musical future.
“Anything Could Happen” by Ellie Goulding
So probably the only good thing that came out of The X Factor (besides this) was that I discovered this song because that girl group called 5th Harmony that ironically, could not harmonize, sang this every chance they got. Once I got around to hearing the real version, I was like, this song is super annoying. But I kept it on my list and the more I heard it, the more it started to grow on me. I will admit, some of the lyrics I just don’t understand, but Ellie Goulding is just like a cute little water nymph and this song perfectly compliments her unique sounding voice, that I can only describe as one of the pre-pubescent kids from Oliver! that smokes a pack a day.
“Hold On” by Alabama Shakes
Okay, I’m not going to lie. The first time I saw this band was at the Grammys, and all I could think is, “why is that girl dressed so bad?” She looked like an extra from O Brother, Where Art Thou? Then I saw them on SNL, and thought the exact same thing. But I also had a much better opportunity to listen to the band and I realized how well this chick can sing. I don’t even know if I would call it singing, perhaps it’s more like growling. Whatever it is, she has amazing stage presence and totally reminds me of Janis Joplin, but in a way that I actually like her.
“My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)” by Fallout Boy
I am super excited FOB is coming out with new material. I don’t care what people say about them, I will always have a soft spot for them since From Under the Cork Tree was basically the soundtrack to my junior year of college. This is kind of a different sound for them (but with a hint of 80’s metal flair?), but the lyrics seem very true to how I remember them. It took me a little while to get into, as it’s definitely a little more rock than I normally listen to, but it’s a good “kick in doors song,” as Steve would say. Unfortunately, they started using this track in the ads for Revolution, which is totally appropriate but no less irritating.
“Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
I admit, a lot of the songs that come on my radar are from really short snippets that I’ll hear in an ad or in the background of a really sad scene on Grey’s Anatomy. This one was totally off the trailer for that new movie The Host, which I have absolutely no interest in but I was like holy crap what is that song I love it what is it called how do I find it?! After searching to no avail, I started clicking on random songs in the Top Lists section of Spotify, and there it was- at the number two spot! Anyway, it’s really good, but also maybe another one you have to be in the right mindset to listen to.
“Next to Me” by Emeli Sande
The only thing I know about this chick is that she’s British and I love this song. I mean, that’s enough, right? As much as I love a good bitter revenge song, I like that this song is about a guy that is just a good guy.It’s kind of refreshing. Plus this song and her voice is so soulful, you kind of get chills because you can just tell how awesome she is. I hope she has other songs that make it out there because I have a feeling she is kind of amazing.
“With Ur Love” by Cher Lloyd
Cher Lloyd is like a Spice Girl mated with a Jack Russell terrier. She’s like sort of annoying but also okay in small doses. I don’t know why I like this song but I do. I don’t have anything else to say about it. It’s just fun.
So that’s it, momentarily. Well, that and about ninety five Glee tracks.
I guess it’s finally time to divulge the worst kept secret ever. And no, I’m not pregnant, so please stop asking.
I start a new job on Monday. After over a year of searching, trying to decide what the next step would be, going on interviews for positions that never came to fruition, and having multiple quarter life crisis moments, I am now going to be working a job that is actually in the field in which I studied in college and GASP- are actually passionate about.
I should probably also mention that I’m moving to an island. Yep, so there’s that too.
It wasn’t so much a secret, it was more that I was trying to tell everyone in my life my news before broadcasting it on the Internet, which I know is weird, because I basically live my life via various social media outlets. And even now, I know I still haven’t individually spoken to everyone that I wanted to. Since finishing up my last day at my previous job yesterday, the outpouring of well wishes on Facebook finally gave way to the fact that a change was a coming for me. Also I have been told by multiple people that I never made an official statement via blog, so I figured this would be as good a time as any.
