Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras
I don’t think I’ve done a Lindz-terest update since switching over to my new blog space, so it seemed about time. You never quite know when inspiration is going to strike, and I’ve actually been finding myself getting sick of my usual resources for interesting information. I used to be all about BuzzFeed, and it’s still the place where I am introduced to a lot of things (mainly because my feed is bombarded with every “article” that could literally ever exist about anything) but I just feel like I’m kind of getting sick the “21 things you’ve ever thought about this” or “48 times that animals ruled Tumblr” (I think that was an actual headline today… and yes, I read it and laughed, because how could you not). So lately, I’ve been trying to seek out alternate sources of internet entertainment, which believe it or not, is easier said than done. Here’s a few of what caught my eye this week:
#HotDudesReading: I feel like every week there is some witty Instagram account that pops up and I’m like omg omg follow follow follow. I don’t think I’ve been this excited about one since discovering Fashion Dads (which is the brainchild of one of my favorite bloggers), but Hot Dudes Reading has definitely slid into my top spot. Mainly because I enjoy anything that turns the tables and objectifies men instead of women. Seriously, how creepy would it be if there was a website where men sketchily take cell phone pics of women without their knowledge? (Oh wait, there is.) But for real, something about this is really sweet to me. I’m seriously just happy that there’s this many people still in the world that aren’t just staring at their iPhones. My favorite part? #NoKindles.
Art History’s Burn Book: You’ve seen them on Capitol Hill. You’ve seen them take on the French Revolution. But the best new Mean Girls parody account has to be Art History’s Burn Book. The simplicity of it is just brill – timeless works of art overlaid with the greatest words Tina Fey has ever written. And apparently it’s been around for like a year but I’m just arriving now to the party because of what else? BuzzFeed.
Grammys, Toddlewood Style: I’m sure I’ve posted about this before, but I’m kind of obsessed with this photographer Tricia Messeroux and what she does with these tots. I love seeing her kiddie interpretation of award show fashion a few days after the red carpet. Some people might think that this is the epitome of everything that is wrong with our society/a little reminiscent of JonBenét Ramsey (too soon?), but I find it to be hilarious. Everyone takes these award show fashions so seriously (including myself) and there’s something about a scowling mini-Kanye that kind of allows you to take a step back at it and remember that it’s all in fun. It also reminds me of Cameron on Modern Family when he dresses up baby Lily as music’s fiercest females for elaborate photoshoots in their home. Obviously that’s the kind of mother I would aspire to be. Um, she also birthday does parties. I know what I want to do for my 30th…
Origins Quarter Life Crisis Campaign: I was scrolling through one of the many social media emails I subscribe to, and this article about Origins new campaign immediately peaked my interest. Why? Because I am totally their target demographic here. My friends and I have been joking the past few years about how we’re still breaking out in our late twenties despite serving our time as awkward pimple-faced teens. Turns out, we’re not the only ones, and the company is capitalizing on our vulnerability in a real and kind of amusing way with a “global, integrated, digital campaign developed by Estée Lauder’s own millennial employees, aimed at 20-somethings to help them address the early signs of skin aging.” There’s even an app for that. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I know I have seen a definite shift in my skin since I hit the second half of my twenties, and this is the first time that I can think of any major cosmetics line saying that they get that. I don’t know what kind of Mad (wo)Men they have behind this, but I can tell you they’ve got me hooked.
Read anything interesting online lately? Or are cat videos still all the rage? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. I’m always looking for new inspiration/procrastination resources.
Oh, Kate Spade. Why do you do this to me? There’s probably no greater delight than getting one of your “surprise sale” emails in my inbox. Some have a plethora of adorable goods, some are just filled with obviously leftover merch that hasn’t hit the outlets yet. I usually covet at least two or three things, but this one is a real doozy. There’s so many things I’ve always wanted that are now on sale! In fact, they’re so cheap that some of the stuff I saw that I liked yesterday is already gone. Which is probably beneficial to me, since I’m not drowning in disposable funds right now. Plus my accessories collection could use a bit of simplifying. My current process is that I go through my entire closet, determined to get rid of things, and after trying everything on and realizing I have an emotional attachment to literally every item I own, I put approximately three things in a bag to donate. So there’s that.
Anyway, back to the sale! If I was going to partake, these are a few of the goodies I would add to my cart:
bonjour clutch / cove street airel / lemon street gwen camera bag / all aboard pouch / anchors away bracelet / ta da! studs
I think the earrings are my favorite (they’re only $19!!!). They’ve been in and out of previous sales, and I think I suffer from sort of opposite buyer’s remorse every time I don’t purchase them.
The surprise sale ends Thursday at midnight, so I recommend you stop everything you’re doing and start shopping. If you want to throw in a pair of studs for me, I wouldn’t hate it.
Another winter day, another award show. Don’t you just love this time of year? (Minus the ten feet of snow for New Englanders… and constant state of drizzle here on Nantucket.)
First of all, I have to come out and admit that I missed a majority of the red carpet. 2014’s slightly off award season schedule (due to the Olympics) really messed with my mental calendar this year, and I was committed to help out at a work even right in the middle of prime arrival time. Luckily, the internet exists and it is my friend, and at 7 P.M. I promptly booked it out of there and delved right into it, without hesitating to remove my coat. Eventually I put on my tuxedo t-shirt and settled into my usual spot on the couch, ready to judge like I’ve never judged before. After all, the Grammys are the slightly eccentric aunt of the entire award show season. Those musicians… you never know what sort of hijinks they’ll get into!
But seriously, you have permission to kook it up a little bit at this one (except for in 2013, when a strongly worded memo tried to dissuade stars like Jennifer Lopez leaving so little to the imagination – as you can imagine, that worked out swimmingly). So why did so many celebs show up this year in way-too-basic black sequins? One never knows. But don’t take my word for it – I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves.
