Category Archives: … at Celebrity Scandal

The Hills Aren’t Alive… Anymore

Written by Lindsay Scouras

Okay, I admit it. I’ve totally been suckered into this Retro MTV morning programming and I just cannot seem to stop myself from watching/DVR’ing every episode of my former favorite reality programs. Last week was bad enough with Laguna Beach, and then The Hills went and started today. I get that MTV is probably gearing these daily three hour blocks towards high school/college kids who are actually too young to have seen it the first time. Also they probably have the summer off and are working twelve hours a week, so there is an infinite amount of spare time to spend on what my mom would call “mindless crap.” But there was a small part of me that was kind of excited to relive a part of my youth. All this Retro talk is making me feel like I can refer to myself as an old person, as I was all of nineteen when I started watching LB in my dorm room at Cazenovia College. There’s nothing like living in a snowy village in upstate New York that makes you infatuated with a bunch of spoiled teenagers living in California. 

However this time around I am watching in a totally different light. And by that I mean this show really sucks. No, I take that back. The show doesn’t suck. They were most likely doing the best they could with what little substance that was radiating out of their main “characters” stimulation conversations. The people on this show suck. There, I said it.

I was sort of okay with LB because the whole time I just kept saying to myself, “these people are seventeen. Who wasn’t a big fat idiot when they were in high school?” But The Hills is a whole other ball game. Mainly because these people are nineteen years old. Part of the premise is them living on their own/growing up/going to school/working their “dream jobs.” They are living lives that people in their thirties are still trying to achieve who are actually working for it. Also, they are just so stupid. SO STUPID. Even Lauren, who must actually be smart to come out of this whole thing as successful as she has, just had so many moments where you wanted to jump through the TV and shake her thick black headband right off her head.

careful, lauren. that’s how sex tapes get made.

Maybe it’s because I am apparently an old fart now (thanks, MTV), or just the fact that I’ve been in I guess what you would call the “real world” for a few years that I finally see how ludicrous it was that we were watching these people and thinking they were so glamorous and cool. In no specific order, here are some of the things that specifically got on my nerves as a worldly adult and not the naive college student I once was*:

1. Lauren and Heidi go to school. Heidi misses her entire first day because she “can’t find it.” Instead of asking someone where “it” is, she remains in her lawn chair and plays solitaire. Only someone who will never understand what a bitch it is to pay back school loans would give up so easily.
2. Heidi and Lauren go to the nightclub LAX, where Heidi meets Brent Bolthouse, who offers to interview her for his company. They were definitely both nineteen at the start of this show, so how did they get in? Also, other than Abercrombie and Fitch, what companies do their recruiting of underage girls at night clubs?
3. Heidi somehow gets the job, despite having the worst interview ever and showing up in jeans and a sleeveless cowl neck sweater.
4. Heidi is horrified to discover that her cool new job is full time and she has to stuff envelopes on her first day. She goes into Brent’s office no less than three times to complain about how she thought it was only part time. You know, because working 9:00-6:00 is really getting in the way of her snuggling with her boyfriend all day.
5. This is an actual show opener conversation between Whitney and Lauren:
Whitney: Jeans can be really addicting. There’s like, always new ones and you feel like you have to have them.
Lauren: *laughs*
How hilarious. Have you ever heard such witty banter among colleagues?
6. At least three of Audrina’s loser dates laugh at her when she mentions being at work during the day. One of these guys is a model and one appears to have no job at all. So, a real group of winners there that you want to impress.
7. Lauren moves to L.A. with what appears to be all of her earthly positions in one pink suitcase half hanging out of the backseat of her black BMW convertible. This doesn’t seem ridiculous when the show continues and you see her wearing a long sleeved black shirt and jean capris everyday.
8. Laure and Heidi’s boyfriends apparently need to celebrate milestones on THE EXACT DAY they happen, despite the fact that neither of them seem to work and therefore have a pretty open social calendar. Lauren and Jason practically break up because she had to work at a photo shoot on his birthday (which was a Wednesday). Heidi finally gets offered the chance to work events and then after realizing the first one would be on her and Jordan’s six month anniversary (really?!), makes a face that could only resemble that of someone who just saw their dog get hit by a car. This was also a Wednesday. Here’s an idea: why not celebrate these events on a different day? Like, Thursday?
9. Heidi’s boyfriend gives her a puppy in the Christmas episode. She names it Bella. It was never seen again. WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PUPPY?!
10. The flip phones. So many flip phones. Okay, I know they can’t help this one because at the time, the most advanced form of technology was a Motorola Razor. But I couldn’t help but laugh.

*Disclaimer: I get that a lot of these things happened because they are on TV, and that if normal people engaged in any of this behavior they would never get jobs or you know, survive. But still, c’mon.

um, duh. it was totally my sleeveless turtleneck
& non-existent resume that got me the job.

I think the most infuriating thing, particular about the first season (because that’s all they’ve shown so far) is watching Lauren almost ruin her life over her douchey ex-boyfriend Jason. For those of you who don’t know or weren’t recently refreshed last week, Lauren ruined the small amount of credibility she had gained in my eyes by getting back together with a guy she had broken up with for kissing his ex-girlfriend in front of her. My favorite part was when she told him he could come and talk to her at her house, but that he couldn’t come in cause her dad wouldn’t allow it. You go, girl. But a mere few months later, he calls her in L.A. (because he just moved there too! Duh) and she gets right on back with him. Fortunately, we all know how that turns out (and how it gave birth to The Hills Sex Tape-gate 2007 and one of the greatest television rivalries of all time) because she eventually came to her senses.

Not that any of this is going to keep me from watching. You better believe I have my DVR set for every day this week while I’m getting my nautical on in Maine for the Fourth of July. If watching these idiots achieve fame isn’t celebrating the American Dream, I don’t know what is.


PS- I know this is years old and MadTV doesn’t even exist anymore, but this is still my favorite Hills parody ever. And you can headband yourself all the way home.

I Don’t Love It When We’re Cruise-ing Together

Written by Lindsay Scouras

It was only a few days ago that I thought to myself, “man, I haven’t written ANYTHING celebrity-related in forever.” It was crazy to think because that’s what actually got me started with this whole blogging thing. I don’t know what it is exactly, but none of my Hollywood standbys have been inspiring me as of late. I mean seriously- can you handle one more piece of news from the Kardashians? (By the way, Kendall & Kylie are writing a book. Society- you’re welcome.)

That is, until today. 

Today started as normal days often do. My friend Hannah and her boyfriend Mike stayed with us last night en route to a wedding. After seeing them off this morning, I debated washing the dishes from the delicious meal that Steve just happen to whip together last night for the four of us. I also thought about making my bed. I know the suspense is killing you, but you’ll be shocked to hear I didn’t do either of those things because for like the third day this week I fell victim to those damn Retro MTV Laguna Beach marathons. I don’t know what I’m going to do- it’s the 4th of July and Hills week begins. It’s basically like Sophie’s Choice

Finally I got it together and got ready for work. After I got there, I went straight out to the floor because we were relatively busy. As I do every Friday at 2:30, I bolted back to my desk to print my schedule by 3:00. In a quick distracted moment, I glanced at my phone and discovered this: 

the scalera women always have their priorities in check


There is was, in black and white. And from my own mother. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing after five years and one adorable alien baby together. And by divorcing, I mean Katie waited until he went to friggen Iceland and filed divorce papers without his knowledge. 

I have only a handful of skills, and most of them are unhelpful. Alerting the general public about the goings on of celebrities and their relationships is one of the things that brings me joy in life. And my real job is getting in the way of the fake job that I have created in my head. 