I have spent the last four and a half years working in a high end children’s retail store. When I started, it was my first “real” job out of college. While I always had dreams of writing, after almost a year of searching and not getting anywhere (this was 2007-2008, so it wasn’t like any newspapers or magazines were beating down my door or anything), I was discouraged, living at home, working another season at my summer job and felt the strain of looming college loan bills approaching. I had never thought about working in retail after doing some part time stints in high school and college, and certainly didn’t consider that as one of my aspirations (as I discovered that most people that end up working in retail never did either) until a friend had told me about a new store opening that as a child I had been a fan of myself. I let myself be excited for any opportunity to in which someone wanted to hire me, with benefits, and I justified taking the position, assuring myself that I was working the events side of it, and not just straight retail.
Cut to four and a half years later, and I’m still there. In my first few years there, everything was an adventure. Opening a store of that magnitude was really exciting to me, and practically everyone working there was nice and friendly and some of us became very close, people that I consider great friends of mine now, people that I would want to hang out with socially as well. But when I started, I was twenty two. At the time it didn’t seem like a big deal to work every weekend, every holiday, to stand all day and serve people, some who were pleasant and many who weren’t. As far as retail goes, it was a great gig and definitely not your average “mall” job. I found that as I got older, I felt more tired at the end of the day, more frustrated that I couldn’t spend time with my friends and family that didn’t understand why I couldn’t do something on a Saturday without at least six weeks notice, and just overall burnt out on dealing with consumers and their rainbow of emotions on any given day. I had worked in service based industries my entire life- from photographing weddings with my dad starting at age ten, to babysitting, to hostessing at a restaurant, to working at an ice cream shop to event planning. I understood that the customer was always right. But after a while, I was exhausted, and I found myself no longer being excited to come to work everyday, and I just started to wonder if it was worth it at age twenty seven to already have that chip on your shoulder, to be unhappy in the place where you spent the majority of your time.
The only thing that got me through some of the times where I felt awful (besides the fact that I always felt I should be happy I even had a job) were the amazing people that I had come to know as my friends, but who were actually my coworkers. It’s certain people that probably made me want to stay there as long as I did, and it’s those same people that made it so hard to leave. Upon being offered my new job, I grappled for days with my husband about whether or not it would be the right decision to take it. There were some days where I was totally gun ho and others where I cried to him in our kitchen, not knowing if I was going to ruin our lives or not. In the end, we both decided that I would regret it if I didn’t take the chance on doing a job that I could actually love just because I was afraid to change, to step outside my comfort zone, to move out of the first home we had together, to live thirty miles away from the continental U.S.
By nature, I am not so much a risk taker. I was not a rebellious child. I never felt tempted by doing anything that I wasn’t supposed to. I’ve always internalized every decision, going over things a million times in my head and listening to my conscience of whether or not I should do something. The last time I ever felt torn between two decisions was when I decided to transfer out of the first college I went to to attend a bigger school closer to home. I remember being unhappy with the direction my education was taking, but not wanting to leave all the friends I had made. I remember the panic of having to tell them that I was leaving, and then feeling such relief when it was over and they all supported my decision. I was always afraid that I would make the wrong decision and somehow derail what could have been the life plan that I was supposed to take. At nineteen, deciding to leave Cazenovia and go to Plymouth State was the hardest thing I had ever had to consider, and it ended up being the best. Had it not been for me following my gut, I would have never met Steve on my first day on campus at PSU. I never would have become an editor for The Clock, which led to my writing celebrity gossip column, which led me to blogging, which led me to meeting other amazing Internet friends, and has now led me to a new career combining many of my interests into one position.
I’ve never been much for religion. I don’t really believe that there is one plan that is set for you for your entire life, being controlled by God, baby Jesus, Allah or whoever else you pray to. You are in control of what happens to you, and only you can decide what you think the right path is for yourself. And sure, sometimes you’re going to make the wrong decisions. I feel like that’s just part of it. But if you don’t even try, then what’s the point?
So that’s what I’m doing. I am trying. I am making multiple decisions in a very short time span. I ended my job yesterday. I start my new job as a Communications Coordinator on Monday. I am packing up only my necessities to move to the island on Sunday. That leaves me today to pack everything. And of course, I’m blogging right now instead of packing because it’s the first moment I’ve had in weeks to be able to collect my thoughts about what is going on in my life right now.
