Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras

Okay, I admit it. I’ve totally been suckered into this Retro MTV morning programming and I just cannot seem to stop myself from watching/DVR’ing every episode of my former favorite reality programs. Last week was bad enough with Laguna Beach, and then The Hills went and started today. I get that MTV is probably gearing these daily three hour blocks towards high school/college kids who are actually too young to have seen it the first time. Also they probably have the summer off and are working twelve hours a week, so there is an infinite amount of spare time to spend on what my mom would call “mindless crap.” But there was a small part of me that was kind of excited to relive a part of my youth. All this Retro talk is making me feel like I can refer to myself as an old person, as I was all of nineteen when I started watching LB in my dorm room at Cazenovia College. There’s nothing like living in a snowy village in upstate New York that makes you infatuated with a bunch of spoiled teenagers living in California.
However this time around I am watching in a totally different light. And by that I mean this show really sucks. No, I take that back. The show doesn’t suck. They were most likely doing the best they could with what little substance that was radiating out of their main “characters” stimulation conversations. The people on this show suck. There, I said it.
I was sort of okay with LB because the whole time I just kept saying to myself, “these people are seventeen. Who wasn’t a big fat idiot when they were in high school?” But The Hills is a whole other ball game. Mainly because these people are nineteen years old. Part of the premise is them living on their own/growing up/going to school/working their “dream jobs.” They are living lives that people in their thirties are still trying to achieve who are actually working for it. Also, they are just so stupid. SO STUPID. Even Lauren, who must actually be smart to come out of this whole thing as successful as she has, just had so many moments where you wanted to jump through the TV and shake her thick black headband right off her head.
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careful, lauren. that’s how sex tapes get made. |
1. Lauren and Heidi go to school. Heidi misses her entire first day because she “can’t find it.” Instead of asking someone where “it” is, she remains in her lawn chair and plays solitaire. Only someone who will never understand what a bitch it is to pay back school loans would give up so easily.
2. Heidi and Lauren go to the nightclub LAX, where Heidi meets Brent Bolthouse, who offers to interview her for his company. They were definitely both nineteen at the start of this show, so how did they get in? Also, other than Abercrombie and Fitch, what companies do their recruiting of underage girls at night clubs?
3. Heidi somehow gets the job, despite having the worst interview ever and showing up in jeans and a sleeveless cowl neck sweater.
4. Heidi is horrified to discover that her cool new job is full time and she has to stuff envelopes on her first day. She goes into Brent’s office no less than three times to complain about how she thought it was only part time. You know, because working 9:00-6:00 is really getting in the way of her snuggling with her boyfriend all day.
5. This is an actual show opener conversation between Whitney and Lauren:
Whitney: Jeans can be really addicting. There’s like, always new ones and you feel like you have to have them.
Lauren: *laughs*
How hilarious. Have you ever heard such witty banter among colleagues?
6. At least three of Audrina’s loser dates laugh at her when she mentions being at work during the day. One of these guys is a model and one appears to have no job at all. So, a real group of winners there that you want to impress.
7. Lauren moves to L.A. with what appears to be all of her earthly positions in one pink suitcase half hanging out of the backseat of her black BMW convertible. This doesn’t seem ridiculous when the show continues and you see her wearing a long sleeved black shirt and jean capris everyday.
8. Laure and Heidi’s boyfriends apparently need to celebrate milestones on THE EXACT DAY they happen, despite the fact that neither of them seem to work and therefore have a pretty open social calendar. Lauren and Jason practically break up because she had to work at a photo shoot on his birthday (which was a Wednesday). Heidi finally gets offered the chance to work events and then after realizing the first one would be on her and Jordan’s six month anniversary (really?!), makes a face that could only resemble that of someone who just saw their dog get hit by a car. This was also a Wednesday. Here’s an idea: why not celebrate these events on a different day? Like, Thursday?
9. Heidi’s boyfriend gives her a puppy in the Christmas episode. She names it Bella. It was never seen again. WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PUPPY?!
10. The flip phones. So many flip phones. Okay, I know they can’t help this one because at the time, the most advanced form of technology was a Motorola Razor. But I couldn’t help but laugh.
*Disclaimer: I get that a lot of these things happened because they are on TV, and that if normal people engaged in any of this behavior they would never get jobs or you know, survive. But still, c’mon.
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um, duh. it was totally my sleeveless turtleneck & non-existent resume that got me the job. |
Not that any of this is going to keep me from watching. You better believe I have my DVR set for every day this week while I’m getting my nautical on in Maine for the Fourth of July. If watching these idiots achieve fame isn’t celebrating the American Dream, I don’t know what is.
PS- I know this is years old and MadTV doesn’t even exist anymore, but this is still my favorite Hills parody ever. And you can headband yourself all the way home.