I was on my way to work when Amy Winehouse died. I had to be informed via text message by my coworker Jaimie. I literally had to pull over to compose a Facebook status. I was like the third person on my News Feed to do so. It was devastating. I was also at work the night Whitney Houston died. My coworker Becky had to call it out over the walkie. I was also at work when Michael Jackson died, which I heard from someone who worked in the bistro. I was mortified.

Okay, I just realized that all of those instances involved death. Maybe my working is bad luck for famous people… who are also drug addicts. 

Thankfully, Halloween is my favorite holiday and I smartly took the day off even though it was a Monday. And good thing I did, because who goes and gets herself divorced? Kim Freaking Kardashian, that’s who. And within an hour, it was blogged. BAM!

So here I was, at work, in the height of a rush on the sales floor and also drowning in my own procrastination, faced with what has the potential to be the biggest scandal of 2012. In a moment of panic, I decided to give myself permission one minute to compose a status. Unfortunately, in the process of sharing the Us Weekly link, I discovered Adele was PREGNANT. Like, with a child. And there was no time. I was literally staring down the clock. Why do bad things always happen to me?!

I hit “print” and ran to the printer. RAN. For someone who engages in little to no athletic activity, I was lucky that I wore my Puma flats that day. The traction really helped when I was taking the corners around the break room. To which I was greeted by fits of giggles from my coworkers who had just discovered my status. I quickly made thirteen copies of my schedule, threw them in everyone’s mailboxes, and hightailed it back around the break room to get back to my desk. Then I took on the daunting task of telling EVERYONE. 
It’s a difficult life I lead, but someone has to do it. 

After the initial high wore off, I started to really think about the bomb that had dropped. I feel like we all forgot that a mere seven years ago, this crazy “love” story began. Remember what a joke these two were at the start? Their relationship was accused of every weird celebrity conspiracy theory in the book- promoting their summer blockbusters (Batman Begins & War of the Worlds), concealing Cruise’s sexuality (whatever that is), brainwashing, etc. Basically everything except love. And then out of nowhere, Katie’s pregnant with what could be a Beyonce-style faux belly pad and then no one saw the baby FOR FIVE MONTHS. Then when everyone did finally get a look at her, they were bombarded with a twenty-two page spread. Oh, and it just happened to be shot by Annie Leibovitz. 

who would have thought that hairy little
girl would become the most fashionable
kid in the world?!

I think that is the thing that seemed so sketchy about this relationship. Everything was done in excess. When they first went public with their relationship in the summer of 2005, they weren’t just spotted leaving a restaurant together or something normal, they went on a European publicity tour and made out on every red carpet they encountered. People were like “hey, we didn’t even know you guys were dating… and isn’t she engaged to on of the Pie guys?” and they were all like “we’re obsessed with each other slobber slobber slobber.” When asked how he felt about Katie, Tom responded by scaring the crap out of Oprah and essentially ruining her couch. When they finally got married, they did so at a star studded event at a castle in Rome. When Tom spoke about his much scrutinized belief in Scientology, he verbally assaulted Matt Lauer on the Today show and then focused his attention on being horrible to pregnant women suffering from post-partum. The whole things was.just.crazy.

And then they stayed married for a year. And then another year. Suri grew up and quickly became the most famous tot in Hollywood (and to think, I thought it was going to be Shiloh? I mean, who knew?!). After a while, people seem like they just got used to them. And I don’t know if their PR people finally talked Tom off the ledge or they weened Katie off whatever meds she was forced on in ’05, but the two of them together started to make sense, or at least it stopped being ridiculous and offensive. 

Until today. Of course we know nothing yet, but as they always do, details have to come out. I’m just counting down the days until an Oprah’s Next Chapter interview or something. My own personal theory that I have deduced from knowing nothing about them and only believing what I see on television (which is like, 95% accurate I believe in this case) is that Katie had some kind of contract with him to be married to him for a certain amount of time. I wouldn’t be surprised if Nicole Kidman had the same thing back in the day. I mean there is just something not normal about that guy. I’m sure they have a rock solid prenup, but I guarantee Katie would give it up in a second if it meant she didn’t have to go back to that dungeon in the basement. I don’t think it’s something as simple as being his beard, although I’m not convinced he’s 100% straight. As our friend Rocky would say, he’s probably about a fourteen on the scale. I don’t remember what the rest of the numbers mean, but let’s just say a fourteen isn’t John Wayne or anything. And being gay is so not as huge a deal as it used to be. If you don’t believe me, listen to these words of wisdom from my husband today:

Me: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are getting divorced.
Steve: I don’t care. Is it because he’s gay? (so much for not caring)
Me: No. I mean, he could be, but I don’t think that’s the whole reason.
Steve: If you’re gay, just be gay. All the gays are always having fun and I’m stuck here paying bills. 
Me: Wow. What an argument for homosexual marriage.
Steve: I don’t give a shit who anyone marries. Just be happy.

So there you have it. According to Steve, Tom Cruise is definitely gay and being gay is awesome because apparently you’re somehow excused from financial responsibilities.



We Don’t Need No Gleeduation

Written by Lindsay Scouras
this pretty much came true exactly. well, not for me, because i’m dead inside.

Last night was the season finale of the third season of Glee, probably one of my favorite series of all time. The past two seasons have been kind of up and down as far as story lines go, but I am no fair-weather fan. So I prepared myself for yet another emotional television viewing this week, as I already broke down in tears when the cast said goodbye to Kristen Wiig on SNL. Finale week is tough.

I made plans to watch the episode with my friend Jaimie. We left work and headed straight to her apartment to prepare ourselves for such an event. Unfortunately we were not as prepared as we were the past two season premieres in which a party was thrown in honor of our favorite returning show. So instead we ordered panini’s and painted our nails, which is clearly the most appropriate pre-finale viewing protocol.

My favorite thing to do for any major television event is to devote all of my Facebook statuses to it for that particular evening. I think it’s the least I can do for all these programs have done for me, plus I’m still going through award season withdrawal. Some people may find this annoying, but frankly, I don’t care. Everyone else and their mother uses FB for whatever the hell they feel like, when they feel like. I don’t really care if you’re annoyed that your feed is filled. I can tell you right now I have plenty of people’s feeds hidden that are boring/overly political/anything that I don’t feel like looking at, and anyone I’m friends with is free to do the same to me.

Yes, I understand that Twitter is the more appropriate place for sudden and frequent updates, but the majority of the people I watch Glee “with” (yes, sometimes it really does feel like we’re all together) aren’t on Twitter. Also, just an FYI- for every person I’ve had commenting “ugggh you take up my whole feed” I have at least four other people tell me that they specifically go on FB on Tuesdays at 8:00 pm to join in on the commentary. If I have to sift through 20,000 statuses about people’s bathing habits (“In the shower! text or call!”), the wonders of their children (“Little Susie made a noise today! She’s so smart!”), their lunch (“Just made a turkey and avocado sandwich on a whole wheat pita with sour cream & onion chips- YUM!”), and other mundane happenings in their everyday lives, then I think you can handle the 31 status updates that I posted between 9:00 and 10:00 pm on a Tuesday night. Now don’t get me wrong- I post status updates about my fair share of insignificant things. But it’s usually making a sarcastic remark about said insignificant thing or mocking myself for other’s amusement. Bottom line: it’s the Internet. People can use it for whatever they damn well feel like using it for. Unless it’s like kiddie porn or something else way wrong and illegal. 

That was my soapbox moment. I digress. 

So of course, it was an emotional evening. The seniors were graduating (well, except for Brittany, but who even knew she was actually still enrolled at that school) and it really felt like saying goodbye to people that you were actually friends with. I also feel like part of the reason I’m emotionally attached to this series is because I was a high school theatre geek myself, and watching the New Directions say goodbye to each other reminded me how heartbreaking it was to part ways with these people that you spent so much time with.