Saying goodbye yesterday was really hard. I intentionally wore no eye makeup because I knew it wouldn’t make it through the day still in tact. The outpouring of cake and gifts and cards and well wishes from all my coworkers was astonishing. When you’re unhappy, it’s so easy to focus on the negative and doubt your abilities and think that what you do doesn’t matter. If I ever had any doubts, those people assured me that I had made a difference being there- what better compliment is there than that? I cried not because I was sad to be leaving- I had been trying for a very long time to enter a new career field, and am grateful to have a new job and excited to start- but because it was so hard to imagine not seeing the people that I had come to really like. I cried half the car ride home. Then I felt relieved that it was over, because I had been dreading saying goodbye ever since I thought about leaving someday. Then I woke up today and cried again after seeing this music video on TV:
Because sometimes, a song will perfectly describe the way you are feeling in a way that you just can’t.
So that’s where we’re at. I’m sorry I can’t think of anything humorous to say, and there’s no appropriate way to work in a Kardashian reference. Hopefully now that I’ll have a more regular work schedule (and will be spending a little bit more time alone before Steve is able to join me on the island) I will finally be able to focus the attention that I’ve always wanted to on this blog. Thank you to everyone for your support, and hopefully there are many more good things to come for us in the future.
Until then, carry on, carry on.

If you’ve never heard of Style Me Pretty, you are either a.) not married or engaged b.) a boy. SMP is the ultimate wedding blog, as in you will need to set aside a good three hours if it’s your first visit. They only feature the most lovely, detail oriented and unique weddings, which is why I was so excited to be able to attend the soiree celebrating their first (I say first because I pray there will be more) book with Liz!
We arrived at Grettacole as the first bottles of bubbly were popped. Saying we were early is an understatement- we were literally the first people there, which pretty much never happens to me, as I am perpetually ten minutes late for life. I do like to be able to capture the details before the crowds arrive, so I snapped some pics while we were waiting for the fun to begin.
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the cookies & cream will change your life. |
If you’re wondering, those are cake truffles. They look like cereal but they taste like the holy grail of desserts. Liz and I may have each eaten more than one. Thank you Delicious Desserts for creating a new obsession.
After some mingling, SMP creator Abby Larson took the stage- or I guess chair- and did a reading from her hot off the presses book. Afterward, she was nice enough to open up the floor and answer whatever questions the masses had.
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note the immersed iphoners in the background. including me in pink, obv. |
I always knew I loved weddings (especially given my roots as a photographer’s daughter and an internship with an event planner) but Abby’s words of wisdom would inspire anyone, regardless of their affinity for planning out of the box nuptials. As someone who is in a bit of a quarter life crisis, I found myself most moved by her tales of how she started with a simple idea and turned it into not only a business, but her dream job as well. When she spoke about her pre-SMP days, I found myself thinking “omg! I’m going through the exact same thing!” But the difference is, Abby actually got off her butt and did something about it.
To see for yourself, see how Abby so thoughtfully answered one audience member’s question so thoughtfully:
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um, can we be wedding/real housewives besties? okay thanks. |
On our way out, Liz and I grabbed our brand new autographed copies of the SMP book.
So apparently it’s January. It’s probably not the time for any Christmas related post, but that’s the thing about the holidays. You have all these intentions of lovely things you’re going to do and then you wake up one day and it’s 2013. I literally just got all my decorations up like four days before Christmas. According to the Internet, I was supposed to have had everything done December 1st and also have it photographed, Pinned, blogged and Instagrammed. Not only that, but I clearly failed in my attempt at daily posts of the cards of Christmas past. On the bright side, that leaves plenty for next year. Maybe if I start now you’ll actually see them by December.
So I have a slew of holiday merriment to catch up on. Let’s start with some sweet Christmas presents, shall we? As I’ve said before, I do actually love giving gifts to people and wrapping them as well. But it makes me a little crazy that people don’t like to admit how awesome it is to get presents too. Admit it- presents rock! And as long as you’re nice and pay it forward too then you’re totally okay.
Every year I make a very detailed list of things that I would be happy (but am in no way expecting) to find under my tree. I started when I was a teenager cutting pictures of the things I wanted out of magazine, because as we learned from The Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff, sometimes parents just don’t understand… what these things are that you want. Of course the Internet has made it way easier to put together a compilation list so it has continued.