This is what I’m talking about. I started having PTSD-style flashbacks to my days in retail seeing all these goth frock cross the red carpet. Theoretically, they’re not so wrong. Take Jessie J, for example. It’s a pretty dress, and it looks great on her body, but to be honest, I’m kind of over this whole see-through dress/granny panty thing. We get it – you want everyone to know your sexy and classy, both at the same time. Nicki Minaj is suffering from a similar ailment, but in two obviously different ways (i.e., her boobs). I know this is kind of tame for her, but that’s what I think the problem is. This is not the Nicki we know and love (sometimes… at least, until she speaks). I know she’s been trying to class it up now that she’s an “actress,” but girl, this is the Grammys. This is your scene. Show ’em what to do! I feel like Nicole Kidman has been keeping it real mum lately, and then randomly surfaces and you’re like oh… she’s married to the guy with the bob. She looks fine, actually probably less robotic than usual, but nothing to really write home about. And oh, Beyonce. Where is our Queen? I take back everything I ever said about that white and black pant combo from two years ago – at least that gave us something to talk about! Why this boring, shapeless frock? Oh I’m sorry, your skirt is see-through? How edgy. Please, hold my calls while I alert the media to this fashion revelation. Even the House of Dereon has more intrigue than this. Finally, I know I’m supposed to automatically root for Meghan Trainor because of her Nantucket roots, but I was kind of glad we didn’t have to see Morticia’s prom gown up on stage any more than we did during her snoozy banter with the hot Jonas (“well Nick, it’s safe to say you made a lot of girls ‘Jealous’ this year…” kill me now). I do like her and her kooky style, and I just thought this dress was all wrong for her. First, there’s more of this sheer evening gown/underwear surprise, and second, the underwire cup of her bra looks is totally visible, kind of ruining the whole nude illusion thing. I’d rather see her rock some kitty cat sequins any day.
Oh, you thought those were the only stars attending a funeral that evening? Nope. There’s a whole other slew of depressing duds to sift through. Although if you’re going to go all black, you might as well look as good as Gwen Stefani in this cropped jumpsuit. I don’t even care if that top is pulling her boobs in two different directions, she looks so good. I do miss the red lip though. I feel like that could have really made the outfit. As for Miley Cyrus… well what is there even really to say. Props for being as covered as you are? Thank you for not wearing fourteen tiny Crazy Eyes buns across your head? I’m sorry, I just have a really hard time complimenting this girl on anything. I wish I knew why Ciara was so mad, but if I had to guess, I’m going to say it’s because her stylist insisted on covering up her insane calf muscles with eighteen pounds of tulle. Girl, you gotta speak up about these things. I do not by any means hate what Anna Kendrick has on, but for someone who is so fun and so spunky, I really feel like she could have done more with this safe (albeit slamming) black suit. She’s the spokesperson for Kate Spade, for Pete’s sake. Grab a whimsical clutch! A bold colored heel! Give us something, girl! Lastly, Miranda Lambert kind of let me down with this boring black frock. A hot pink strap does not an interesting dress make. Also that limp hair is killing me. You’re a country singer! Isn’t your personal mantra the bigger the hair, the closer to God?
It seems like with the past three or four award shows, there’s always a bevy of ladies working the white. I don’t blame them, especially these women – it’s heaven on their skin tone (where as I would look like I am basically invisible). I don’t quite understand what is happening with Ariana Grande‘s dress though… between the very restricting strap and the haphazard scrap of silver mesh, it looks like she was in the bottom half of a Project Runway “use everything you have” challenge. And after seeing her performance, I’m convinced she robbed a Sephora and spent her afternoon on Pinterest researching “Scotch tape winged eyeliner tutorials.” I was happy to see new It Girl Gina Rodriguez there, dazzling in white, and I especially appreciate the turquoise accent. Also, applause for a center slit that ends in an appropriate place (I’m looking at you, Kim). Chrissy Teigen looks fine and all, and I’m certainly glad that she washed her hair, but holy underboob. Is that even legal?! I’m a firm believer in the adage that if you’re going to show a major body part, cover everything else up, but my God (but seriously, how rocking is that clutch?). And finally, Jennifer Hudson. I have this theory that she still paying the price for that brown slip dress/cosmic space jacket combo that she wore the year she won her Oscar, and she has to be extra on her game like, all the time. But seriously, her body looks slamming, as usual. I think the choker is cool, but I would have preferred a longer necklace for the low neckline of the dress.
I love me some award show sparkle. However, not all of these ladies get my gold star. First, Rita Ora may as well be wearing a suit of armor – seriously, have you ever seen her more covered up? I do not feel that a turtleneck was a necessary addition to that dress. I appreciate the theory, just not the execution. Ugh and WHY was Paris Hilton even there? I forgot she existed and I swear she pops up at this particular award show every year and threatens to drop another “album.” I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – I think she probably does the worst illusion paneling on a semi-consistent basis (you know, when they let her in places). But Katy Perry… you are my everything. Seriously, I loved this outfit on her. It defies everything we know as a species – gravity, science, hair color found in nature – but she does it so, so well. But since I can’t just let it be I have to say… I’m not crazy about that shoe. I’m sorry, I know, I have a problem. But points all around, Katy! Also how do we think my office would feel about lavender hair? Now there is such a thing as dripping in sparkles in a bad way, and that way is Kim Kardashian. First of all, I’m annoyed that she has a legitimate reason to be at this award show. I know everyone has said it all already: she’s wearing Liberace’s bathrobe, she could be Joan Collins double from Dynasty, yada yada yada. I think the thing that bothers me the most is the sheer size of everything. Yes, she’s curvy, but she’s also like 5’2. Why in the world would she need a shoulder embellishment that large and sleeves that long? And the pockets – everything is just heavy. I’m exhausted just looking at her, thinking about carrying that crap around all night. And don’t even get me started on the slit. I swear, we’ve seen her vagina so much lately that I’m surprised she’s even covered up this much at all. I’m kind of conflicted about Lady Gaga‘s look. I like seeing a non-crazy phase of her, but I feel like she’s still doing that to some degree. It’s no meat dress, but now it’s like she’s trying to play a 1940s sex pot, emphasis on trying… really really hard. It’s a little desperate, no? Also that pancake boob thing with those kind of dresses is pretty much one of my least favorite fashion faux pas, right behind visible panty lines. And the tan? Yikes. Even Snooki’s like “damn girl, tone it down.”
This is where I’m just like…wtf? Like what can I even say? I know Sia is an “artist” and she has this whole greater meaning behind everything she does, but then I guess… I just don’t understand art. And is the reason she’s going everywhere with Maddie from Dance Moms is because she needs her to guide her around and make sure she doesn’t walk off a stage or something with that wig covering her eyes? Because then all of this makes a lot more sense. I had such high hopes for Iggy Azalea, and she definitely delivered in the dress department – this gown reminded me of a sexy swimsuit or something – but what.the.hell. is sitting atop her head? She looks like an extra from Star Wars. Who knew they even made braided toupées? And well… they don’t call her Princess Riri for nothing I guess. I saw the dresses from this particular Giambattista Valli runway and thought that they were beautiful in a way, like a piece of art really but…not at all wearable for any normal person. Well, luckily Rihanna is not normal and is like, eff you guys – I’m going to wear that cupcake thing like a boss. And she did I guess, I mean, you could practically see the thing from space. So, mission accomplished, I guess? (But ahhhhh oh my God, do I hate that hair. Wispies are literally the bane of my existence.)