Of course I couldn’t actually deal with my real feelings, so I chose instead to make a mockery of all the usual ridiculous moments that Glee offers us on a weekly basis. 

So without further adieu… I give you my statuses from last night. In case you haven’t had enough.


Nothing but Met

Written by Lindsay Scouras

There are many reasons why I wish I was famous. One of the biggest one is that it is my dream to attend the Met Costume Gala in New York City. This is like a who’s who of fashion and Hollywood, and it’s okay to go a little bit overboard with your ensemble, which makes it slightly more exciting than a huge event like the Oscars, when everyone’s just trying to stay off the worst dressed lists. I love that the outfits for this event are dramatic and over the top. However, some people went so far past the top that they fell to their fashion death and probably should never go out in public again.

After scanning through the US Weekly photo album, here are a few things that stuck out to me:

– Tangerine is still in. So is peplum. And gold sparkles. But did those ever really go anywhere?
– Goth is happening. More in makeup, but some Morticia-like gowns snuck in there too. Ask me how I feel about it.
– Celebs are still trying to pass off gowns that are batshit crazy and calling them fashion forward. If you resemble a shiny trash bag, you gots to go. I don’t care what year it is, I don’t care if Hefty is sponsoring Fashion Week, certain things will always be ugly, even when beautiful people wear them. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WEAR UGLY CLOTHES.

So without further adieu, let’s get into some of my personal favorites, from the couture to the catastrophic.

Nina Dobrev: I’m not entirely sure who this chick is or where she came from. I take that back, I know she’s on a CW show about vampires that I could care less about. But she is gorgeous and every time I see her on a red carpet I am in awe of how she puts herself together. I love her gold and black one shoulder number. She borders on pageant with the pose, the gown, the hair and the perfect smile, but all around I just find her to be so beautiful and I would like to lose half my body weight and then borrow this dress from her. I’m not saying I have to lose weight, she is just that damn tiny.

Dianna Agron: I’m glad she has finally figured out how to do something with that horrible haircut. I appreciate the old school glamour hair do and a good smoky eye. I also like that among a sea of dark, heavy, ornate gowns she is rocking a loose teal number. However I think it’s too loose, and personally I’m sick of seeing her in this silohuette. She is young! And thin! And you would never know it because she wears dresses like this all the time. If she had dressed like this on Glee no one would have ever discovered her teen pregnancy. 

Emma Stone: Eeek. I know I said I like when people go a little crazy and wear something a little out there with crazy detailing, but this red detailed number is not a good look for her. I appreciate her wearing red again, but if you’re going to wear a risk taking dress, you have to work it. You can’t look like a scared child that is being forced to live her life as a marionette doll, which is prescicesly what Ms. Stone looks like. I fee uncomfortable for her seeing her uptight stance and too fair highlights. 

Jessica Alba: I actually think this dress is slightly tame for the Met, but it’s still everything I would expect a starlette to wear. She looks like a cross between a Greek goddess and that gold lady that everyone said died in James Bond. I appreciate the hair and the red lip. All in all? Nailed it. 

Karolina Kurkova: Upon looking at this picture, I know you’re thinking “who the eff is that girl?!” And you’re right, she barely looks like herself because you know, she’s wearing a turban, but there is something about the rest of this look that I sort of love. It’s the Met Ball! This is one of the few events where shiz like this is appropriate. The sparkles are amazing, and I am always up for sparkles for a formal event. Also, sleeves are back. Kate Middleton was right. 

Carey Mulligan: Okay, I know I said it was okay to wear something a little outlandish, but come on. She looks like an expensive fish. Props on hair and makeup, though.

Beyonce: Am I being celeb-sacreligious if I say that I’m a little over Beyonce? I feel like everyone is just obsessed with her, and no one more than herself. This dress reminded me of the exact same Versace number she wore a few years ago that required her to be carried up the stairs (although looking back, I think that she used the dress as an excuse and really just wanting to be like “what bitches?! That’s right, you’re carrying me”). I don’t get the purple, and I’m not so much of a fan of what I like to call “naked’ dresses. Not impressed.

Camilla Belle: Everything about her is pretty. Even her name implies gorgeousness. She looks so beautiful, but why, oh why did she have to muck it up with the goth makeup?! 

Gwyneth Palthrow: Ugh. Another snoozer from Boring McGee. Seriously. I can’t stand her. This is a somewhat outlandish event. Why wear a half mini skirt with bedazzled pockets?

Every cast member from Girls: The prom section at JC Penney called and they want all of their dresses back.

Amber Heard: I love Amber Heard, and I don’t know why. She always looks gorgeous, but this dress was such a disappointment coming from her. News flash: this dress didn’t look good on Charlize Theron at the Oscars all those years ago, and it’s not working for you either.

Anna Wintour: I get that she’s like, the hostess for this event and EIC of Vogue so she could probably wear a track suit and people would be like “oh my God! A track suit?! Why didn’t I think of that?! Casual glamour is back!!!!” But seriously. It’s May. Time to store the furs, I would say.

Coco Rocha: Worst everything. Ever.

Lana Del Rey: I actually sort of like her dress, but between the cape (not a capelet, and actual cape) and the lipstick, she looks like an extra from Van Helsing. Maybe that’s why she’s frowning.

Solange: Now this is a Knowles sister I can get behind. She usually dresses like she’s two shades of crazy, but I think she looks amazing in this lemon gown with a peplum detail. True, goes against everything I said about sporting a little extra something for the most fanciful fashion event of the year, but I give her a solid B+ on this one.

Amy Poehler: Ahhhh. This leather dress is too serious for someone so funny. Her discomfort is palpable. 

Chloe Sevigny: Ugh… she’s another one that everyone thinks is so fashion forward and I think she looks homeless 85% of the time. This dress breaks a cardinal rule of fashion in that it photographs horribly. Also it’s hideous. The only person that can get away with this is Goldie Hawn on Laugh In, which was like thirty years ago. 

Christina Ricci: Please don’t judge me (although let’s be honest, that’s why we’re all here today anyway) but I sort of love this. It’s kinda glamorous but also kinda weird, which I think works for her (hello?! Wednesday Adams, anyone?!) and for this event. I do wish it was a floor length gown though. I think that would have been more appropriate and it would have looked slightly more couture. 

Claire Danes: Did she forget to get a dress? This looks like one of my Crate and Barrel sheets that was haphazardly pinned in the limo on the way in. The only thing working here is her hair, I love it. 

Dakota Fanning: I know she’s young and it’s May, but can we do away with the prom theme, like now?

Mary Kate Olsen: Wait, she was there? All I see is the old lady from Titanic

Rashida Jones: She is 36. But she consistently dresses like she’s 76. There should be some kind of law that prevents young, funny women from looking like bag ladies. 

Amy Adams: LOVE LOVE LOVE. This may be my favorite look of the evening. I’m serious. From the belt to the color blocking to the fabulous hair, she looks like a modern day Veronica Lake. That gold bow may as well be a gold star. 

Brooklyn Decker: File this one under “When Bad Clothes Happen to Gorgeous People.” I think this is an actual David’s Bridal mother of the bride dress. I didn’t think it was possible for someone to make bangs look old, but congrats, Brooklyn. You did it.

Cameron Diaz: Screw subtlety. Yes, she may have outlined her ass, but it was only to distract from her Something About Mary hair. 

Diane Krueger: Fearful she wouldn’t get in, she came as an oversized feather duster under the premise that she was part of the custodial staff. 

Ginnifer Goodwin: I actually like this dress, I think the color and the detailing is amazing, but I feel like ever since she cut her hair like that, she just looks sad. Why the puss, Sad Doll?