I love presents. Yes, I said it. I know that people are supposed to be all humble and like “oh, I don’t need any earthly possessions. All the gifts I need are love and happiness and health and that’s all.” Yes, all those things are great and everyone should have them, but c’mon- getting presents is FUN. There, I said it.
I would also like to point out that I love to give presents as well. And buy fancy cards that my husband says we can’t afford. And gift-wrap like I had my own room in Candy Spelling’s house. So it’s definitely a two-way street. Presents are awesome and anyone who says otherwise is LYING.
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Thomas Paul Scrimshaw Plates |
I am obsessed with these plates for obvious reasons. Part of the reason that I want this set is because I am already the proud owner of the Moby Platter. I mentioned in a previous Mall Madness Monday post that Steve was in a tizzy over this plate because it was plastic. In fact, these are all plastic. However I think it’s the perfect casual set to use outdoors. Do I have an outdoor space? No. Of course not. But I’m thinking of the future/things I want immediately.
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Most Talkative by Andy Cohen |
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This Means War on DVD |
I don’t care what the critics say, Steve and I saw this in the theater and I loved it. Then again, I’m slightly biased because Reese Witherspoon is my favorite actress of.all.time. I have almost every single one of her movies on DVD (and some on VHS!) so I need this to round out my collection.
I only discovered The Bloggess a few months ago, but apparently Jenny Lawson has been at this for years. Around the time I started reading was when she announced her first book was coming out. Obviously I’m all for supporting my favorite bloggers in any capacity, and releasing an actual book is like a huge deal. Plus she’s just super funny and I can’t wait to read this.
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Perfect Skinny Glitter belt in Gold by Ann Taylor |
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Touch Cut Away Tank via Roster |
So this tank has been available forever in Roster, but only the Sox version. I am always on the hunt for more girly Bruins things to wear (not a pink hat, but do jerseys have to be so boxy?) and it wasn’t until April that I finally saw this version pop up. Probably because I had been personally begging Alyssa Milano to show us a little love. Well maybe it’s more cause the B’s finally took home the cup. Anyway, this one has to go on the birthday list because I could never spend $60 on a tank top for myself. Well I could, but not even a Bruins logo would convince Steve that that was a worthwhile purchase.
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Initial Signet Ring by Jennifer Zeuner |
I have a love/hate relationship with Lauren Conrad, because I am bitterly jealous of all of her success but I love everything she wears. When I saw her sporting one of these monogrammed signet rings I was all like “ahhhh omg I have to have it.” I like that it’s old school (Prince William wears one instead of a wedding ring!) but I would rock it on my middle finger a la LC and not on the pinky like the leader of an Italian mob family. I would be happy with either and “L” or my full on initials, but again, minorly obsessed with gold at the moment. Also it could really be from anywhere, because this one is almost $200. Maybe if I had LC money this would fly, but I mean, I could get like twenty dresses on clearance for that at Forever 21.
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Top of the Rock by Warren Littlefield |
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Cards Against Humanity via Amazon |
If you’ve never played this game before, you probably have never had real actual fun in your life. Also you’re probably a good person. This game is for bad people who know they’re going to hell and might as well have fun before their handbasket arrives. It is basically a super-offensive version of my favorite game, Apples to Apples. Make sure to play in a judge-free zone. I tried it once with friends and I absolutely need my own.
Of course I am in no way implying that I am expecting to receive all of these things or that I need them all. This is just a momentary fantasy in which I’m indulging myself via a birthday wish list. I promise to be less selfish tomorrow.

It was only a few days ago that I thought to myself, “man, I haven’t written ANYTHING celebrity-related in forever.” It was crazy to think because that’s what actually got me started with this whole blogging thing. I don’t know what it is exactly, but none of my Hollywood standbys have been inspiring me as of late. I mean seriously- can you handle one more piece of news from the Kardashians? (By the way, Kendall & Kylie are writing a book. Society- you’re welcome.)
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the scalera women always have their priorities in check |
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who would have thought that hairy little girl would become the most fashionable kid in the world?! |