In case you’re wondering what this year’s looked like, this is the list that I provided (but only when asked. I’m not a total brat).
I like to choose things that are a range of prices and some things that have to be ordered online vs. things that a technologically-inept person (sorry, Mom) could get in their car and drive to a store and buy.
And then of course, there’s my husband. Steve prides himself on not buying me ANYTHING off my list. His theory is that he’s so amazing (which is kinda true) and listens carefully to me all year when I say I want things that he buys me long after I’ve forgotten about them. Then on Christmas morning I’m like, “oh my God I wanted this!” and he sits there all proud and is like, “I know.”
This year was no exception. Starting with stocking stuffers. I am the worst at stocking stuffers. I always forget about them until the last minute and then I buy stupid things in a panic that I won’t have anything. And just because something fits in a stocking doesn’t mean it’s cheap, so I often spend too much of my allotted budget on dumb things that just happen to be tiny. Like everything else, Steve is great at picking out small things that I actually need, so if gift giving is a game, he’s the clear winner on this one.
This next one wasn’t so much a surprise because I made Steve promise on our not yet conceived first born child that he would take me to see Les Mis or I would return all of his presents. But he’s always one for presentation. This isn’t even the first time he’s given me a decorated envelope.
I always ask for a mix of books and DVD’s because I rarely buy them for myself (you know, for fear of exoneration from Count Pennypincher). My struggle is always remembering what I had been wanting to see/read that year. I can’t wait to read all of my new books! You know, in my spare time.
Steve refuses to buy me nail polish because he thinks I have a “problem” and doesn’t want to feed my “addiction.” Luckily I have a sister and a sister-in-law who understand what I’m going through.
Steve always shows how much he truly cares by braving Forever 21 during the Christmas season. Whatta guy. He’s also the Jewelry Whisperer of the Kate Spade outlet.
Speaking of outlets, Steve also scored pretty big at my other favorite, J.Crew. Because now that we’re married, we like to brag to each other how little we pay for each other’s gifts. If you ask me, that’s what true love is really about. Without a bargain hunting husband, there is no way I would ever have acquired my Edie bag:
And not one, but two schoolboy blazers:
Wondering how I got these amazing photos of myself? I got a tripod!
Now I don’t have to beg Steve to take my outfit photos at 10:00 pm when he gets home after I’ve been alone with my clothes all day. And um for work and stuff too when I photograph things. Obviously I did not get Photoshop, as you can tell by all the hideous things that are happening on my face. Maybe next year.
Back to outlet shopping. If the Kate Spade outlet didn’t exist… well I just wouldn’t own anything from Kate Spade.
I’m aware that everything I own is pink. I have to try to obtain as much of it as possible before I turn 30 and I look ridiculous.
Speaking of that…
I swear it’s just not Christmas morning without new pajamas. Yes, I have the same set in flannel as exhibited above (gift from last Christmas) but I think there’s something to be said for wearing a matching set to bed. I like to feel fancy even when I am not awake.
It’s not just pink things I coveted this year. I was finally able to quench my thirst for all things leopard as well.
Before you judge, these are both from Target. Target! I know, I can’t believe it either.
Also from Target:
I’ve been slowly building my fancy Christmas “china” (I use that term loosely because I don’t know if Target actually carries anything resembling china). I have all the necessary pieces, but then of course this year, they came out with… mugs. Obviously the set could not be complete with mugs. I think I’m done now.
Obviously, I’m also obsessed with this planner I got. I’m thinking about going back to paper vs. technology as far as keeping track of dates and things. I’m going to use woodsy colored pencils to do it, you know, just like the pioneers.
And my “big” gifts. C’mon, you know what I’m talking about. The one that gets saved for last, maybe sometimes is hidden and brought out only after you thought all the presents were over:
This first one is from my parents. Ladies and gentlemen, if this doesn’t help me, I am out of ideas. My skin is worse now than it was when I was a teenager. I have heard nothing but amazing things about the Clarisonic Mia and surprise! It comes in pink. Together we can take on the world. Hopefully.