Renee Zellweger: I believe Michael Kors said it best on Project Runway when he informed on of the contestants the gown she had constructed made the model look as if she was “pooing fabric.” Enough said.

Sofia Vergara: Wow, for her, this is like, tame, right? Do you think she was sick of people just talking about her boobs, so she picked the world’s biggest crumb catcher to tone down the ta tas? I don’t really care either way, kind of like this. But straight hair on the red carpet is the bane of my existence. Boo.

Heidi Klum: Is it possible that her face and body are getting better with age but her style is getting worse? I think black is the only acceptable color if you’re going to go with dark lace. This just looks like it went through the wash with an untreated pair of jeans. Yawn.

Katherine McPhee: Orange again! I like this. She looks like a very fancy nectarine. I like her hair off her face too.

Kristen Wiig: Okay, normally I hate everything she wears, because like many other female comedians she dresses terribly. But I think she looks really cool and fun, and again, orange. I think it goes well with this hair color she’s working lately.

Kristen Stewart: Hey, what a surprise? I hate this. She looks a crack addict who woke up in the street and sewed four different dresses together with old dental floss. 

Debra Messing: Sparkles! Have I mentioned I love sparkles? But this is kind of like a sparkly potato sack. It’s saggy-ness in the hip area only seems to draw more attention to her non-existent cleavage.

Jessica Chastain: She made it through the majority of award season looking amazing. How she ended up looking like an overpriced throw pillow from Pier 1 is beyond me. I know it’s Louis Vuitton, but why would any designer make a gown out of a fabric that resembles a crumpled Kleenex?

Kirsten Dunst: No joke- when I first saw this picture I thought it was Vanessa Redgrave, and I was like what is the old lady from Atonement doing at the Met Gala? This would be an example of a bad way to wear the orange trend. 

Leighton Meester: She should probably just give up her actual identity and live her life as Blair Waldorf. I know this is her “natural” hair color, but just because God gave it to you doesn’t mean it works. Also her dress is my least favorite color, paper bag. Otherwise known as fakacta. 

Rihanna: I am also sick of her for many reasons, but that’s another post for another day. I’m not totally sure what this dress looks like from the front, but all I know is that crocodile is meant for bags and shoes (faux, of course). And what the hell is happening on her head?! Please just… go away.

Rooney Mara: I take back what I said about black lace. 

Eva Mendes: Wow. More examples of how you can take a really hot trend and make it awful. Peplum? Too long. Tangerine? Too orange. If this was a real costume gala, like as in Halloween, it would be totally appropriate. But looking like a jack-o-lantern in May? Not even arriving with Ryan Gosling could have helped this ensemble.

Elizabeth Banks: Not even Effie Trinket would try to pass this off as acceptable Capital wear. It looks like the scrap pile from Mood threw up on a set of shoulder pads. 

Rosario Dawson: Seriously? Leather? Is this what’s happening now? As far as I’m concerned, the only woman that can pull of a leather dress is Angelina Jolie circa 2007. And who really wants to look like a homewrecker, anyway?

I know I definitely missed a few here and there, but you have to understand that the photo galleries on Yahoo and US Weekly had an average of 75 pictures in them. Also I can only be so mean in one day.

So who were your favorites? Did you like the glamour girls or the bag ladies? More importantly, how can I sneak into this next year so my husband stops making fun of me for pretending I was there?


I Was Tardy for the Party, But I’m Ready for the Wedding

Written by Lindsay Scouras

Last night, after a highly stimulating evening of watching New Hampshire’s finest strutting around my former high school in their bathing suits, I was excited to kick off my 5 inch heels and relax with some mindless tv. Fortunately, today just happened to be the premiere of Atlanta Real Housewife Kim Zolciak’s spinoff Don’t Be Tardy for the Wedding.

Let me preface this by saying that prior to a mini marathon today, I have never reall watched RHOA. I don’t know why, but I just never really got into it, and it wasn’t until the 17 part reunion special that I really started to take notice. 

So even though I knew virtually nothing about Kim Z except for the fact that she wears a lot of wigs and used to have a boyfriend known only as “Big Poppa,” I somehow got suckered into DVR’ing this AT MY PARENTS HOUSE. Like this was so important, I couldn’t wait four days and watch it when I got home. 

The show opens of course as all Housewives locales do, with a pan shot of her amazing house which is apparently filled with ginormous portraits of a naked, pregnant Kim. She is apparently a little bit lonely, as she is having a heart to heart with her barely a few months old son KJ (which does not exactly roll off the tongue) about how shiny her ring is, how it’s going to be really tough to plan this wedding, you know, all very high priority stuff for young KJ. And I have to say, despite her slightly… masculine features, KJ seems like just an adorable happy little baby. At one point I questioned if he was hers because he just seemed so damn cute and innocent. However a second later, KJ locked his eyes on the camera, dead center, and gave it a full on death stare down, then broke out giggling and drooling, which made me feel sad because this is already normal for him and the fact that he isn’t scared of this strange man holding a giant video machine in his house only proves that this literally is a new reality. 

I found myself wondering why fame obsessed KJ was so cute considering that his mom looks like this: 

who wouldn’t want to be legally joined with all of this?

And it turns out that KJ’s dad Kroy, is actually very cute and sweet, despite the fact that he has a very stupidly made up name. Apparently he is a football player, but like Lamar Odom, Reggie Bush, Kris Humphries and every other athlete that Kim Kardashian has once banged, I had never heard of him until he started appearing on a reality show. All I know is he plays for the red team. And apparently is partially blind/deaf, as he has somehow fallen for Kim Z.

So Kroy and Kim are talking about their impending wedding, which apparently has to take place on 11-11-11 despite the fact that is in the middle of football season and a mere two months away. She started spouting off about the moon, planets, numerology and some other confalooted excuses as to why it had to be that day, completely ignoring the real reason is because she only cares about herself and what she wants. But hey, she’s a bride. We all have our moments. And yes, I’m still referring to myself as a bride. 

Poor Kroy. Like so many other unsuspecting athletes whose lives are ruined by reality whores, all he wants to do is get married in a wheat field in Montana. He even had this adorable idea about making an aisle out of cut wheat. How cute is that? And by cute I mean awful. Because who wants to get married in a field. Ick. But good for him for making an effort, and not just grunting along with whatever she says like Kris Humphries was contractually obligated to do.

To add insult to injury, since this magical date happens to be on a Friday, Kroy is only able to attend if it’s an evening affair because he has to you know, work. So he’s going to practice all day, grappling with a bunch of sweaty men in pads in the hot Atlanta sun, and then rush home and get married on his basketball court. Every man’s dream.

Apparently Kim was slightly considering her future hubby’s feelings and declared a Winter Wonderland theme in honor of Kroy’s home state. As sweet as that is, we have just all take a second here and remember they they are in Atlanta. But Kim’s pretty sharp, so she has that figured out too. So what are we having? Duh. A Mont-lanta wedding. Doesn’t that have a nice ring to it? That is, if you can ignore the fact that it sort of sounds like heartburn medication. 

uh… montlanta is totally a real place. it’s right above massalanta & southwest of northlanta

Another innocent bystander in this whole thing? Kim’s poor mother, who showed up at Kim’s house to meet the wedding planner, ready and rearing to go with her little notebook and her most formal butterfly clips in her hair. However, Kim was a little resistant to letting her mom be involved, as they hadn’t seen each other in a few months and her mom is “like, kind of annoying sometimes.” I feel sort of bad for her, I mean, at this point the only thing she’s guilty of so far is having a slightly annoying laugh and showing her excitement with a series of mini claps. 

