Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras

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“I Know I’m Not the Only One” by Sam Smith
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That’s it for the first installment. Not sure exactly when my next post will be, but I’ll be on the prowling the web this week in search of new finds (and I mean that in the least To Catch a Predator way possible).
Last weekend, I had one of those weekends that you look forward to for days and then you blink, and BAM! It’s over. While any gorgeous weekend on Nantucket is a gift from the weather gods as a way to repay you for the worst winter ever, these few days were especially noteworthy for me as it was my first Nantucket Book Festival. I missed it last year, and so I was really looking forward to get my book nerd on all weekend long.
Nantucket is famous for having a festival of some kind almost every weekend from May until August. Unlike many of the others, most of the events during Book Festival are totally free, which is great, because if there’s anything Nantucket is known for, frugality is not one of them.
But about the festival. Guys, it was amazing. Seriously. As someone who has loved reading for pretty much my entire life and writing almost as long, it was so inspirational to hear from all these different people who are from all different parts of the country and walks of life that are all joined by this common thread. Prior to the festival, I picked up a program to determine which programs would be the most worthy of my time. Turns out, the answer was all.
Since I appreciate a good theme and always try to dress for the occasion, I planned out my #ootd and accessories for the weekend accordingly.
h&m denim jacket / forever 21 top / j.crew skirt / payless heels / ily couture bracelet / kate spade clutch
l to r: kate spade pencil necklace / forever 21 typewriter necklace / scrabble earrings / kate spade book clutch
On Friday night, I started the weekend off with the Opening Kickoff: Reading in my Writing Life with Geoff Dyer, Ben Fountain, & Dani Shapiro at the Unitarian Meeting House. The event began with the Young Writer Award, in which they gave out prizes to the best writing submissions from a contest among local students. I got a bit nostalgic for my early days, entering writing contests and submitting pieces for my school’s literary magazine. It remember what it was like when I discovered that I loved writing and that feeling that I got at a very young age when I was sharing my stories.
All three authors talked about how reading is directly related to their lives as writers. Dani Shapiro gave what I thought was the best advice that evening, which is that you should start every day with good words in your head. She wasn’t implying that you needed to read a chapter of War and Peace before breakfast. It was more about how beneficial it could be to all of us if the first words we saw in the morning weren’t the subject lines of our email or the collective unimportance of A.M. Facebook statuses (which I am often guilty of both of). It’s about setting the tone for your day, and how much more positive your outlook can be if you start it off inspired by something. Immediately, I knew I would be showing up for her session the following day- I couldn’t wait to hear more.
The next day, I woke up bright and early, and while I didn’t start my day off with any inspirational prose, I did step outside my comfort zone with a little 8 A.M. yoga. I know, right? It’s like, who am I anymore?
Since we’re sharing, I’m not going to lie- the main reason I signed up for this session is because it was free and I figured it would probably be the only time I would ever get to work out at the super schmancy Westmoor Club. But as an added bonus, the class was being taught by yoga instructor/author Sara DiVello, who I loved hearing her story about leaving the financial corporate world after thirteen years to pursue her dream to teach yoga. She teaches yoga at a few places in Boston and if you’re in the area, I highly recommend taking a class with her, especially if you’re an inexperienced yogi like myself. I had to skip out slightly early to make it to the next session I wanted to attend, but I made a mental note of her book and the subsequent signing later that day and promised myself I would go back and pick it up.
I hightailed it back into town for Writing the Creative Life, Part II (I missed Part I due to yoga) at the Atheneum, where I got to hear Dani Shapiro and Katrina Kenison share their process about writing, specifically memoirs. I was mostly interested in this because I feel like blogging is almost memoir style writing, and I always debate myself on how much detail I should go into about real people and real scenarios, and they both spoke about dealing with that. The biggest point I took away from it is that relationships with people are always more important than anything you will ever write, but how you want to approach that fine line is ultimately up to you.
Next I attended Emerging Writers: A Conversation with Michael Schulder. There was a whole thing here about stealing books that I didn’t quite understand but was supposed to be a good thing. The best part about this session was being introduced to four really cool writers that all came from completely different genres: Molly Antopol, Cynthia Bond, Tim Horvath, and Anthony Mara. They all shared their many different words of wisdom about the craft, and how you always want your readers to feel like that they time they spent reading your book was worth it. I didn’t pick up any of theirs this round, but as soon as I finish the ones I did purchase, these are next on my list.
By this point, I was so full of inspiration and words but majorly lacking in nourishment, so I headed home to recharge and grab dinner before heading out for the evening’s final events, which grabbed my attention immediately when I saw them on the schedule: Authors in Bars and Book Fest Open Mic. Both are exactly what you think they would be – all the super cool people I had just been listening to during the day, who were now in front of me in line at some of the island’s local bars and restaurants. And they were so nice and approachable, it was almost like being around celebrities except for the were totally appreciative of you fanning all over them. I didn’t take any photos of the actual people that I chatted with (too busy fanning), but just to prove that we were there, here’s my friend Claire at the bar with everyone’s empty glassware.