And of course, from my husband, who heard me mention once that I thought these were cool and tracked down one from the 1950s that happened to be in perfect condition:
So in my obsession with all things vintage and hats, I had said previously that I wanted a real hat box. Cause you know, traveling with said hats had become a problem. According to my historical husband, this is technically a “train case.” But it’s amazing. It’s an original Samsonite and it’s leather and there isn’t a scratch on it. It’s also super heavy so that will actually keep the packing to a minimum. I guess some old guy in Virginia had it just hanging out in his attic. And now my old guy has it hanging out in our apartment.
So all kidding inside, it was an awesome Christmas and I am a very very lucky girl. I don’t know what I did to deserve such nice people in my life, but I’m wondering if they’re just tired of me complaining about not being able to buy anything and wanted me to shut up. Either way, I’m appreciative nonetheless.

For most families, the fact that the kids start to grow up becomes an obstacle in creating the perfect Christmas card. But not for us. Oh no. Getting older meant it was not just about cute little dresses and poses. This is where we really started to get creative. And by creative, I mean really really embarrassing.
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1997 |
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1998 |
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1999 |
I can’t pretend that there is any sort of blanket statement that would explain this next round of photos. The first three posts were all like, “look at these cute children in pajamas/Christmas dresses. Aren’t they darling?” These next three in comparison don’t even seem like they’re from the same family. Of course there are some Scalera family Christmas card trademarks – pajamas, winter clothes, the fake Christmas fireplace backdrop. Some of the concepts are vague in purpose and one is just downright “inappropriate” (Grandma’s words, not mine). See for yourselves.
Card #10 – 1994
I guess if I had to classify a theme for this one it’s “Stuff We Like That Totally Dates This Photo.” For Becky, The Lion King was her ultimate obsession. How she went from being afraid of the preview to watching it everyday on VHS when she came home from preschool, I have no idea. Her world was consumed- everything from her bedroom to her clothes, covered in singing African animals. She was physically in love with the character of Timon, despite the fact that she was freaked out by his stuffed animal version’s “elbow hair” and made my mom trim it. For me, it was all about Kirsten Larson. But you probably knew that. Unfortunately my love for her did not translate to properly caring for her hair, and by this point her traditional Swedish loop braids were history, never to be the same. I love how this picture says, “oh hello there. You just happened to stumble upon us waking up on Christmas morning as we come down the stairs and get a first glance at our glorious gifts.” But since people were opening this card in early December, I imagine they were confused. Was this a card from the future? No one will ever know…
Card #11 – 1995
I’m going to be honest, I don’t even remember why we did this. It’s a miracle that there’s snow in this picture, but again, it’s New England so this could have been Halloween. I vaguely remember that someone my parents knew had painted these and used them as lawn ornaments at Christmastime. I have no idea who these people were or where they lived. I just remember being ushered into the car all bundled up and being told that “today was the day” we were going to take our photo. So go stand in a stranger’s lawn and let’s get this wrapped up before someone comes. Okay, I’m sure we actually had permission. I still think something is weird about this though. Can we also notice that my sister has now inherited my jacket and the plaid purple pantsuit pants?! Some things just refuse to die.
Card #12 – 1996
My apologies for what you have just seen. In case you’re not sure and you don’t believe it, yes, that’s a photo of a sixth and second grader in their bikinis. I may have mentioned before that my dad has a slight obsession with Jimmy Buffet. The concept for this one was the whole “Island Christmas” vibe, which was ironic, because again, we lived in NEW HAMPSHIRE. And it’s not like we took this on the beach in the summer. Oh no, this was the first time I remember the Christmas card becoming a full scale photo shoot. 1996 was the year we had to start setting it up in the garage and running a space heater because it was so freaking cold. Especially when you’re in your BATHING SUITS. I’m going to spare you the other photos, but let’s just say Doreen was quite the propmaster that day. There were lawn chairs, fake presents, and margaritas (virgin, of course). I believe the tagline read “Wishing You a Cool Yule.” I think that all those things could be fine, but what really takes this photo from silly Christmas card to exhibit A at future therapy are the poses. I think my sister would holla for a dolla way before Honey Boo Boo was even a twinkle in Sugar Bear’s eye. My grandmother was so offended by this card she sent it back. Unfortunately for you, that’s not an option. Thanks, Internet.