Somehow Kim tricked celebrity wedding planner Colin Cowie into thinking she was someone special and he agreed to plan her dream wedding… for a mere seven figure price tag of course. But what really surprised me is Kim’s obsession with a $58,000 wedding gown that she almost bought three years ago despite the fact that she wasn’t engaged or even dating anybody. She was so desperate for said dress that she found it on a gown resale site and bought it from some other rich bitch who only wore it for an hour. After declaring that she also would only wear it for an hour herself (apparently, that’s the thing to do with $58,000 dresses) she convinced her matron of honor Jenny (who also appears to be nice and normal despite allowing Kim to refer to her as “bitch” constantly- where the hell is she finding these people?!) that it was totally okay to wear a used wedding gown. 

The best part of this entire episode has to be when Kim is showing her young, seemingly normal as well daughters, what the backyard is going to look like on this glorious day. As they’re innocently strolling around the pool imagining what this runway or whatever monstrosity they’re building on top of it is going to look like, she up and shoves nine year old Ariana just right into the pool. Poor girl didn’t even see it coming. I mean, most people wouldn’t expect to be almost drowned by their parent, but Kim Z is a special kind of mother. I also loved how Ariana was clutching a towel around herself, shivering after recovering from this traumatic event, and Kim is just going on and on about rhinestones on her aisle runner or something like that. 

So needless to say, I am totally hooked. And let me tell you, after seeing the preview scenes for the rest of this season, the best is yet to come. I cannot wait for the flowered pantsuit, the long awaited wig removal, the family drama, and of course nothing says happily married like a couple of police cruisers crashing your reception. I.cannot.wait

wait, so those cops weren’t strippers?

He Likes the Girl on Reality TV Cause She Got More Ass Than the Models

Written by Lindsay Scouras
There’s a lot of surprising new celebrity couples hitting the interwebs lately. From Jason Segel and Michele Williams, to Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher (okay, I know they obviously have known each other a long time, but don’t you think she’s WAY too good for him?!), odd celeb pairings are the hottest things since… well, the celebrities themselves. And of course the most talked about/easiest to make fun of has to be the long awaited romance of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

that look of terror is her “i’m in love” face. duh.

For anyone that has been following the Kardashians for some time now, you know that these two have known each other for a while. With absolutely no credentials whatsoever, Kanye made an appearance on the painfully boring Kourtney & Kim Take New York when they were first building their second Dash location to check out their space, which as the time was comprised of flooring and a couple of ridiculous lighting fixtures. Cause you know, he’s not just a rapper, he’s an artist

Then Kim like, accidentally got married. And we all know how that turned out

But don’t worry guys, she’s like, totally getting divorced now. And apparently is still looking for love, and seems to have found it in the form of Kanye West. 

Now I’m not entirely convinced that this is based on anything real and that Kim isn’t just screwing her way through a list of guys names that start with the letter “K,” but so far she’s been pretty hush hush about it, which could be a sign that she actually likes him.

I know a lot of people are disgusted by the thought of these two joining forces, but I would like to personally congratulate them on their budding relationship. I think after long string of bad PR, these kids finally have it all figured out. Which is why I have put together this list of:

Reasons why Kanye & Kim K are the PERFECT couple:

1. They are both assholes. Seriously. These two just freaking love themselves to death, and could barely give two craps about other people’s feelings or emotions. I mean, really, who has time for that? She has an empire to run, and those award show people aren’t going to insult themselves. You know how sometimes you meet a couple, and one of them is a total douche and the other is so heartbreakingly nice that you just wish they weren’t together? That will never happen to these two. He thinks everything he touches turns to gold (or at least deserves gold… statues that is) and she doesn’t understand why anyone would let someone that they marry move a few boxes into their pristine house. If they got married, they could build one giant all white ginormous house, big enough to house his ego and her ass. If that isn’t a couple’s dream, I don’t know what is. 
2. Kanye clearly has a type
3. It seems as if all 54 1/2 members of the Kardashian Klan (the 1/2 being Kourtney’s unborn fetus) actually approve of their relationship, unlike their not so subtle hatred for Kris Humphries. Seriously. Khloe was on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen the other day and when asked to say something nice about Kris all she could muster up was “he’s tall.”
4. He thinks she is as awesome as Beyonce is. Really. Nevermind that Bey has 16 Grammys and actual talent to back them up. Kim hocks QuickTrim and has what is probably the 4th best selling celebrity sex tape of all time. So clearly, yes, same level as Beyonce. But he’s trying not to rub it in. I mean, we all know what happens when people get compared to Beyonce. 
5. They are both fame whores (and also, regular whores). All of Kim’s former lovers have expressed their utter hatred for being in the public eye, having cameras follow their every move, and what-can-only-be-orchestrated-by-Kris Jenner public photo ops. Kanye literally runs on attention and Hennessey. I personally love how they’re trying to hold back right now- you see them holding hands in NYC and they’re playing so coy like they’re shy teenagers that are clasping each other’s sweaty palms for the first time. We all know this ain’t your first rodeo. 

So really, I hope everything works out for these two. They deserve each other.

Also, could you imagine their wedding?! Talk about Bridezilla. Kim would probably be a little on edge too.


What I Like About Booze

Written by Lindsay Scouras
Former child/teen star Amanda Bynes was arrested in the wee hours yesterday morning on suspicion of a DUI (you know, just another crazy Thursday night in Hollywood).

Let me just say that this makes me really sad. Not just because I thought she was funny and genuinely liked some of her movies, but because her mug shot is SO BAD it may go down as one of the worst in the celebrity mug shot hall of fame:

sad doll

I mean, even Paris Hilton knew that celeb mug shots go viral almost immediately and had enough sense to pull her hair over one shoulder and give her signature smirk:

i just got arrested. but i’m still hot

I think many people were surprised to hear of Amanda’s little kerfuffle with the law as she has been off the radar for quite some time, probably since she announced her “retirement” from acting at the ripe old age of 24. I mean, I’ve heard about wealthy people who save money so they can like, buy a vineyard or something when they retire, so can you really blame a girl for enjoying her non-working years?

Apparently, Amanda has chose to retire to the Capitol, as she is currently sporting a frothy pink dye job only seen on the likes of a one Miss Effie Trinket. And the makeup. Oh, the makeup. I’ve always though that she wore a little too much makeup the past few years, and if you’ve seen her post-Hairspray there were some points where she was starting to turn a particular Snooki shade of orange. I know she’s probably used to having a makeup artist, but hasn’t anyone ever informed her about the importance of blending?! It’s like she painted on her foundation and her neck was like “hey, what about me?! Hellooooo…? I’m down here!”

I sort of feel bad for her. Not because she got in a car after consuming mass amounts of alcohol because clearly that is just plain stupid and more than her reputation could have been damaged because of it, but because she just seems like kind of a hot mess. I mean, my face hasn’t been that puffy since I got my four impacted wisdom teeth removed. Also, she celebrated her 26 birthday on Tuesday, and if this is how she looks at 26, then there may be some competition with Lindsay Lohan as “Worst Aging Celebrity” ever.

Girl, get it together. You’re at a crossroads in your life. Take it from me- 26 is kind of transitional, and it’s your last year before 27 which to me has always been the age where if you haven’t already, it’s time to get your shit straight. You’re clearly smart and funny, which can take you far when you’re surrounded by a world full of famous people with the personality (and IQ) of a tin can (I’m looking at you, Kardashians). Maybe just disappear again for a little bit, drink about a thousand gallons of water and invest in some of those face-blotting tissues they sell at CVS. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

come back to us, hot amanda. we know you’re in there somewhere


Little Boy Bear Blu, Come Swallow Your Corn

Written by Lindsay Scouras
I guess I’m a little behind on this story, but I heard on the radio today about the latest viral video causing a ruckus on the interwebs. If you live under a rock or watch, you know, the news or something, you may not have seen the footage of former Clueless star Alicia Silverstone feeding her 10 month old son by pre-chewing his food baby bird style and then spitting it into his mouth.