Sigh. Once again, I’ve taken a bit of a blogging hiatus. And this time it was for good reason, not just work is busy/I’m tired/max capacity DVR (although those are all things that are often happening at any given time in my life). This time, there have been a few obstacles getting in my way of sitting down at the keyboard. One obstacle, mainly.
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our first casualty. |

Would you be mad at me if I said that sometimes, taking daily #ootd pictures isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? Don’t get me wrong, I love having an outlet in which I can express myself everyday. And I do enjoy the photos and reading your comments and seeing your likes. But sometimes, you wake up late and throw on the closest thing you can find. Sometimes, you get home and don’t have the energy to snap photos of your outfit because your rattiest sweats have been calling your name since noon. Many times, you leave the office so late that it’s pitch dark and therefore, unsuitable for poorly lit iPhone pics.
Which is probably why, during week forty five of whatever this thing is that I’ve been doing for almost a year, I only ended up with two outfit photos. So this is a relatively short post, but I’m getting closer to keeping up with these ensembles in real time (today is officially one week away from my anniversary at my job). And with that, I bring you the shortest #ootd post ever.
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limited sweater/express top/forever 21 pants/old navy flats & earrings |
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j.crew blazer, top & jeans/old navy flats/ily couture necklace |
It’s no secret that there are certain stores that I frequent (or used to, before there was thirty miles of water between me and the nearest mall). I don’t ever intentionally wear one brand from head-to-toe, but sometimes when I go to tag the makers of the various pieces in my ensemble, I find that I am in fact a walking advertisement. Not that I’m complaining; the reason I love J. Crew is because all of the basics are so interchangeable. But you have to jazz it up with fun accessories, like these cap toe flats (that I have almost worn into the ground) and this statement necklace that I scored on a major sale.
That’s it for this (very short) week. Let’s make a date for the next installment!