These three have got me feeling all sorts of feelings, and I can’t make sense of any of them. Dare I say… I like them a little bit? First of all, props to Jane Fonda – who knows why you’re even there, but God love you for getting back into the Spandex and reminding us why we should buy your VHS aerobics tapes the next time we find ourselves at the Goodwill. I know, this is kind of crazy, but I think that’s why I love it. She is a lady of a certain age; she couldn’t give any less F’s about any of this. But she looks so good, I’m like, “maybe I do need a gold fringe necklace that comes down to my pelvis.” Jane, I salute you. And Taylor Swift… I don’t know what’s happening, because there are so many elements of this that are against many of the things I feel about fashion. Between the high-low skirt, the straps that serve no purpose, the black opal paraiba earrings (like, seriously?) and the peacock ombre – there’s so many things about this dress that shouldn’t work, and then they do. Also I want those purple heels like, yesterday. As for Katharine McPhee, I am so conflicted about this number. It’s like there’s something about the silhouette of it that I love, but I’m also scared that she may have stolen part of Bane’s mask to construct it. I sort of like the color, and yet at the same time I feel like it’s a color that no one could wear. I do know one thing – that hair definitely leaves something to be desired. The wet look should be reserved for immediately exiting the swim-up bar at the pool and that is it.
Blech, this had to happen at some point. So some things were strange or boring or ill-fitting, and others were just downright heinous (I live for these moments. Why? Because no one’s going to try to pull this stuff at the freaking Oscars). I don’t really know who Kat Graham is, but she’s working my least favorite trend of the evening and only enhancing its awfulness by doing the appliqués in white. I think it’s supposed to be a flower, but it looks like it’s exploding and then crying all over her, which is exactly how I feel right now. I’m also not really sure who Jenny Lewis is, but I vaguely remember a music video with Anne Hathaway and Kristen Stewart also wearing white suits and playing her music, so if she’s friends with those two, I’m sure she’s a real blast to hang with. Also I’m not sure if she’s actually on the red carpet or if Shia LaBeouf’s having an acid trip and we can all see her too. I actually would have been fine with a white suit, but we’ve got to work on the hem of these pants, people. Poor Zendaya. Did you know that she’s eighteen?! Eighteen! Yes, she technically looks beautiful, but whose idea was it to age her by thirty years with that hair and the Mrs. Roper dress? Charli XCX is a mess, but for a whole slew of other reasons. Is she the new Ke$ha? Like was she out partying all night and woke up late and grabbed a guy’s suit and just ran out the door? I think I’m most offended by the hair (shudder). And finally… Madonna. What can we say about the Material Mom that hasn’t already been said? So many great looks are combing here: first a matador, with a splash of Moulin Rouge, finished off with some dominatrix boots. Oh, and in case you were wondering, it’s assless underneath. So there’s that. Listen, I get that she reinvents herself, and there’s a new look and persona every few years, but this is ridiculous. She has run out of people to be and now she’s just going backwards and ripping off herself. And lets just say that the 1994 Madge in the ‘Take a Bow” video wore it better.
Phew! I don’t know about you guys, but I’m spent. Who took your breath away, and who left you feeling dizzy? I cannot believe we are now less than two weeks away from the Oscars. Enjoy your bad white tuxedos while you can… it’s about to get real.
It’s been almost a year since our little Schooner came home with us, and it’s been interesting to say the least. As someone who has never had a dog before, I’m not sure I knew what to expect. It’s definitely not easy raising a very energetic little puppy, but he’s also brought us a lot of laughs (and has only mildly ruined two pairs of shoes) and he continues to surprise us everyday.
It takes a village, as they say, and since we’re approaching one year of pet ownership, I thought I would put together a little list of some of Schooner’s (and our) favorite things.
Like Steve, Schooner’s signature color is orange. I know, you assumed it would be red, white and blue right? So did I. You figure a nautically-named dog would have coordinating accessories. But since the day we got him, the orange thing kind of just stuck.
We do try to do some local shopping at Geronimo’s or Cold Noses on Nantucket, we’ve also scored a lot of supplies on Amazon (because you literally can’t live on an island without having a Prime account) or on random Home Goods trips when we’re back in America.
Chuckit! Indoor Ball: Schooner LOVES this ball. One of my favorite things about him is that he clearly has Little Dog Syndrome, where you can tell he thinks he is much bigger than twelve pounds. This ball is a substantial size (almost as big as his head) but it’s made of foam or something, so it’s super lightweight. He just looks so proud of himself when he’s trotting around with it.
Packable Rain Poncho: I know this seems silly, but Schooner has very fluffy hair instead of fur, so when it’s raining (as it often is on Nantucket) he gets soaked. The hood is a bit silly since it doesn’t really stay on his head, but the coat conveniently covers most of his body and it has a hole for the leash to attach to to his harness. It also folds up nicely for travel.
Chuckit! Whistler Balls: Man, what is it about these Chuckit! products? Talk about knowing your audience. These are the perfect size for Schooner’s little mouth, they bounce, and you can get quite a bit of air behind them (and we don’t even have the additional arm throwing thing).
Remote Trainer: I was kind of against using one of these at first (especially when they’re referred to as “shock collars”), but by the nine month mark, I was at my wit’s end. We had been doing really well with training until about his seventh or eighth month, and then all of a sudden, Schooner’s concentration skills went out the window. The final straw for me was when he chased a deer and got lost in the cranberry bog at dusk, resulting in Steve and I running around screaming his name for the scariest half an hour of my life. I thought I was being a horrible dog owner giving in and getting once of these, until I realize how many people that I know that used it themselves. He’s not in it 24/7, mainly when we’re walking off-leash on the trails or going to busy public places. We keep it on a very low level, mostly using the vibration button to break his concentration when he’s about to chase a rabbit or something.
Cesar Millan Book: We have gotten multiple books about raising a puppy, and this one I’ve found to be the most helpful and easy to follow. By no means is our dog perfectly trained, in fact, I’m not even sure you could say he’s decently trained… but the positive things I have learned came from this book. It also introduced us to the lifesaver that is bully sticks, i.e., the only thing that occupies him when we’re eating dinner.
Chewbacca Toy: The day we took Schooner home, Steve ran into Petco to get a few “necessities,” and came out with this. It was his first toy, and he sleeps with it in his crate every night. We’ve had to buy a few of them now, since someone keeps chewing open the foot, but I know it’s his favorite. We actually have a plethora of the Star Wars collection plush toys, including the Death Star (complete with a mini-Vader and Storm Troopers), C3P0 and Han Solo. Unfortunately, all of them have lost a leg or a hand (which is ironic, since there’s no Luke Skywalker) and Chewy is all that remains.