I swear, the next installment will be less emotionally scarring. For you, at least. I can’t say the same for myself.
And we’re back. And it’s the 90’s! Can you think of anything more fun and tacky than Christmas in the 90’s? If you’re wondering why I am exposing an embarrassing yearly tradition featuring my family, you can catch up here and here. But let’s get to the good stuff.
Card #7 – 1991
Moving on up! That’s right folks- no more photo shoots on rocking chairs in the living room in front a curtain. This was the year we finally moved out of our tiny two-bedroom condo and into our own house. Though you probably couldn’t see it due to my mother’s hair obstructing the view. Another thing you may not be able to see are our festive Christmas sweatshirts with cross-stitched moose wearing wreaths. If that doesn’t scream New Hampshire, I don’t know what does. This was also the first (and last) card photo featuring my beloved cat Tiger (RIP!) who like my sister, was not to keen on being forced to be in the picture. She lucked out, because unlike the cat, we did not put her on a leash when attempting this. Despite the new house, sweatshirts, Santa hat, children and cat, we needed just one more prop, and that’s where the inflatable candy cane came in. Why we even had an inflatable candy cane is beyond me, but it obviously completed the photo.
Card #8 – 1992
I told you- you can’t escape the Christmas background! That’s not the only hand me down in this picture, as my sister is wearing the same dress I sported in Card #4. Always a bridesmaid, those younger siblings. Not only did I get a new dress, I am also rocking a sweet oversized satin bow and I obviously got my hands on makeup for the first time. I don’t know why someone wouldn’t have stopped a second grader from smearing blue eyeshadow halfway up her face, but hey, it takes some of us years to grow into our fabulousness. And let’s face it, the saggy nylons are certainly not speeding up the process.
Card #9 – 1993
Oh, man. Where do I even start? Now you have to love my mother for dreaming up a card concept in September, but it would have been nice to have at least one of these pictures with snow in it. Instead we were forced to sweat in our winter attire and pretend that Christmas was just around the corner. And I’m all for warmth, especially growing up in New England, but I don’t see why puffer jackets ever had to look like this. C’mon, my sister looks like a miniature body builder and I look like that chubby purple girl in that children’s movie I still haven’t seen. Also, can we talk about my pants? Steve and I certainly did.
Me: These are the ugliest pants in the history of the world. I don’t think a worse pair of pants have ever existed.
Steve: Um, I believe you tried to buy those exact pants at J.Crew last week, and I told you they were hideous. So who are you trying to fool?
Up next- the unintentionally offensive Christmas card.
I’m sure that after the first Christmas card post yesterday you have been left with so many lingering questions. Like… would little Lindsay ever grow up and wear anything other than pajamas? Did her parents ever buy her new socks? I can’t promise answers to those questions in the this round. But I can promise… even more awkward photos. So let’s continue.
Card #4 – 1988
Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially a grown up. I started wearing tights and appropriate footwear. This look to me says, “pajamas are so beneath a three and a half year old. Velour is where it’s at.” I had clearly had enough of standing on that death trap, and since I had been an only child for so long, I took to just sitting on my rocking chair like the royalty I was, primed to receive the commoners when they came a calling. Also this is when I think my mullet really started to take place. Probably because I highlighted it with headbands. Okay, so maybe it’s not really a mullet, but it’s definitely mullet adjacent. Poor girl. She has no idea this is her last year as the star of the Christmas card. Life would never be the same.
Card #5 – 1989
As you will see later, this is the first appearance of many by the Christmas background. Oh I’m sorry- did I ruin the magic? Were you thinking that we were just hanging out in front of an actual fireplace and perfectly placed holiday garland? Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is all a lie. Except for my bangs. Those are horrifyingly real. Also have you ever seen a more uncomfortable infant? I had to hold onto her like that to keep her sleeves from catching a light breeze and carrying her away.