Well folks, it was another beautiful weekend on Nantucket. I’m not saying that to rub it in, it’s just that sometimes I can’t believe I live here. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still winter (like it snowed again this morning), but this weekend was a great combo of beautiful weather (for March) + a successful work event + fun (and drinks) with friends + excursions. But let’s let the photos speak for themselves.
Friday night Steve & I took it easy, which now I’m thankful for after the excitement the rest of the weekend had in store. Saturday I was super excited because Steve was off (lately he’s been working Saturday mornings), and he promised me a homemade breakfast worthy of MaryAnn’s, and he delivered.
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there was bacon, people. bacon. |
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barn, ho. |
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first trip to the barn = first panoramic photo |
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smiles |
Now don’t tell Steve, but it was sort of refreshing to be outside. Even though I could barely walk the next day. But I had to get over it, because I had to be at the museum for a program, which was basically like a Nantucket version of Jeopardy.
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what is… a dead whale? |
All of my coworkers worked super hard on this, so we felt like we had earned a beverage or two… or four in my case (hey, live-Tweeting events can be pretty taxing). Regardless, I discovered one of my new favorite drinks at Dune (the Island Affair) and then pretty much danced my legs off at the Rose & Crown with the five other people that were feeling the music as well. You know how I know I was having like, a really good time? Because there are no pictures of it. I was too busy to Instagram!
After discovering the next morning that we had been hit by the cruel mistress that is Daylight Savings, I forced myself out of bed (and wondered what age you have to be to be considered “too old” for shots of tequila) under the premise that Steve had promised us pre-hangover that he would make brunch for us, which meant I got to have bacon two days in a row.
After that, Steve took us on an excursion to explore some of the beaches we hadn’t seen before in his car, which made me realize that before I moved to Nantucket, I had never driven on a beach before. It was another gorgeous day, so beautiful that the girls and I jumped out of Steve’s X-Terra and began frolicking across the sand.
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if you don’t look at our outfits, you’d swear it was summer. |
If I zipped my coat all the way up and just channeled as much of the warmth of the sun as I could, I almost felt like I could see summer when I was looking out at the waves. It definitely smelled like it. Despite living on an island, this was the first time I felt like I had smelled the salty air in months. Event the sight of driftwood seemed lovely.
We rounded out the weekend by shoving our faces full of pizza (because that cures most ailments, especially of the hangover variety) and heading back to the museum for a late night screening of… well, I don’t want to tell you and ruin our theme for Daffodil Weekend, but let’s just say that you can call us if there’s something strange in your neighborhood.
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just another day at the office. |
I hope that all of you had an equally fulfilling weekend, but with less sand in your shoes and a few more glasses of water in between drinks.