Travel Set: This is probably the thing we’ve used the most, since we travel on and off the island to visit our families whenever we can. I guess it’s technically a dog “hiking” set, but we all know that isn’t happening any time soon. The water bottle is spill proof – the dog can only get the water to come out by licking the spout – and I like traveling with our own bowls. It’s nice not to have to ask your host if you can use one of their dinner bowls to put kibble in.
Leash: We had a plain black $5 leash until very recently (actually, we had two, but Steve lost one on the trail), and it was so thin that Schooner actually chewed through it once in a fit of rage when I made him wait two minutes while I put my shoes on. We just upgraded to this Red Dingo version, which I like because it’s reflective (we live on a dirt road with NO lights) and sturdy.
Natural Treats: We bought the blueberry flavor of these treats at Homegoods and Schooner LOVES them so much, we bought the pumpkin the next time we went back. They’re a little big, so I like to break them up and use them for training, since they take him a while to eat.
Harness: As you can imagine, Schooner’s harness is orange, but for some reason it’s the only color not shown on the Petco website (and it comes in many). This is our second harness, as his original one basically got destroyed in the first six months from his very active lifestyle. I like this one because it has two different spots you can hook the leash on, either closer to the neck (good for when he has a coat on in chilly weather) or at the end of the harness, which is good for us because Schooner is, as you would say, a puller.
Food Dish: We have two of these, one for food and one for water. Ours are a bit different (found at Home Goods, surprise), but these are super similar. I couldn’t believe how boring most of the dog bowls out there are – I mean, they are on display in your kitchen all the time. I like these because they’re funky, but the silver dish comes out easy for cleaning.
I know I’ve already left a few other things off this list, so I’m sure there will be another installment in the future. Am I missing any life-changing products? Has anyone invented some sort of toy that magically makes them quiet for all six hours of award show coverage? Let me know!
Remember when you were a kid, and a snow day was pretty much the best thing to ever happen to you?
Then you become an adult, and unless there’s a statewide emergency, you have a pretty slim chance of having the day off of work to frolic around in a sea of fluffy white powder. At least for me, working for four and a half years or so of retail barely ever warranted an actual snow day, instead, an ongoing game of “which employees will show up today?” In fact, the one day we did close because of a government-inflicted travel ban, we still had a complaint waiting in our inboxes when we returned the next day claiming that we ruined their daughter’s birthday by being closed, and that they had driven all the way to our store just to find out that they had to turn around and go home empty-handed. Do you know what also might have ruined her birthday? Her entire family dying in a wintery car crash.
When I moved to Nantucket almost two years ago, I never imagined I’d ever have a snow day. The amount of snow needed to make the three mile drive I have to work too dangerous to attempt hardly happens here. In general, we’re about 10 degrees warmer than the rest of America, and we tend to have more rain than snow in the winter. But last year, we had not one but two snow days. There is nothing more liberating as an adult (even when you like your job) than being told you don’t have to go to work on a Tuesday. It’s like all of a sudden, the possibilities are endless! Are you going to sleep in? Get up early and get things done around the house so you have your entire weekend free for fun? Binge watch a whole series that the rest of the world has convinced your life is nothing without? That’s the best part – you can do anything.
Unless your power goes out.
Ah, the dreaded kryptonite of what could be a perfect snow day. You know, when I was younger I actually thought it was kind of exciting to be without power for a night. We would have barbequed food on the grill, read books by candle light (especially American Girl, obv), play a game or something, and within a few hours, we’d be back to our twenty-first century, power-using selves. Then something shifted, and as I got older, the power outages in and around my hometown of Derry, New Hampshire seemed to get much worse, like the time my parents lost power in December 2008 FOR ELEVEN DAYS (which in case you’re wondering, is magical right before Christmas). Weird that even as technology gets better, PSNH’s way of dealing with power gets worse.
I have been told on more than one occasion that Nantucket never loses power. I still don’t entirely know how it works, but from what I gather, our main source of power from the mainland is underwater, meaning that it doesn’t malfunction the way that normal power lines do in storms. So even though I knew yesterday at around 3 P.M. that today was going to be a snow day, I did virtually nothing to prepare for the worst, other than braving Stop & Shop at 5:30 PM to get a loaf of sourdough bread for baked French toast. Yes, that’s right – despite the impending Juno storm, I planned a brunch. Between Steve’s X-Terra and the extremely short distance to my friend’s homes, I never really live in fear of getting around on the island, even in a storm. So when we woke around 6:30 A.M. today and saw nothing on the face of my digital alarm clock, I was surprised but too sleepy to be concerned. I figured it was a temporary problem that would be rectified before our scheduled brunch time.
It’s now 2 P.M., and nothing.
I had many grand ideas for how my snow day would go. After brunch, I would finish my SAG blog (because let’s face it, it’s my dream to have the day off after an awards show to compose my thoughts), catch up on a little DVR that I had been waiting for Steve to get back from his trip off-island to watch with him (because I’m such a good wife), organize under my bathroom sink (leftover weekend project that just didn’t quite happen), and of course, spend an ample amount of time snuggling with my little Schooner-pup under a blanket.
Instead, I have done nothing. And by nothing, I mean stay in bed until I physically had to pee so bad that I thought I had forever damaged my bladder, only to find that due to an electric water pump, we are unable to flush our toilet without power. I mean that I haven’t eaten anything, partially because I really don’t want to have to go to the bathroom and also because Steve is so paranoid about losing money that I’m not allowed to open the fridge. I guess I did accomplish one thing, which is make a dent in an overflowing pile of Entertainment Weekly magazines that have been accumulating on my coffee table for weeks. Oh, I also discovered that my new portable battery charger does NOT come out of the package 100% pre-charged and ready to go. After refreshing the #ACKJuno tweets repeatedly in hopes of hearing any news about what is happening on the rest of the island right now and when our lives… I mean power… would be restored, I am now at a strong 31% iPhone battery charge and therefore, am soon-to-be disconnected from the rest of the world. Literally.
There are so many ways we could have better prepared for today, had we even thought that we might be electricity-free for this long. Besides ample charging, we could have washed all the dishes in the sink (dirty from preparing the French toast at midnight last night), as we now have no clean pots to make soup. We could have filled the tub up with water, instead Steve spend the morning boiling snow on the stove (in the last clean pot, whoops) for us to pour in the toilet (which in case you’re wondering, a small Rubbermaid container filled with snow gets you enough water for about one flush). Most of all, I could have mentally prepared myself to return to the ways of my pioneer relatives (and Kirsten, everyone’s favorite Swedish-braided American Girl doll), instead of entering this weird stage of paranoia that is starting to take over with every bar of energy I lose on one of my devices.