So overnight this has become a pretty controversial topic. Cher (I mean, Alicia) has made no secret about the fact that she’s like a full on hippie. She used to basically assault people that were wearing fur. She had a “green” wedding, whatever that means. Give her a hacky sack and a vial of patchouli and her hippie fate is sealed.

I don’t know if I’m allowed to comment on the way people parent their children, as I am not a mother myself and maybe I just don’t get it. But as a person who has eyes this one just makes my stomach churn. First of all, all I can picture is that Bird Family skit on SNL with Julianna Margulies. Shudder. Second, when I first heard about this, I thought maybe she was out in public like eating at a restaurant or something and was “caught” on video. Still not okay, but less creepy than how this actually got out- she released it on her website as a baby feeding tip.

Seriously, Alicia?! We don’t hear from you for like over ten years, and this is how you decide to reappear on the scene? Also I know she hasn’t worked in quite some time, but I’m guessing she still has some Aerosmith money somewhere and can afford a food processor. I mean, I saw Baby Magic Bullets in Walmart just yesterday for $14.95. I get that if you were like, stranded on a deserted island with your baby and there weren’t any outlets to plug in your baby blender and you HAD to chew up his food for him to survive, that would be okay. This is just… gross. And weird. And I know that mothers will do anything for their children, but this seems like a very crazy extreme.

Listen, you’ve already kind of screwed this kid over from day one by giving him name that he can in no way introduce himself in a job interview or in any social situation without people snickering and asking where his horn is. She also stated on her site that while Little Bear used to be timid when it came to his secondhand lunch, he’s now totally adapted and just snatches food right out of her mouth whenever she’s eating! Isn’t that just darling? There’s nothing anyone loves more than a kid that likes to steal food right out of people’s mouths. Someday when he goes to elementary school kids are going to be begging him to steal their lunch money instead.

So I guess the bigger issue is the risk of transferring bacteria and ruining his baby teeth, but I think it’s more about the fact Bear Blu is going to become a huge social pariah and that Alicia I think has sufficiently squashed any hopes for Clueless 2: Rise of the Bettys.

This story has me totally ‘buggin.

Don’t Call It A Comeback

Written by Lindsay Scouras
Lindsay Lohan is one of my favorite celebrity hot messes of all time (topped only by reformed mess, Miss Britney Spears), and by favorite, I mean I get sad when I look at her but at the same time want to know what she is doing always so that I can determine how hot a mess she really is. Also, she has my name. And she spells it correctly. So there’s that.

Like everyone else in the world, I was transfixed with LiLo when I saw her in such pop culture classics as Freaky Friday, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, and of course, the most quotable movie EVER, Mean Girls. I mean, where would we be today without Mean Girls? Would there be a Rachel McAdams without Regina George? Well, McAdams would still exist by any standards, but would we (or Nicholas Sparks) care who she was? Could someone had made “fetch” happen? More importantly, would anyone below the age of twenty have ever heard the name Danny DeVito?

There are so many questions, but the one that seems to be asked the most is, “what the f*#k happened to her?” Lindsay has been on a downward spiral for so many years now, that people forget how not scandalous her original antics really were in comparison to the real life felon she is now. Remember when she was just hitting up a couple clubs before she was, oh a little less than 21? Like not even 18? What about when her most serious relationship was with Wilmer Velderamma, again, when she was not 18 (and he was like 35… or 26. whatever)? Or the time that she verbally assaulted a bunch of paparazzi, telling them that Paris Hilton threw a drink at her, and the next day she pretended like it never happened and said the photographers made it up and they were best friends?

Those were the good old days. She still had so much life and career ahead of her- she was in a movie with Meryl Streep, for chrissakes! Even though it seemed like she was something of a wild child, I really didn’t think anything of it. First of all, we didn’t really know a lot of the stuff she was doing, a lot of it was speculation. I just assumed she was being young and famous and rich. Then she got arrested. A lot. Then she was into girls, which is totally cool, except that they were like the Ike and Tina Turner of young club hopping lesbians and couldn’t keep their shit together. Then there were like, physical photos of her with coke in the background. Suddenly, it was all there. There was no denying what had happened to her. It was one thing when you heard that she was out partying all night, drinking out of a glass “something that appeared like” alcohol, it was another to see her crash her Mercedes into a tree. It’s like, whoomp, there it is.

And since she hasn’t been in a movie in what, four years?? It’s easy to kind of forget that she existed, other than seeing a headline about her inappropriate court attire show up on your Yahoo! home page. So you can imagine my surprise (along with the rest of the world’s) two weeks ago when I saw her listed as an upcoming host for the March 3 episode of Saturday Night Live. Let me preface this by saying that SNL is, and always will be, one of my all time favorite shows. I’ve been a viewer since I was probably thirteen and have pretty much seen every episode since, including the previous three that La Lohan hosted, one of which I saw IN PERSON when she dyed her hair blonde and got really skinny and there was that picture of her and Nicole Richie walking side by side like living shriveled corpses. Ah, the good old days.

After going through my initial reactions in my head (which were a series of expletives followed by a general wonderment), I couldn’t figure out what emotion accurately represented my feelings towards this decision from Lorne Michaels. I always knew that she had a good relationship with SNL, as it was the birthplace of her relationship with Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, plus the fact that she was being chosen to host for the fourth time at age twenty-five is pretty impressive. It took John Goodman years to do that. Also, they have been one of the few media outlets (yes, I consider Weekend Update a reliable source of news, what of it?) that hasn’t taken a swipe at her failures over the past few years.

I settled in to watch her supposed comeback last night with a hefty Mediterranean calzone and my best sweats (by now you understand that I have classy sweats reserved for only the finest TV watching, and ghetto sweats that I wear when I watch I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant) after a particularly harrowing day at work. I started watching on my requisite 15 minute delay to avoid commercials. Immediately, I was giggling at the opening skit with Bill Hader playing Fox News’ Shepard Smith. I don’t know who this person is in real life (again, all the news I get is from SNL), but I am obsessed with Hader’s slightly gayish impressions of anyone. After the credits, it was time for the big event: the monologue. Entering the revered SNL stage in a muted blue sheath dress and completely non-matching multicolored blue platforms (it was the mullet of ensembles- business on top, party on the bottom), she received an enthusiastic welcome from Studio 8H. However, once she appeared in frame, my excitement began to wain…


I know everyone’s been talking about her appearance for a long time. From her gigunda boobs that appeared overnight, to her freckles that have somehow been “disappearing,” nothing she has done to alter herself, either cosmetically or otherwise, has gone unnoticed. But come on, how can you now be frightened when this is staring back at you in high definition?!

once again kids: your face + drugs= this

I know that many people have been saying that’s she’s been staying out of trouble and that there has been no boozing or drugging going on (which shows you how out of touch I am with the culture- is drugging a thing? is that what we’re calling it?), seeing her live and in color on SNL made me doubt the validity of her sobriety, because you’d have to be jacked up on something to think that that looks good.

The thing I do appreciate about her is that at least on SNL, she has always been able to make fun of herself. I figured as much, as the promos they’ve been running all week were very similar to the one liners poking fun at her dalliances with the law during her monologue, in which multiple cast members appeared to be showing support but were in fact checking her for any illegal behavior. I was kind of thinking that once it was over, and we had gotten the “hey… she’s a convicted felon and a habitual user of drugs but we love her anyway and this is her comeback, by the way,” stench that hung in the air out of the way, it could just be a normal show. But it didn’t feel normal, because after a pre-taped Housewives spoof (more on that later) was the Psychic Awards sketch, where she was only required to stand in a gold sequined gown and speak minimally. I don’t remember a thing about it except that it ended rather abruptly but I was okay with it because I was just happy it was over.