This may come as a shock to all you fashion bloggers out there, but I have never bought anything from Anthropologie.
I know. I’ve been disowned, right?
Slight correction: I have physically purchased items from Anthro before. But only for gifts (I’m looking at you, Liz) and never anything for myself. Why? Well number one, I feel like it’s super expensive. Like too expensive for what it actually is. Also almost everything there looks like it came out of a flea market. I just feel like it’s lotsa buck, very little bang, you know?
Despite that, I am mildly obsessed with their merchandising. I have countless pics on my phone of their amazing window displays. I mean, the coral reef/plastic cup thing they have going on right now is AH-Mazing.
So like usual, while doing my lunch hour laps around the mall, I found myself wandering in and actually liking quite a few items. Like a lot. I found so many things I decided that this week’s Mall Madness Monday post would be Anthro-centric.
Disclaimer: I still think this stuff is pretty damn expensive. Also I’m convinced half the clothes I like will show up at Forever 21 within six months. But still, a girl can dream, right?
Disclaimer Addendum: No, you are not crazy. Well you are, but that’s besides the point. It is in fact Tuesday, not Monday as this post would suggest. I flaked on my MMM post last night and woke up panicking that all my loyal followers would be disappointed (to the four of you, my sincerest apologies). If you can believe it, I actually went to the gym after work last night and then came home and watched Mean Girls in its entirety on E! And while I loved every second of it, I was bummed with myself that I didn’t uphold the one established theme on my blog. Sorry, peeps. Let’s still be friends.

This post is like the Tom Cruise of Mall Madness Monday posts- a little on the short side.
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i admit, this blazer looks totally old lady sofa on the hanger. but i tried |
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forever 21
theses sort of remind me of the colored enamel kate spade bangles, & |