Listen, I get that this is a #firstworldproblem. I know that there are people that live every day in extreme temperatures, without running water or a source of technology to entertain them. But I’m not one of them. I don’t ever plan on trying out for Survivor. I always expected to be the first to die when playing Oregon Trail, and every time I see a Hunger Games film, I debate whether or not I would be taken out in the first ten seconds or the first twenty seconds after they pop out of those tubes in the arena. I’m just not built for stuff like this. Why do you think I don’t ever go hiking?
So instead, I’m snuggled under multiple layers of clothing, blankets, and pups (well, just one) as we wait this one out, while the wind savagely beats trees against our apartment that I now consider to be a little too close for comfort. I’m trying to prepare myself for the loss of daylight we’ll no doubt experience soon, and am wondering how desperate for a connection I’ll have to be to venture outside and charge my phone in the car. Also wondering if eating an entire family size bag of white cheddar popcorn is forgiven when in a state of emergency. I’m going to say yes.
Stay safe, East Coasters.
Remember when I used to take pictures of my outfits for work everyday and Instagram them and then I would do a weekly wrap up where I recapped said outfits? Yeah, I kind of forgot about it too. Actually, that’s not entirely true. If you follow me on Instagram or on Facebook, you know that I have sort of been keeping up with my daily #ootds. So now with the launch of my new blog site, I figured it was time to resuscitate my little style series. Check out these looks from last week:
Monday: J.Crew blazer & t-shirt / Old Navy pants / C. Wonder flats
Tuesday: Banana Republic top / Old Navy cardigan, earrings & flats / C. Wonder skirt
Wednesday: NY & Company jacket / Banana Republic top / J.Crew Skirt /Target shoes / Kate Spade watch
Friday (casual day!): J.Crew sweater / Old Navy coat & flats / Ann Taylor jeans / Kate Spade necklaces & hat
Side note: I didn’t forget Thursday, I just didn’t try too hard that day, so it wasn’t really worth photographing. I came home and immediately changed into a nicer outfit for my anniversary dinner, and by that time I was late (surprise) and it was dark, and not ideal for outfit selfies.
Anyone else running out of outfit inspirations in this bitter weather? I’m getting a little sick of styling my ensembles by what level of outwear I need that day.
Ah, the Golden Globes. One of the highlights of award season, because well, there’s booze there. And it shows.
All kidding aside, what makes the Globes so great is the atmosphere. It’s like there’s TV people, movie people, all forced to mingle in the same room (in the case this year, a very sweaty room). It’s a semi-serious award, so even the big-named stars still feel compelled to show up, not to mention, there’s twice as many categories (so if you were nominated in the musical/comedy category, your chances are usually much higher for taking home a statue than at those stuff Oscars).
Of course, the thing we all care about is the fashion. And this year was a doozy, mainly because the stifling humidity was so obvious on all of the A-lister’s hair and faces (stars! They really are just like us). But even a little frizz wasn’t enough to rain on many of these celebs parades. So once again, it’s time for my annual review of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
First up, the Girls (I’m sorry, it’s just so easy to put them all together). Usually, Allison Williams is one of the best dressed at these sort of things, but I sort of thought she just looked like a very pretty Christmas ornament. Fortunately, that’s light years ahead of her costar Jemima Kirke, who looks like an extra from Star Wars and/or the leader of one of those weird cults where you shouldn’t drink from the communal punch bowl. And poor Lena Dunham. That girl just can’t quite get it right, can she? Every year there is just something questionable about her look. This year I’m going to have to say it’s the business lunch shoe and the totally weird seams on the front of her dress. What’s with that line at the top – does Lululemon now sell evening wear? (Props to whoever chose this color – it’s magnificent on her.) Zosia Mamet… I mean, I really don’t have words. Between Gwyneth Palthrow’s ’99 Oscar dress on the bottom and that fetching shade of paper bag on the top (otherwise known as faccata), there’s just really no hope for this unfortunate ensemble.
Now this is how you do it, ladies. It may be obvious by now that I have a thing for sparkles at award shows (and yes, I realize they’re all blonde – in the wise words of Elle Woods, we have to stick together as a hair color minority). Sometimes I look at Diane Kreuger, and I suddenly believe in reincarnation, because there’s no way that girl wasn’t Grace Kelly in her past life (although I couldn’t name one movie she’s been in for probably the last three years). And Reese Witherspoon. MY GOD. I know I’m totally biased because she’s my all-time favorite actress, but seriously, this is the best she has ever looked, ever. She should probably divorce Jim Toth and marry Calvin Klein so they can continue to make beautiful music together for the rest of their lives. Finally, I put Anna Faris in there because this is the first time I thought she really brought it to the red carpet, and I thought this dress was perfect for her. It’s like a little boho-esque, which isn’t my favorite style, but I think it works for her and she somehow looks both glamorous and comfortable.
Ugh, ladies. What is happening here? You’re all beautiful women! You have money, stylists, mirrors (I assume). How could this happen? First and foremost, Claire Danes, to quote Regina George, “that is the ugliest effing dress I have ever seen.” I hate everything about this. It’s the most old ladiest gown there ever was. Melissa McCarthy has really been off the mark the past few years, which is surprising, since her background is in fashion. I heard her saying that she took apart two different outfits and put them together with her stylist to make this. So if this is an improvement, I can only imagine what each of these looked like before. Keira Knightley is my nightmare right now, it’s like she got pregnant and now she has to dress like a marm. This looks like an undergarment to and American Girl dress, and don’t even get me started on the fishing lures or whatever that print is. Also, Mariah would like her oversized butterfly accessory back, thanks. As for Kerry Washington, is there any way to explain this? She looks like a piece that came out of Barbie’s motherboard. That shoe makes no sense, and then only reasoning I can come up with is that her severe cleavage is cutting off the oxygen supply to her brain and she just threw on whatever heels she could find so she could get out the door. Kristen Wiig is another repeat offender in my book. It’s like she always either has something totally boring on, unwashed hair, or just the most oddball dress that she pulled out of someone’s attic. In this case, the Charlie’s Angels reject collection circa 1976.
Red is my favorite color, and one of the best shades you can wear on the carpet (hello, coordination). But there’s good way and very bad ways to do it, and these ladies get my thumbs down in the red category (which happened to be the most popular color of the evening). One way not to wear crimson? In the form of a tea-length dress made from a tablecloth. I’m talking to you, Julianna Margulies. I am so over that brocade fabric that seems to stand up on its own. As for Kate Mara, there’s almost nothing wrong with dress (although I am surprised by the placement of those two vertical ruffles), but she definitely needed to abide by the “take one thing off before you leave the house” rule. A wide peach satin belt? Over a red dress. If you could see my face right now, it looks a little something like this. Neither Viola Davis not Catherine Zeta-Jones have done anything particularly offensive, but I feel like they’re both waiting for their dates for the junior prom. I swear, my sister and I each wore those dresses to formal dances in high school.