Happy day after the Oscars, everyone! Like a kid on December 26, I’m slightly sad that it’s over but excited to play with my new toys, i.e., talk about dresses. So without further adieu, I bring you my 2014 Oscar Fashion Recap.
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l to r: jennifer garner/pink/kate hudson |
Yes, I know, I’m picky, but these were literally my only three real favorites of the evening. There were a lot of other women that looked pretty, but these ones really knocked my socks off. First up, Jennifer Garner. I love a classic silhouette with an unexpected detail, and I thought she looked like on of the party guests right out of the Oscar-winning set of The Great Gatsby. I was sad not to see Pink on the red carpet, but I think she more than made up for her absence with this ruby red slipper-inspired gown during her performance of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Although I’m not going to lie, I was half expecting someone to come along and rip the skirt off her as she was lifted above the crowd by circus wires. An aaagggh Kate Hudson (that was a good aaagggh) has just been killing it over the past few years on the red carpet. I was a little afraid that the cape thing was going to be all over the place on Sunday, and luckily, it was kept to a minimum and used effectively, like this half-one that lightly draped over her back.
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l to r: jennifer lawrence/lupita nyong’o |
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l to r: angelina jolie/ashley wagner/lady gaga/kristin chenoweth |
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l to r: camila alves/jada pinkett smith/penelope cruz |
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l to r: anna kendrick/charlize theron/anne hathaway/chrissy teigen |
I may have stated once or twice before that given my bias towards the color black, I’m not a huge fan of it for a head to toe look at an awards show. But the thing about this crop is that I pretty much like them, but I’m conflicted on parts of the dresses that I wish just weren’t there. I am kind of obsessed with Anna Kendrick, as is my husband, but she’s so cool that I’m like, “yeah, go for it.” I like that this is not just a black dress, but I just cannot decide if I like that detail in the middle. And the leg? Let’s just let Angelina hold onto that one, shall we? Charlize Theron is basically flawless, and I would estimate that my approval rating for this one is at about 95% (we only use very scientific fashion algorithms here at Lindsay’s Look). I just cannot fully support the shape of those straps. I know they’re connected to a full strap that just happens to be totally invisible, but I don’t feel like those blunt points are all that chic. I guess I just frankly don’t understand the purpose of having said see through area. I mean, it reminds me of those clear bra straps that were like all the rage in 8th grade, when you were trying to pretend that you needed a bra, but didn’t want people to see it (although let’s be real, you totally did). I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen Anne Hathaway in years, and I’m not sure about this halter dress that she decided to grace our presence with. It looks like someone demolished the Dancing with the Stars mirror ball trophy and slapped it on her chest. Finally, Chrissy Teigen mixed it up with a floral print that the more I look at it, I am not so much a fan of. I love pocket dresses in real life, but not for the Oscars. When you pose like this the whole time it just looks like you lost both your hands in a series of unfortunate events. Also, is the high-low hemline thing still happening?
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l to r: karen o/emma watson/julia roberts/olivia wilde |
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l to r: calista flockhart/cristin milioti/naomi watts/portia de rossi |
Do you think there was an email chain in which former cast members of Ally McBeal were like, “hey, you going to the Oscars?” “Uh, yeah, totally.” “Me too. Brilliant idea- let’s grab our grandmother’s tablecloths that have been in the attic for like 47 years and make dresses out of them.” “Totes magotes. Text me later.” Okay, fine, that may not have been the conversation exactly, but how else can you explain both Calista Flockhart and Portia de Rossi showing up like this? And I’m sorry, I am really not trying to be mean (it just happens sometimes) but does Calista all of a sudden look super old? I always thought she looked like a teenager next to Harrison Ford, now I think she’s starting to look like his twin sister. She’s 49, not 65. One fresh face you may not recognize is Cristin Milioti, as her only real claim to fame so far is that she’s the Mother on How I Met Your Mother. Oh, apparently she was also Leo’s first wife in Wolf of Wall Street, except when I saw her on the red carpet I got nervous that the Twilight series was coming back. Like, seriously, she looks like a vampire. That shade of lipstick flatters no one. I was so bummed to Naomi Watts in this shapeless white frock that looked like a beaded t-shirt dress, especially after she look so good last year. And I just will never get why people think it’s okay to wear their hair so purposely unstyled. Thanks for putting the effort in and simply flipping your part to the opposite side. And poor Portia, wearing that doily dress that reminds me of a less exciting version of the Spirograph drawings I used to do when I was a kid.
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l to r: amy adams/idina menzel/sandra bullock/viola davis |
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l to r: kristen bell/kerry washington/jessica biel |
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l to r: bette midler/meryl streep/liza minelli |
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l to r: cate blanchett/sally hawkins |

It may not seem like it, given my lack of weekly fashion recaps, but I have actually been keeping up with my daily outfit photos ever since returning from the holidays. You can check out my last installment here.
Here we are now at week forty four- hard to believe it’s this close to a year!
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j.crew skirt/ny & co top/c wonder skirt & necklace/rocketdog pumps |
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old navy sweater/j.crew skirt/target flats/jewelry sale necklace |
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old navy coat & flats/j.crew sweater/tj maxx pants/kate spade hat & bracelets |
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c wonder sweater/banana republic top/j.crew pants/old navy flats |