I decided that on my day off today, I was going to be super productive. I made a list as long as the pad of paper would allow and accomplished nearly everything on it. Go me. Would have it just been easier to watch Bravo shows that are currently filling my DVR up to a dangerous 90% and eat shredded cheese right out of the bag? Sure. But my goal was to feel a sense of accomplishment by the day’s end, and dammit, for once I promised myself I wouldn’t get distracted.
And I was only half kidding about the DVR/cheese thing. Okay I’m not kidding at all, cause it actually happened. But only as an interlude between important tasks.
Most of my goals today were cleaning related, one of which was to clean out my makeup bag. I am the queen of having expensive makeup explode on me for no reason, unless you count throwing the bag in my purse as I run out the door/consistently hitting it off the bathroom counter as reasons. I don’t. If I buy a bronzer for $22 it should basically be indestructible. Are you listening, Clinique?
Luckily for me, I only buy makeup during free gift with purchase promotions, so I have plenty of cosmetic bags to last me the rest of my life. See, I may have mentioned that I work in a mall, and if you stay on top of all the major department stores, brands usually do a promotion once a year at each store. So theoretically, you could get one at Macys in the spring, Lord & Taylor in the summer, and so on. This equation doesn’t really work if you have a life, so don’t count on working this method unless you have absolutely nothing else to amuse yourself during your hour long breaks.
I don’t know if you recalled the Great Counting Post of 2012, but my reputation as a hoarder clearly precedes me. However, I didn’t think this was really an issue when it came to makeup, because I essentially use the same products every day and buy the exact same colors when they run out. As much as I am obsessed with never wearing my hair the same way and stocking up on the latest (cheap) accessories, I have never been a big experimenter when it comes to makeup. I knew I possessed more than what was in my daily bag, but couldn’t remember what exactly.
A whole lot of old crappy makeup. That’s what I had.
I went through my entire makeup drawer thingy that I bought in a post-Caboodle’s-being-cool world and apparently there is still a thirteen year-old girl living in there. First of all, once again, the entire thing was coated in busted up bronzer. How it’s even possible I’ve destroyed this many is beyond me. After removing all the contents and crazily scrubbing the interior with seven makeup remover towelettes, I started taking stock of the contents and forcing myself to part with all the things that I had freakishly saved for so long that were probably going to give me cancer if I used them again.
Brands like Jane, Bonne Bell and the aforementioned Caboodle ran rampant. There was a cupcake flavored shimmer Lip Smacker gloss that I’m positive is from the ninth grade. I’m going to be twenty seven next month. I.Have.A.Problem. This is what the lip gloss/stick drawer looked like before:
I had about ten shades of pink glitter that I haven’t worn in years. Those all got tossed. I had seven tubes of the Victoria’s Secret Beauty Rush lip gloss that I know that there’s no way that even I purchased. Half of them had to have been free. Also four of them were the same color. I had three pots of non-existent gloss that you have to use your finger to put on. I hate those. Gone.
I have to admit that part of the reason I did this is to make room for a new friend: The J Crew Poppy King lipstick. I finally ordered it last night. I first heard of this through one of my fav blogs MODG. I didn’t even know it was still available, but it is! And it’s on sale on the J Crew site! And since I will do anything in my power to look like a J Crew model short of actually buying any of the clothes (mainly because I can’t afford it and would like to stay married), my $13 purchase was enough to make me feel a little more stylish. So I need to make room. I couldn’t have Poppy slumming in with ten year-old tubes of Wet N Wild.
So after the lips, I moved onto the eye drawer. I pretty much wear some version of a bronzey cream shadow every day, so when I found seven different kinds of purple, I was beyond confused. I probably wake up and decide to throw on a violet lid maybe one day a year. I heard one time that purple was a good color for brown eyes so I clearly purchased all of plum toned shadows that CVS had to offer. I got rid of a few that didn’t have caps and again, anything that I remembered having in middle school.
The top part was where the Great Bronzer Explosion struck the hardest. That shit was EVERYWHERE. That will go down as one of the greatest mysteries in my bathroom, and I live with a boy. There wasn’t much left in there after I threw out green concealer from Woolworth’s (which clearly doesn’t exist anymore), a few pairs of old fake eyelashes (that I planned on reusing?! ick) and multiple used makeup sponges. Seriously- how did this become my life?
I felt a lot better afterwards, and was actually kind of inspired discovering that I had all these colors (of purple, at least). Now I’m determined to not only keep my makeup area clean but to actually use these things and mix it up a little bit more.
But there’s one issue here: my everyday makeup. I can’t quit what I think is a good thing. Even though I have thousands of magazine clippings on new and exciting trends in cosmetics, even though I could spend hours on Pinterest discovering techniques I didn’t know existed, even though my bff/hair dresser/prom date is an amazing make up artist, I just have the hardest time getting out of a makeup rut. The number one reason is that I’m lazy and sleep in as much as possible, and putting on makeup requires not only getting up a few minutes early but also opening your eyes, which is difficult for me in the AM. Half the time I put my makeup on in the car when I get to work if I have a few minutes to spare. Don’t judge me, I don’t have mirrors in my bathroom. There’s more natural light out there. However after Steve recently cleaned my relatively new car and discovered how much makeup residue was on my passenger door from me opening it after I’ve freshly applied every morning, I’ve started to be a little more aware and made myself promise I would put my makeup on at home, and then wash my hands. Only instead I’m still sleeping as late as possible and have just started carrying eye makeup remover wipes in my purse that I swipe my fingers with before I touch anything in the car. That’s called adapting.
The other thing is that I have this weird tendency to keep all of my fancy expensive makeup in it’s original packaging. Don’t worry, numerous people have affirmed me that this is weird, and adds way more time to your routine when you’re spending precious seconds getting your blush and and out of it’s tiny box. I’m a visual person and also crazy, and to me the packaging is part of what makes makeup expensive. If you buy a tube of Revlon lip stick at Walmart and it doesn’t come in a box, that means that thirty people could have opened it, tried it, smelled it, and whatever else people do when they think no one is watching.
This bag is comprised of the following items that I wear everyday/have been wearing for the past two years:
-Clinique Perfectly Real Makeup Foundation in Shade 02
-Diorskin Nude Skin Perfecting Hydrating Concealer in 002 Beige (guys- for serious, this concealer is, as my coworker would say, the But it costs $30, and it’s worth every penny. I never would have bought anything that is .33 fluid ounces for that much if I hadn’t tried it in Sephora after crying out for help because I was physically unable to find a concealer that hid all my undereye baggage. This stuff works. They are not paying me to say that, but if they wanted to, I would accept concealer as a form of currency. Also it’s probably the only thing from Dior I will ever own. In my life.)
-Clinique Stay-Matte Sheer Pressed Powder in 01 Stay Buff
-Clinique Almost Bronzer SPF 15 in 01 Light/Medium (okay, how a powder that you put on like, 1/3 of your face can have SPF in it is beyond me)
-Clinique Blushing Blush in 108 Cupid
-Clinique Lid Smoothie Antioxidant 8-Hour Eye Colour in 04 Gingerly (seriously, I wear this under everything. And it does last a really long time)
-Clinique Colour Surge Eye Shadow Trio (I have no idea which color I’m using because this is one of the few things I’ve gotten as a free gift that I can’t live without, and it doesn’t actually exist for purchase anywhere. However, all of the colors are available separately, so that’s what I’ve resorted to buying, hence the following…)
-Clinique Colour Surge Eye Shadow Duo in 103 Buttered Bronze (this I bought only to use the dark color for my crease. $14 well spent.)
-Sally Hansen eyelash curler (oh.em.gee this thing is amazing. I bought it under pressure because there were too many eyelash curlers to choose from and I panicked and just grabbed this, but I’m glad I did because it’s really good.)
-Benefit BAD Gal Lash in Rich Black (I buy it in the mini tube from Sephora because it’s under $10 and the real stuff is like $19. Also I don’t wear mascara everyday so I don’t go through a ton.)
I can’t even tell you how many colors of that lipstick I have that I have never worn, and not one of them was purchased by me. See, part of the reason that they’re “free gifts” is because they’re colors no one wants. However, you do get a choice usually so I always pick the least hideous and think I’m walking away with something exclusive that no one else has figured out.
So I guess I’m a hoarder in another aspect of my life. Wonderful. Do you think there’s any area in which I’m a minimalist? Other than watching the news or cooking?
What products are you so obsessed with you would buy them no matter what they cost? Are you also a slave to the same color scheme everyday, year after year? Are you okay with it? And more importantly, how will my life change with the arrival of Poppy King? So many important questions.
Until then,