Alright, we’re getting warmer. Or should I say, redder. Even more red? Whatever it is, we’re there. I do think Allison Janney looks lovely, however, I feel like this high-neck bow dress just needs to be off-limits forever, because no matter how many years have gone by or how many other people have worn it (cough, cough – Emma Stone), it will never not remind me of Nicole Kidman’s 2007 Academy Awards gown. In fact, this is like a summer cover up version of that. Is it made of jersey? I don’t hate Heidi Klum‘s sexy scarlet number, despite the empathy I feel for her right breast as it’s clearly trying to escape the clutches of that bodice. It’s a great color on her, it’s this much pageant, but it’s leaps and bounds ahead of some of the crap she’s been sporting lately. Christine Baranski shied away from the super vibrant shade, but looks crazy awesome in this Merlot number. It’s appropriate for her age, but somehow still looks better than a lot of the girls that are half of that. Speaking of women of a certain age, I’m pretty confident that Helen Mirren makes my best dressed list every year. I mean, was she born into an evening gown? It’s like everything she puts on is a second skin, fitted perfectly to her form.
Every year, there’s a handful of women that just look… okay. Kind of playing it safe, not thinking too much outside of the box. Which really bothers me, because I don’t have too much to say one way or another, and we know that’s a foreign concept for someone like myself. I loved that Gina Rodriguez won (she’s Jane the Virgin, if you don’t know, now you know! I love that show) but I wish she had slightly more pizzazz in her dress. One of the best things about her is she seems like she has a fun, fresh personality, and this dress shows nothing of that. Props for the hair and earrings, though. Perfection. I kind of thought Katherine Heigl had gotten the memo that nobody wants her to come to things, but I guess the rules change when you’re on the network that happens to be hosting the show that year, so yes, all NBCers get a free pass I suppose. Again, this dress is fine, but what are we calling the extra fabric in the front? Is that like a reverse mermaid skirt or something. Whatever, I don’t care enough to figure it out. Maggie Gyllenhaal must have contacted that company that makes those dyeable bridesmaid shoes and begged them to do a dress in their loveliest shade of rust, because that’s all I think when I look at this. And Katie Holmes – who let her out of the house? Oh wait, she’s divorced and is now allowed to roam freely (depending on Suri’s mood that day, of course). There’s nothing so wrong with this dress, but I’m totally distracted by the ponytail. I’m convinced it came from an actual horse given the sheer length of it. Finally, Patricia Arquette. She won big that night (and it only took twelve years of acting!), but looks like she’d rather be anywhere else other than on a red carpet. You’d think she’d be used to it by now? I’m convinced her clothes are just wearing her by now, not the other way around.
I’m very excited to announce that this is the first award show where I have actually seen Orange is the New Black (thank you to my sister for graciously sharing her Netflix password after I dropped hints seventeen times). Is there anything more satisfying at an award show than seeing someone who wears baggy khaki prison uniforms everyday all dolled up on the red carpet? It’s like when I was in high school and I used to wear sweatpants for the two weeks leading up until the prom. You’d think some of these girls would pull it together a bit more, given this opportunity to show off their banging bods. Laura Prepon went for straight up Elvira, while Natasha Lyonne really turned it out in cobalt (but I’m sorry, the smirk has got to go). Uzo Aduba is everything in this dark sparkly number, like I’m seriously obsessed with how amazing she looks (she definitely gets the #1 transformation award). Taylor Schilling is in the color of the night, but I’m really uncomfortable with her super prominent concave chest thing she has going on. I know the food in prison is bad, but yikes. I just want her and Giuliana to grab a burger (or five) together. Finally, Taryn Manning. That girl just will always look like a mess. Do you thinks she’s dying to do a job where she’s not a crackhead? This looks like the super glamorous trash bag that she crawled out of.
Like clockwork, there’s always a few that just baffle me. Like I spend a lot of time thinking about what I might wear should I ever have the opportunity to go to something like this. Some of these women, I have to wonder if they look at these dresses and a bulb goes off somewhere that they think it’s like, a great idea. Unfortunately, this year that meant our beloved host Tina Fey, who graced us with her presence, but unfortunately, it was in a penguin suit. Like does this shape even have a name? What is the purpose a skirt that could take flight? Thankfully, she spent little time in this due to her hosting duties. Unfortunately, Lana del Ray spent the whole damn evening in this cheap-looking seafoam green disaster. We get it, you think you’re Priscilla Presley. However, you are not, and it’s also 2015. Also, did she pick this dress up at Deb in the mall? One person who will never visit a mall probably ever again is Amal Alamuddin. I feel like because she’s not a Hollywood person, she watched like Breakfast at Tiffany’s or something and thought “this is how celebrities dress!” Which is cray, because she has the most amazing style on her own. I’m sorry, I really felt she could have done without the scrunchy opera gloves. I know she’s Mrs. Clooney and therefore untouchable by association, but to me, she looked like she was wearing a costume (and trying to figure out if it really was the butler who did it in the parlor with a candlestick). And finally, without fail, there is one dress every year that the public collectively loves and I’m the only weirdo that is like, wtf. So this year, that goes to Sienna Miller. This dress is just too much of everything, and nothing at the same time. However, that hair? It’s kind of perfect.
The second most popular color of the evening had to be white, which can really go either way. Emily Blunt was kind of meh in this cut out Grecian frock (with one of my least favorite trends of all time, those damn milkmaid braids), but I love when people choose to accent white with green or turquoise jewelry. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is also nothing to write home about, other than the fact that her body looks banging in this straight one-shouldered whatever (ugh, and are middle parts happening?). Salma Hayek must have gone shopping with Julianna Margulies, as she is also sporting the tablecloth stand up dress that seems to plague at least one person on the red carpet every year (or in this case, two). And Rosamund Pike. In the words of The Continental, wow wow wee wow. I’m so conflicted about this dress – from some angles it’s so angelic and flowy, and others I’m like shocked at how risqué it is. I mean, the side boob risk would be a known and constant concern for me, and she’s the one who had a baby five weeks ago!