- Started the weekend off with a Valentine’s #Pinterestfail attempting this heart bun for work on Friday. Thank you to The Beauty Department for convincing girls like me that they can totally replicate everything they pin. I can’t wait to see how that ombre glitter mani turns out.
- Steve and I agreed not to exchange V-Day gifts, as he reminds me that he buys me things all of the 364 other days of the year and doesn’t need a made up holiday to confirm that he is a good husband. While I agree, it was still exciting to get this “@” necklace from Danielle Stevens Jewelry from my mother-in-law that day in the mail.
- Although I need absolutely nothing in the wardrobe department (and yet, everything), I couldn’t resist the Milly & Grace blow out sale. I had been eying this Kirribilla Lucy dress since the summer, but couldn’t justify the $410 price tag (especially when you already own approximately 100 dresses). I couldn’t say no when I found it on the $40 rack on Saturday in my size. I also picked up a super thick winter skirt for only $10!
- Spent a few hours at the museum on Saturday supervising a documentary film crew. I know, going into work on the weekend usually = bleech, but stuff like this hardly feels like work. Also I ran into Emily who was brave enough to visit the island during a storm for her birthday. Love that the Boston Blogger connection can extend thirty miles out to sea!
- We had a low key Valentine’s on Friday night, and by low key, I mean I was fighting a never-ending cold and fell asleep before Steve even had a chance to make dessert. Fortunately, he agreed to make it for me on Saturday, and boy am I glad I stayed awake. A warm peanut butter chocolate chip cookie + vanilla ice cream + melted Hershey bar + Reese’s Pieces = perfect dessert to be snowed in with.
- Awoke on Sunday morning to the snow that everyone freaked out about. Seemed like when all was said and done, Nantucket only got like five inches (child’s play once you’ve lived in New Hampshire).
- After church, we explored downtown, which by noon was melt city, yet still beautiful. Snow is way easier to deal with when you drive less than three miles to get anywhere.
- With all the snow, you could barely even see what was left of the Broho Elm that was progressively cut down over the past few weeks.
- All the wind on this island sure made for some interesting icicle shapes.
- While Steve recorded his radio show on Sunday, I grabbed my camera and explored some more of snow-covered Nantucket, including some of the historic sites like the Old Gaol, which somehow looked less creepy with a coating of white.
- Once Steve was finished with his show, we continued our snow tour out in ‘Sconset. It was so weird to me to see snow on the beach, despite having grown up in New England my entire life (I don’t usually make a habit of hanging out at the beach in the winter).
- Snowy boots in sand. Again, weird.
- We went over to Sankaty Head Light next, but the wind was so freakin strong that we didn’t last long. I snapped one Instagram + one Vine and then bolted back to the car.
- I can’t stop in ‘Sconset without visiting my favorite location, the Union Chapel. I don’t consider myself religious, but I still always find the sight of this place to be inspiring.
- All of that snow hunting wasn’t enough for you know who, so on Monday (which I had mistakenly thought might be a day of rest) we headed out to the Ram Pasture for a light winter hike. I tried, I swear.

- It might be sacrilegious to wear Christian Louboutin flats, but it doesn’t stop me from loving this funky footwear.
- Steve and I aren’t ones for super shmultzy cards. This one I found on Etsy is actually probably the most romance I am capable of.
- This heart sweatshirt is definitely a favorite among celebs, but that’s not the reason I like it. Okay, maybe it is just a little bit.
- It’s no secret I love fun tights. These are great because they are basic on the front, with a little surprise once you turn around. That or this chick put them on backwards.
- I’ve looked at this tutorial from The Beauty Department like ten times and I still can’t figure out how you’re supposed to do this heart hairstyle on yourself and have it look this good. That won’t stop me from trying, though.
- When I go on Etsy, I just want to buy prints of every movie quote and song lyric that I’ve ever liked. It’s kind of a problem. But this Lumineers line is so cute, I can hardly resist.
- If you don’t have a ton of money to spend on holiday decorations, printable garlands are always a good way add some cheer to your home. I have ones for almost every occasion, and I’m especially loving this one from Sarah Hearts.
- I have two of these interchangeable C. Wonder belt buckles already (with two reversible belts) and I’m kind of obsessed. There are just so many options!
- You know I have no business being in the kitchen, however the one thing I can sort of do is bake. I have been wanting to make these conversation heart cookies from Beauty & the Beard ever since I saw them on her blog last year.
- What’s the purpose of even having a holiday without some festive nail art?
- Scrabble jewelry is one of my all time favorite things in the history of ever, which makes this XOXO necklace even more droolworthy.
- Just when I thought my love for Kate Spade novelty purses had hit its peak, they come out with this adorable little bag.

Congrats to Sam and Ben, and thank you so much for choosing me to capture your day!