After that was the “Scared Straight” sketch, which I remember being funny in the past (uh hello, Betty White as a reformed thug talking teenagers out of committing crimes? comedy gold!), but seemed to only be a vehicle in this episode for every prison rape joke that was ever invented by anyone, EVER. And this was the first time I began to doubt if Lohan had been able to physically past the SNL test (which in my mind is montage of tests of physical strength, mental agility and quick change exercises that every celebrity must go through to prove they are fit to host), as she couldn’t perform three words without staring down her cue cards with a focus so hard I thought they were going to catch on fire. The best part of the skit was at the very end when all the cast members started laughing, and she had already exited the stage, so we know it wasn’t because of her. Cue Debbie Downer noise.

Next up was Jack White, who I don’t particularly care about but was kind of fascinated that his band was composed entirely of women, horribly dressed women, but women nonetheless.

After the musical guest comes “Weekend Update,” which was specifically amazing last night for two reasons:
1. No Lohan.
2. James Carville.

Again, I don’t know who this is in real life. And it doesn’t matter, because that guy could flee the country and Bill Hader could spend the rest of his days living as James Carville and I think everyone would be okay with it. He is officially my second favorite Bill Hader “WI” impression after Stefan, of course.

Then our beloved Bobby Moniyhan-as-Snooki made an appearance, which made me smile as of course, and Snooki’s supposed guidette in the oven made for plenty of “Update” fodder last night. And then… I fell asleep.

I am not joking. I had a really long day and I’ve been fighting off the end of a cold that just won’t leave my body and I was not so mesmerized with Lindsay Lohan that I could fight off the sleepies that were beginning to attack me. And I will be totally honest: I am writing this post still having not watched the rest of it.

And why do I think that’s okay? Because this was not the “comeback.” This show did not do what everyone (or at least her people, and by people, I mean Dina) hoped it would do, because she just wasn’t ready. Sure, she’s sober (supposedly), but that spark and dry wit that she had before is gone. Well, maybe not gone gone, but it’s definitely on a ten second delay. There were times it seemed like she was stumbling every three words or so, and that’s when she was straight staring at the cue card. So even though I have the episode in its entirety saved on my DVR, I don’t even know that I feel like seeing the rest of it, because I know that she’s not going to get any better from here. And to be honest, her face is so terrifying (the CHEEKS! oh, the cheeks) that I found it so distracting that it didn’t really matter whether she was hilarious or not.

I just want her to… go away. Just for a little while longer. She’s like just barely off probation and she’s already casted herself as a young Elizabeth Taylor in her biopic (I’m saying this because I refused to believe anyone beyond the voices in her head have casted her as ANYTHING). She’s actually been doing well in court and then she goes and screws up her face like that. She’s just not ready to live among real people out in the world yet. And that’s okay. But I need her to make like Paris and just fall off the planet of for a little while. Except unlike Paris, I would welcome her back, because the believer in me thinks she could still do something great someday, and Paris I’m hoping is going to remain a blip in our society, merely a footnote on the “Year In Review” section in your yearbook.

So if you missed it, this was the crowning moment of SNL last night. It really has nothing to do with Lindsay specifically, she could have been cut from this sketch or played by another woman entirely and it still would have been hilarious, which goes to show how unnecessary it was to have her as a host right now.

Steve’s Look at Lindsay Looking at the Oscars

Written by Lindsay Scouras

Disclaimer: I was against this from the beginning. My blog is like an infant that I am trying to properly nurture to help it become a chubby screaming toddler. Okay, that’s a terrible analogy. But it’s still relatively new to me and it’s all me, all the time. So when my husband declared the he want to “guest” post on my blog, I have to admit I was skeptical. I read a lot of blogs though, and many feature guest posts from other bloggers. However, it’s not usually with the purpose of mocking them, which is what my husband tends to do when I watch awards shows. So without further ado, I bring you the first ever (and possibly last) guest post from my loving husband, Steve. 

***Disclaimer from her loving husband: Please don’t hold my wonderful wife responsible for my terrible grammar, she was never allowed to read this ahead of time, otherwise this would have never been.

The TV volume is at 80 and the sounds of phone alerts are going off every two seconds… ah, there must be an award show on tonight. And as some of you may know, the night of an award show in this house is a very serious matter. Especially when it’s the Latin Grammy Awards… I mean the Oscars. Many of you have come accustomed to reading my wife Lindsay’s blog and following her Facebook and Twitter updates throughout these events, but I feel you all should know what goes on behind the scenes.

So I took it upon myself to blog about watching my wife… watch an award show. Sounds stupid right? It’s not at all, it’s ridiculous. I’ve had to study a lot of things in my young life, but I had to dig real deep in my anthropological education (cue the eye roll from the wife) to really grasp how she works. Everyone gets to see the final product, but it’s now time to see how it gets there. Now I know for a fact Lindsay is making the “I wish I read this before he posted it” face.

After an interesting time of, let’s say, “recreational drinking” on Saturday night and an early work day that morning, I was ready to take it easy. I truly thought I was going to be watching the final weigh-in of the Bassmaster Classic, but I should have known better. The channels were already programmed to pre-shows, recordings were set, and the remotes were well guarded by the Fraulein as if they were POWs trying to escape. I had no chance. You have to understand that while Lindsay takes these award shows very seriously and enjoys them thoroughly, I do not. She gets herself all ready to blog and post every time they are on and I make it my job to annoy the crap out of her. And if I do say so myself, and I will, I do a good job. It’s not that I like seeing her mad at me, I just can’t stand the garbage that happens at these shows. Yet here we are ready to watch what she calls the “Super Bowl” of the award show season, the North California Tony Awards… I mean Oscars! However, I cannot focus on the show because it’s my job to study the mastermind.

Yet before I get to the actual event at hand, I just want to voice my opinion/tear into some of the junk that goes on before the show even starts. So at 4:30 (4:30, really why so early – the show ain’t on for like twelve more hours), while Lindsay is prepping for what seems like brain surgery on the couch, with one of the many pre-shows is on in the background. Anyway, while taking my focus off whatever it was I was doing at the time, I notice a guy and a woman talking about underwear while models roam around behind them like lost bulimics in a mall food court. Where do I even start? First off, what the hell does underwear have to do with the South American Emmys, I mean, the Oscars? Who gives a crap about what you can’t see? I mean I can pretty much guarantee that most of these women are not wearing any of this garbage under their dresses, especially that winged BS. To be honest, if it was me, I wouldn’t even bother with underwear. More importantly, notice they didn’t mention what dudes are wearing. That is not because they don’t want to show guys modeling boxers or briefs or a nice silver thong. It’s because they all know that men go commando at these things, so why bother even talking about it.

More importantly, nothing says women’s underwear like an extremely gay man. Now I love me a good gay, but listening to Ross Matthews’ casual comments about what these models are wearing makes me more uncomfortable than I know he was feeling. If you listen closely, you could hear him throw up a little bit in his mouth.

Victoria’s Secret P.R. woman: “Oh yes notice how this thongs hugs her backside so there are no panty lines.”

Ross: “Oh yes, well… that’s… VOMIT.”

I mean, who are we kidding? Not the right segment for my man Ross. I am pretty sure they tricked him into doing this, and on his schedule it said something like he’d be talking about handsome actors’ tuxedo inseams.