It’s always kind of weird to see such springy dresses at these award shows given that it’s January, but then I remember that it’s LA and the fashion world is always like a season and a half ahead of us losers. I don’t love this half and half thing that Camila Alves has going on (I just don’t understand why anyone would intentionally make their body that shape), but that color is divine on her. I want to give Quvenzhané Wallis a standing ovation for dressing so cute and appropriate for her age, but mainly because she finally gave up on the puppy purses. I don’t know what it is about beautiful women like Chrissy Teigen, but I feel like they think that because they’re so gorgeous, they can just walk onto a red carpet with a messy pony and everything is fine. Okay, she does look amazing, but I’m not convinced about the seams on that dress. The wavy lines in her crotch area remind me of the wing of an overnight maxi pad or something. And Lupita Nyong’o… oh how the mighty have fallen. Remember last year, when she was the constant belle of the ball? Now here she is, looking like a walking 1950s bathing cap. And I’m sorry, but I really don’t like her new hair. She just looked so striking last year, and now, there’s just a lot happening and none of it is great.
And on the third day, God invented glitter. Well, at least in my version he did. I feel I should have put money on Jennifer Lopez showing up in a Zuhair Murad number, but alas, award show gambling really hasn’t taken off yet. Obviously, she looks amazing, but there is just so much skin showing, I think it almost distracts from how beautiful she is. Between the plunging neckline and dangerously high slit, there’s literally about six inches of gauze and beading holding this thing together (and that’s definitely her nipple showing, right?). Julianne Moore seams to have gone the opposite route, with what I think is the most conservative, full coverage, bedazzled gown since Whoopi in Sister Act. I’m not a big fan of the ombre sequins, and ombre sequins + ostrich feathers makes me think that she got this dress in one of the gift shops at Caesar’s Palace. As for Emma Stone, she’s probably one of the only people at this show that is actually cool enough to pull off a pair of formal high-waisted trousers. And I love the idea of a bedazzled top and tuxedo pants, but I don’t like the execution in this particular case. Also, the point of wearing pants is that they’re not a dress, and therefore, IT SHOULDN’T HAVE A TRAIN. It’s just silly. I like the idea of a newcomer like Dakota Johnson being clothed head-to-toe in sparkles, I’m just not sure that I wanted it to be from two different dresses. And last but not least, Kate Beckinsale. I feel like I say this every year, but how does she keep getting invited to these things? Like, when was the last time she worked? I mean she always looks amazing so I guess it doesn’t really matter, but it’s almost like they keep inviting her to these award shows to keep everyone on their toes in the wardrobe department.
What can I say, these women are all beauties. And some definitely scored more than others in the wardrobe category, but ultimately, they’re all winners (well actually, only Amy Adams is a winner, but you get the idea). First, Naomi Watts. She looks.. fine, but there’s three things that are bothering me. 1) The criss-cross draping on the top half. 2) The rhinestone doodad on the belt. 3) The diamond cobra wrapped around her neck, which I’m sure a month from now will be in every fashion magazine, because this probably means that snakes are in. Amy Adams does look pretty amazing with her retro hair and periwinkle gown… like a really beautiful Smurf or something. Felicity Jones is a newcomer to all this red carpet business, and she’s very pretty, but that top is so weirdly shaped that is sort of makes her look like an upside-down triangle. Or as Steve would say, she looks like the President of the Celibacy Club (i.e., what he says to me every time I wear a button down under a crew neck sweater). And my girl, Anna Kendrick. I think she looks really cute, but I’m not going to go easy on her just because she’s so dam adorable. I think the hair is a little severe for her and the color of her dress is too close to her skin tone and makes her look washed out. I almost wish it was a brighter nude, or even a pale pink. Jenna Dewan-Tatum seems to be very ready for Easter in this buttercup yellow gown that is accented by some sort of origami folds. She does look beautiful but I’m not dying over this look or anything.
And then, things got dark. First up, Jennifer Aniston seems to be reliving her late 90s days of glory in this black halter dress. Didn’t we learn anything from Anne Hathaway at the Oscars? Stop trying to make halter tops happen. They’re not going to happen (on a positive note, thank you for finally responding to my years of begging for you to do something different with your hair). Jessica Rabbit also made an appearance… I mean, Jessica Chastain. Can you say va va voom? Who knew such a vixen was hiding underneath that baby blue sack she wore in 2013? The only thing I’m not sure about is those boobs. Maybe it’s necessary for such a dress, but they’re so high and squished together, I’m not even sure how she’s still smiling. And last but certainly not least, our little Lorde. It was predicted that she was going to wear some sort of pant, but no one said anything about gauzy palazzos that weren’t even hemmed (and let’s be real, if they’re too long for Lorde than what freak of nature could these possibly have been meant for?). No wonder she looks so glum.
Well Globetrotters, that’s it for my first award show wrap up on the new and improved Lindsay’s Look! Stop by again soon for more fashion recaps, after all – tis the season.
Greetings, internet!
I am so excited to be coming at you for the first time from my new website (thanks again to my husband and his many forms of employment that made it all happen), just in time for award show season! With the Golden Globes tonight and Oscar nominations being announced on Thursday morning (which also happens to by my anniversary – coincidence?! I think not), it seemed like the perfect time to finally jump on here and say a real hello to all of you. Please bear with me as I continue to get used to things around here… you may notices that things look slightly different than my previous site. I’m no computer wiz, but I’d like to consider myself slightly savvy, so I’m working on figuring things out as I go (thanks, Google). You’ll see my previous posts on here (although the formatting is slightly screwed up) and hopefully lots of new stuff too.
Speaking of the Globes, you know I’ll be tuning in tonight (actually, this afternoon – I started with the E! coverage at 4 P.M.!), so follow along with me on Twitter at @legallylinz and my Facebook page. In honor of the official start of awards season, I took a look back at some of Lindsay’s favorite looks (see that, what I did there?) from the Golden Globes of year’s past.
I think my all-time fave has to be that bright yellow number that Reese sported back in 2007. It was one of her first appearances after the devastating (for all of us) breakup with Ryan Phillippe, and you know what they say about the best revenge. Also I totally tried those bangs, and they were fun, but a LOT of work.
Who are some of your favorite Globe-trotters? Check back in later this week, where I will be given you my full, fierce fashion recap. And tweet me tonight! I’m always looking for new snark buddies to add to the circle.
It’s been a few weeks, so I thought it was time for another installment of Linds-terest, my wrap up of internet goodness that I’m kind of obsessed with. This week, it feels like the holidays just exploded, probably prompted by my day at the Boston Bloggers Home for the Holidays event, and punctuated by the fact that I’ve already started making gift tags and even purchased a few Christmas presents already. I am ON IT this year, you guys. I’ve even started my 2014 Christmas list Pinterest board, coming soon as it’s own post. As soon as I finish my DIY pennant banner (and you know, Thanksgiving is over), I am going to Christmas the crap out of this place. So let’s explore these early goodies getting me in the holiday spirit.