Card #6 – 1990
What did I tell you about that background?! Also please note the matching pinafore dresses made by our grandmother- I believe those collars featured some very festive holiday geese traipsing around. I don’t understand how amongst all that Christmas cheer my sister could dare to sport a look that says, “I’ve been kidnapped. Send help.” Who wouldn’t want to be a part of this?!
Up next: The 90’s called, and they want all of their hair and clothes back. See you tomorrow!
The holiday season is all about traditions. For some people, it’s baking cookies made from your grandmother’s family recipe. For others, it’s watching classics like White Christmas and Miracle on 34th street, snuggled under a flannel blanket with a steaming cup of cocoa. And for some, it’s spending an exorbitant amount of time cutting down a Christmas tree that will never, not even in a million years, ever be appropriate for your 700 sq. foot apartment. Oh wait, is that just me?
In my family, we have our own Christmas tradition that has taken place every year for over twenty five years. The Scalera’s don’t claim to be good at many things (unless you count being awesome at trivia games and making school projects mere hours before they are due), but there is one thing that every year, pulls us all together for a common cause.
The. Family. Christmas. Card.
Did you think I was going to say something charitable? Pssssh! Forget the poor and the downtrodden, there are almost a hundred families out there waiting for our Christmas card! Priorities, people! But seriously, Christmas cards are a big effing deal at my house. It started the year my parents got engaged, with a lovely sit down photo featuring a them and their cats. I know, nothing crazy, right? Except we have continued that tradition every year, making this year twenty nine I believe.
Back in the day, the card was just a nice photo that was a picture of me, then my sister and I and occasionally my parents would make an appearance. But over the years, this card has turned into an all-consuming thing that my mom starts preparing for in August. I swear, if we were more together she would have a story board and conference calls devoted to planning that year’s theme. Now it’s a mad dash that can only be coordinated if the four of us happen to be together at some point in November to agree on the theme and plan the execution of the photos. There is always a photo. If you ever get a store bought card from Doreen with an illustrated picture of a tree or something, call the police. She’s been abducted.
So in honor of Christmas being just about a week away, I wanted to share our years of holiday spirit with you and yours. Some of you reading may have received a few of these over the years, and to you I say, you’re welcome. Every day I will be revealing another group of these beauties on the blog, leading up to this year’s card. If you need help containing your excitement, well then… there’s something wrong with you.
Disclaimer: Some of these I am missing the actual card. I know, but you try keeping track of almost thirty years of Christmas joy in paper form. Some of these are just photos, and while a part of me slightly regrets not knowing what the witty accompanying message was, I think these pictures say enough.
Card #1 – 1985
So to be fair, this technically isn’t Card #1 for the Scalera’s. I know, this whole thing is now a sham. As I said before, the first was my parent’s engagement photo. Card #2 was their wedding picture. I chose to start with this adorable photo because this is when the card finally gets interesting. Because it’s MEEEEEEEEEE! That’s right. You have a baby and suddenly you’re not even on your card anymore. Because who can resist a baby in a Christmas dress on a Hunter green felt backdrop? Note the date in the corner- this picture was taken in October. Despite being a new mother, Doreen was still I’m not sure why I look so surprised, but I’m guessing it’s because I just realized what I was in for… for the rest of my life.
Card #2 – 1986
Is it just me, or should my parents have bought me a new pair of socks by now? Also I love how the danger of having a one and a half year old standing on a rocking chair is being overlooked for the sake of a quality Christmas card photo. I mean, it’s not like I’m Lily on Modern Family in a Diana Ross wig, but imagine if I had hurt myself? I’m sure no one at the local emergency room would have believed my parents when they told them it was an “accident” during a “Christmas card photo shoot.” But as we have learned, my parents will not be stopped when it comes to taking adorable holiday photos.
Card #3 – 1987
Okay, I swear I didn’t spend my entire childhood in pajamas. Although, it certainly would explain a lot now. Once again, I want to say that I’m standing on a chair. Also I have finally grown out of those Christmas socks and have moved on to Hush Puppies slippers. I think this is probably when my parents started thinking about having another kid because clearly, they were running out of ideas for a single child.
Look for the next round of pics tomorrow. Two children= double the options for photo ideas.