So about an hour or so later after taking a brief hiatus from the excitement in the living room, I came back from the other side of our enormous 690 sq. ft apartment (we need a bigger place, by the way). When I refocused on what my ever so focused wife was watching, I was upset to see the thing I probably despise the most about all these award shows, The Fashion Police. Better known as SHUT YOUR MOUTH and other things I will not say. Skhsdj@ #@(($k lJSk fkdbbi rooweke, is what comes to mind every time these idiots talk. Who cares, WHO CARES!!! I know my wife does and obviously a lot of you people, but honestly, what they do is garbage. They are just sitting there under a tent talking about people WHO ARE NOT EVEN THERE YET!

I have to start with the dude, George Kotsiopoulos. I really have nothing on him besides the fact he bends over backwards to blow smoke up the asses of his female clothes Nazis and the celebrities they judge. He is basically there as an accent wall for the otherwise bland female room. He seems nice and he is Greek like one half of me, so I can’t kill him. You really can’t screw up a tuxedo anyways unless you’re an idiot, but shut up nonetheless.

On to Giuliana Rancid? Rampid? Rancic? Wasn’t her maiden name like Fettuccini? Or Alfredo? Some kind of Italian sauce? (Relax, I am half Italian.) Regardless, she was posting judgment on people while she sits there in a dress that looks like the sun is rising out of her crotch and there is crumpled up/torn toilet paper on her shoulders. It looked like crap, and she has the fortitude to change into an even worse dress, where there is now a poor wingless bird out there because she needed them for her shoulders! Even writing this is making me furious.

Kelly Osbourne, my dear, those in glass houses shouldn’t burn bridges… you heard me. You cannot honestly judge anyone when your dress has what looks like broken pieces of glass randomly glued on it, and your hair is the color of the water in a hot tub after a college house party. Everyone just shut up… shut up, just shut up.

You all might think that I am just doing what they do to people all that time by making fun of them, and it makes me no better than they are. Well you are wrong, because I honestly don’t give a crap who is wearing what, when they wore it, how they wore it and who copied who. It’s no one’s business no matter how bad they look. Just look in the mirror every now and then is what I am saying. I am just giving them what they deserve… from a guy whose main wardrobe is made up of t-shirts and jeans. But jokes on you – they are Levis 527 bootcut jeans, very classy, oh and burlap is so in now, watch for it.

Now onto the main attraction, the lady on the couch, who is poised and ready for strike if a single noise is made that isn’t coming from the TV. During these shows I am always being yelled at to be quiet, even if I am just trying to do dishes or you know, breath air. And every time I get yelled at, the volume on the TV seems to go up by 10 – too bad she starts somewhere above 70 and it only goes to 100. Hell, I even get yelled at when I am watching my own shows that the volume is too LOW. Shows that she constantly says she hates, but she still wants the volume up. Why would she want to hear Swamp People or Gold Rush louder than 25? Because I definitely don’t want to hear Teen Mom at 72 or hear the Kardashians at all, let alone see them.

Anyways, while perched at the dinner table, which happens to be the perfect location to study my wife, it all starts to unfold like it has so many times before. And when I say perfect location, I mean only location unless I want to stand in the hallway. We may have a very large sectional, enough for 5 or 6 people, but Lindsay somehow finds away to take over every inch of it with paper, magazines, computer cords, like 30 blankets and possibly a miner’s helmet.

It boggles my mind how focused she gets while the show was on. Simultaneously working her computer, phone, using the remote and taking notes about who won what. I’m watching my wife working over this award show like a scientist trying to cure an illness, except the illness happens to be ugly dresses and anger when someone won that she didn’t pick. What everyone else doesn’t get to see and hear is Lindsay talking to the TV, while talking to herself, also talking to me, and occasionally talking to her computer and phone. And no, not talking on the phone, talking to it like a waitress taking her order. I’m sure there are hospitals for things like this but I’ll let her go a few more times til she starts doing it while I am trying to watch hockey.

It’s comical watching how she functions though. Those of you that are friends with her on Facebook know that she has the ability to take over your news feed with her status updates, fill the Twittersphere with her tweets and update her Live Journal with depressing statements. Obviously that’s a joke come on now, she has a Dead Journal.

So every time something happens during the show she will immediately scream “I knew it!” or “That’s impossible!” or “Babe, shut up!” and that’s when the real show begins. She will first jump on her computer and comment on God knows what, because I am never on Facebook to read any of it and then move onto Twitter to hashtag something. 

Immediately following her typing her phone starts flipping out with responses and texts from other people. She is responding to them with the phone in one hand, the other hand retyping something else on the computer and a pen between her toes marking down award winners/taking notes on how handsome some of the guys are. And to be honest I could act and dress real nice, but I chose not to and make dinner for her every night. So be careful what you wish for Lindsay, you could go hungry.

Here is Lindsay doing our taxes… oh wait she is actually re investing her 401k my fault. Who are we kidding there is no chance of any of that happening.

After about 2 hours of watching her watch… I totally forgot what she is even watching… it finally hits me. Where the hell is all this focus and effort in other aspects of our married life? I applaud her for her ability to keep her followers interested in the show, but little lady put the phone down and help me out here. I mean if she put this kind of effort into say, cleaning or doing the dishes, or dare I say, cooking, I would be an extremely happy man. Actually never mind, don’t try cooking – we only have one fire extinguisher in here. There is a lot of misdirected energy in this apartment, mostly towards the TV and cheese sticks in the fridge. We are going to have to work on that.

Honestly, this is what I have to deal with. Replace the food with a fax machine and she’s a paralegal.

Obviously she dresses in her best tuxedo t-shirt for the show, But I like to think she is working on a formula for NASA on a more effective way to re-enter the atmosphere. By the way, the statue is to throw at me.

Also I didn’t know there was such a large gambling ring that happens during the Canadian Country Music Awards, sh*t Oscars, my apologies. Lindsay is spread out over the coffee table and couch with all these papers like a teacher grading tests. Apparently, she had bet large amounts of money, like 4-5 bucks worth in a pool at work for the awards. Seriously, that’s where our money is going. All that I could manage out of all the chatting and scribbling that was going on was that she apparently was picking the right winners and some girl named Jaimie was doing terrible. And I get dirty looks when I go to Foxwoods. HELLO! You are running an illegal gambling ring on our couch. I am surprised you’re not selling knock-off Oscar statues out of your trunk!

Like every good gambler you have to work two different colored markers. Shame.

The only thing I can compare how my wife manages her whole situation is to that of a general manager of a professional sports team. With the phone constantly on the go, her hands in everything and the look of “job on the line” stress, how could she not be one. I’m waiting for the swears to start being flung and her to scream, “THE DEAL’S OFF!” and toss the phone, only to loosen her tie and pour a glass of scotch. But luckily, she leaves the scotch drinking to me.

So as the show starts to wind down her stress level goes up, whether it’s the threat of losing our life savings due to her gambling problem, or the fact that it’s the last show of the season, I am not sure. But every minute that passes brings out a side of my wife that I wish you could all see in person.

Yet as the last award is given out a strange occurrence happens after her excitement and loudness settles down. Like a bipolar person coming back to reality, she all of a sudden acts like the normal Lindsay I am used to and gives me the “what’s the matter?” look. As if the last five+ hours never happened. I think that all the radiation from her damn iPhone give her lapses in memory. Do you not remember what the hell just went on in here? So now I am left with a tired girl on the couch and having to clean up the tornado I call Lindsay. My excitement cannot be contained.

I hope that this gave everyone a decent look into how “Lindsay Look’s” and that I didn’t go too hard on her. After all, I still have to live with her for I think the rest of my life, I forget what the contract actually says. I tried my best to capture the artist at work during only the most important awards, the Central American Hoarder Awards… nope that’s what I am going with. As much as she makes me crazy sometimes, I do love her and am happy that she enjoys doing this and that you all enjoy reading.

So until next time, or when I am allowed to sleep in the bed again,