So I’m sure that all you savvy readers noticed that in my Mall Madness Monday post last week, I may have mentioned that I purchased a bicycle. And I know that you have been salivating as you hover over your computer, waiting for details as to how I came to such an important decision.
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ta da! cute helmet definitely not included. |
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air steven |
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priorities |
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apparently, audrey hepburn is the only one that can get away with capris on a bike. |
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watch out |
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cranberry walnut chicken salad. apparently “small” is also code for “the size of your head” |
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tortellini salad. lunch of champions & cruisers alike |

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ann taylor
i just want skinny colored belts, like all the time. is that bad? |
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forever 21
at the blogger meetup on thursday, i met morgan who was wearing an |
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michael kors via tj maxx
this bag is the perfect “i wish this was a real birkin” size. but even at |
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again with the spikes. i think they’re easiest to wear in jewel form. also |
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steve madden via tj maxx
per last week’s post it’s pretty apparent that i want a satchel. i have been |

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steve madden via lord & taylor
ahhh i die over these satchels. i’ve been wanting one FOREVER. |
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victoria’s secret
this bra is so pretty. totally unpractical, but pretty. seriously- |
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bellatrix via nordstrom
i know this is offensive. that’s why i like it. |
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j crew
man, head to toe neon is hard. but also awesome. |
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ann taylor
i used to think that ann taylor was a store for working mothers. but |

I’m not a particularly active person. But you know this by now. To me, spending time outside means sitting by the pool at my apartment complex. But recently I have found myself wanting… a bicycle.
Yes, you read correctly. I, Lindsay Michele (Scalera)Scouras, want a bicycle.
Okay, yes, I have not ridden a bike since I was fourteen. I’m sure my purple imitation Huffy is still hanging out in the basement somewhere at my parent’s house.
But I’m an adult now, and a stylish one at that. So I don’t want just any bike, I want a fabulous bike.
Have I actually tried any of these? Sat on them in person? Rode them around the store for a bit? No, not exactly. But every plan needs a solid inspiration board.
So I took to the Internet to find my perfect ride. Of course, most of the models I found cost more than my monthly car payment, but as I am well aware, style doesn’t always come cheap.
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pottery barn teen nirve bike $499 |
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target schwinn lulu rigid $180 |
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lilly pulitzer printed cruiser $450 |
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velorbis rosa royale price unknown |
Just for research’s sake, I decided to take to Google for the answer. Upon searching “What to Wear When Riding a Bike,” I was brought to the website, in which it prompts you to enter the temperature, wind conditions, and how you want to feel when riding said bike. This was of no help to me, as “stylish” was not one of the options listed of how I wanted to feel, instead there were boring choices like “cool” or “warm” or the uber-descriptive “in between.”
I entered in some faux conditions and let them determine my ideal bike wear. Okay, so maybe a tea length skirt isn’t appropriate anymore, since you know, we’re allowed to wear pants now, but I was thinking maybe it would suggest a crisp white button down knotted at the waist and a cute pair of printed capris.
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ew. |
Needless to say, I was in desperate need of a little bike style sass. So as always, I turned to Hollywood for the ultimate cycle inspiration:
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i’m hot. literally, riding this bike makes me sweaty. |
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can you say perfection? |
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see? riding a bike in a skirt is totally practical. |