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24 Delightfully Festive Ways to Do Your Nails for the Holidays on Buzzfeed
I am a self-proclaimed nail art addict. I’m not a reenact entire scenes on your fingertips kind of girl, but I do enjoy a subtle ring finger bling. So when I saw this entire post on Buzzfeed filled with holiday-inspired manis, I clicked immediately, ready to do some serious Pinning to my Nailed It! board. I was a little turned off by some of the more elaborate ones (especially anything involving French tips… the year 2001 has come and gone, people). I mean, I don’t like nutcrackers in my home and I certainly don’t want them on my fingertips, especially if it requires more than one finger to complete the scene. My favorite has to be the plaid/sparkle combo, which probably existed before last weekend but I feel in some way is inspired by my ensemble for the Boston Bloggers Home for the Holidays event.
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“Toast Talk” on A Piece of Toast
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When you live on an island, your excursions are carefully planned but infrequent. So when I first got the email from Alison and Kate about the Boston Bloggers Home for the Holidays event, I figured there was no way I could make it work, and I filed it away in one of my many email subfolders (because even though it’s been a year and a half, I still can’t bear to delete my beloved Boston Blogger communication). I’ve been suffering from some major blog FOMO since I moved to Nantucket in 2013, and every time I get the notice about a meetup or workshop, I cry a little bit inside knowing that there’s no way I can go.
But the more I thought about, the more I was determined to make it work. I mean, it was a Saturday, so it would be possible to get to the city somehow. Only snafu? My previous commitment to work at the museum until midnight the night before. With fifty fourth-graders. The only solution would be to leave on the 6:30 AM boat on Saturday morning, which would require a 5 AM wakeup. But hey, for the chance to reunite with my Boston Blogger ladies and the potential for other off-island adventures immediately following (Panera, Target… need I say more)? Sign me up.
I’m so glad I went, because I had the best time. With all the craziness I feel I have in my life on a day to day basis, I had been feeling very neglectful of my little blog that I used to spend so much time on. It was invigorating to get back in that mindset and be excited again about the prospect of being inspired to write once again.
When they put the word “holiday” in the title, they were serious. This was a full-on seasonal extravaganza, which I appreciated because it forced me to think about the impending merriment that I have been horribly procrastinating on the last few years (case in point: I bought every single one of Steve’s stocking stuffers on Christmas Eve in Hyannis while I was waiting for him to get off the boat, because I’m like the most thoughtful wife ever). We were lucky to have Wayfair host the Boston Bloggers at their offices in Copley Place, which I arrived at approximately thirty minutes late (but still stopped for a photo, because you know, without it, I was never actually there), which I thought was really good timing for someone that had to take a two hour boat ride and then drive from the Cape.
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i have arrived. |
I was immediately greeted by an immaculately decorated office full of beautiful furnishings… and no bloggers in sight. Because they were all in the keynote presentation that I had missed half of. Oops. I snuck into a free seat and promptly evaluated my swag:
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getting my bloggy swag on |
After that, I embarked with group Mistletoe to our first stop, DIY Pennant Banners with members of the Wayfair team, Shelby and Lindsey. The minute they mentioned that this craft was the hit of the Alt Summit, I was like GIVE ME THE BURLAP. They had precut various colors, fabrics and shapes, and we could pick whatever our hearts desired.
In addition, there were strings, ribbons, paints, stencils – everything we needed to make our own masterpiece, perfect for blog holiday décor photos. I decided that mine would say “Merry Merry,” one of my favorite but not universally known holiday messages (it’s from a page in How the Grinch Stole Christmas, where the Whos are having their feast –it’s hanging in the background). Unfortunately I ran out of time and only made it through one “Merry,” but since I was freehanding it with black paint, I decided I would finish it up at home.
Next we moved on to the highly anticipated Tabletop Decorating session with Abby Larson, the creator of Style Me Pretty, aka, the Bible. You may recall I met Abby once at a signing for the Style Me Pretty book (she did too! She either has an amazing memory or is just perpetually nice to stalkers), and this talk did not disappoint.
With the help of a plethora of Wayfair accessories, volunteers designed their own holiday tablescape and the rest of us spectators gave them a thumbs up or thumbs down (we were kind, plus they did a great job). She also provided us with some great tips and tricks for photographing your holiday décor, which if I decorate more than a week ahead of time this year, I intend to put to use.
After that, we were treated to lunch by Kitchensurfing, who made us gourmet grilled cheeses (I went with the bacon + duck confit variety) and soup and I died a little bit.
As we nibbled, Alison held her own “fireside chat” and talked to us about how to balance your life with your holiday blogging schedule. I don’t know if you can tell, but she’s pretty much about to deliver a baby, so the fact that she did all this work and looked cute doing it is a testament of how awesome she is.
Next I was excited to move onto DIY Gift Tags with Kate, as I had seen her little creations on everyone’s Instagrams that day and knew that we were in for a treat. Under her amazing craft tutilage, we constructed our own gift tags from the likes of paint swatches, shower curtain rings, burlap, stencils, etc.
My mom was so excited about this that she immediately creeped our local Walmart paint section and snagged handfuls of holiday-colored paint chips and we continued the craft session for the next two days. As you can see, I was quite efficient and proceeded to make enough tags to give a present to basically everyone I’ve ever met. You’re welcome.
Our last session with our group was SEOAwesome with a few of the Wayfair techies that really knew their you know what (and obviously get extra ten points just for that name). I have been so inconsistent with just regular blogging things, that getting into all of the analytics that go along with having a successful blog is not something that I’ve really delved too deep into yet. I liked this session though, because even though everyone else there seemed like they were light years ahead of me, our presenters did their part to cover the basics without clearly talking down to the more advanced bloggers in the group. I didn’t even take any photos during this session because I was so obsessively taking notes on every single thing they said and I didn’t want to miss anything.
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or i guess anyone + wine, but still. this is a fun bunch. |
Speaking of wine, our libations for the evening were provided by the new Andegavia Cask Wines, which I was very excited to find out had a major Nantucket connection, meaning that they are available at multiple retailers on the island. Since these fun little packages hold four bottles in one convenient recyclable container, it’s idea for picking up a few (red and white!) for holiday gatherings.
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i thoroughly enjoyed the sauvignon blanc, but that’s no surprise. |
I spent the rest of the time catching up with some of my favorite bloggers, like Sara of Forever and a Recipe (who got married!) and Emily of Shell Chic’d (who got engaged!). And since we live our lives on the internet, a selfie was necessary.
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l.l. bean ain’t got nothing on me, Natalie & Susan |
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alana of the good girl gone blog is very excited about her cheese board. |
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downside: it made me realize how dingy my other pillows are. yikes. |