Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras

These poor kids nowadays. Children that are seven and under on this present day are literally going to grow up on Facebook. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, but it’s slightly unfortunate for them that they won’t be able to control which horrible fashion choices of theirs (or their parents) remain in the Internet universe forever and ever.
I’m lucky enough that I didn’t (or couldn’t, I guess) join Facebook until I was twenty, therefore, only a quarter of my embarrassing life choices are represented on the World Wide Web (are people still saying that? See? Embarrassing).
However, I am a blogger, and therefore an open book/attention whore, and after seeing all of these kids prancing off to the bus in their their BTS getups, I was inspired to take a trip down memory lane, also known as… The School Book.
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the sheer size of it will sprain your fingers, which if you read on, is most likely an injury i have sustained. |

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mazel tov. |
Photos courtesy of Yahoo, USA Today, Style Blueprint, Gizmodo, IMDB, ABC News, Imgur, Nick Verreos’ blog. Don’t bother suing me, unless you accept payment in the currency of things that cost less than $10 from Forever 21.

A few weeks ago, I celebrated my twenty seventh birthday (I’m going to assume your gift got lost in the mail). Clearly, this is a time where one starts to engage in such milestones as getting married (check), buying houses (only if they accept Ulta points as a form of payment) and having babies (eeeeeeek definitely not there yet). While I may not be ready yet to surrender my love of wine in order to incubate another human being, my friend Tim is! Well, not him so much as his lovely wife Cassie, who is ready to pop any day and theoretically could possibly go into labor as I type this.
I’ve known Tim since our days as high school theatre geeks, you know, before it was cool (there was no Glee back then). My dad and I were honored when Tim and Cassie chose us to be their wedding photographers a few years ago, and I was even more honored/nervous/unprepared when Tim recently contacted me about taking some Bump photos before Baby Girl Buck arrives.
As excited as I was… I’ve never shot maternity pictures before. I pretty much specialize in wedding and Bat Mitzvahs as far as photography goes. But since acquiring my own equipment, I’ve been wanting to branch out my photo skills a bit, and the Buck’s were nice enough to let me experiment on their innocent little baby.
Never one to leave anything to chance, Tim scoped out a location and quickly emailed me directions, photos and videos of where it was/what it looked like/how to find it/what the weather would be/longitude and latitude and all the other essential information. We were lucky enough that the weather held out for us. Cassie was a huge trooper- she didn’t complain, sweat or cry once, which is the exact opposite reaction that I imagine that I would have carrying a watermelon around at the end of July. She even willingly brought costume changes- a girl after my own heart.
Cassie is now approximately eight days away from the arrival of their little girl, so of course I want to give her her first dose of celebrity status featuring some of my personal favorite shots on the blog. Which ones do you like the best?
Ugh, I’m sick.
Not like I have a cold sick. I get colds and coughs and general snottiness all the time (I know you just had to know all of that. You’re welcome).
If you asked me on Saturday night, I would have told you I was dying. Alright, I guess that’s a little overdramatic but I was in such pain that death seemed imminent. After going to the E.R. and whatever other doctor I could find (thank you Urgent Care, for taking in a dumb twenty seven year old young woman who STILL hasn’t found a primary care doctor in Massachusetts despite taking up residence here for the past three years), it’s pretty much a guarantee that I have a kidney infection. And it suuuuuuuucks. Not just because it sucks anytime you feel like a part of your body is failing on you (or in my case, rebelling because I’m not so good with the eating healthy/exercising), but because the pain I have felt in conjunction with this has like totally imobilized me.
I am now on day three of sitting on the couch/doing nothing and even I am bored with myself. Did you know that there’s only so much Bravo you can watch before you lose vital brain cells that prevent you from performing basic functions? Combine that with painkillers and you’re basically a useless blob. I always wish I had this many days off in a row, but that was to hopefully you know, accomplish something. The pain in my side has prevented me from putting away my laundry, blogging (!!!), painting my nails, washing my hair (I don’t want to talk about how long it has been) and performing any motions other than walking back and forth to my bedroom.
So needless to say, that’s why I’ve been sort of MIA. And not in a cool way like the rapper, as in like absent in the world. Especially blog world. Which really sucks, because now would be the perfect time to just get a whole bunch of crap done. But when you feel this horrible/are in a oxycodone haze, the last thing you can do is pull yourself together enough to compose a Friday’s Fancies, Olympic wrap up, or a montage of adorable photos from my first ever maternity shoot (taking the pictures, not being in them. After the discomfort I’ve been in I can tell you that having a baby is the LAST thing on my brain right now).
In short, this is what I can deduce from living the past three days as a vegetable:
1. I miss humans. Real ones, like other than the other sickly people in waiting rooms and every person on Bridezillas.
2. I don’t really care for Aylin (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you clearly didn’t just watch six episodes of The Glee Project IN A ROW).
3. Microwaveable heating pads are the greatest invention ever (can you believe in the old days they had to be plugged in?! psh).
4. It’s okay to abandon all of your fashion rules when you feel like crap (I went to the E.R. in socks and sandals- I KNOW) but you still have to brush your teeth.
5. Husbands are the best. Well I don’t know if all of them are, but mine certainly is. I knew this already, but it pretty much hit home when I woke up this morning and realized he labeled all my medications in black Sharpie because it’s really hard to tell them apart in a drug induced haze.
So that’s where I’ve been. I’m hoping after this round of antibiotics I’ll be back to my regular self. Because the version of myself that I have been for the past seventy two hours is someone that no one should want to be friends with. I’m thinking about breaking up with me.

How many times did you say that day you “wanted a hot dog real bad?” I’m going to guess no less than five for us.
Speaking of accessorizing, how bummed was I that the horrendous downpour prevented me from sporting so many of my planned outfits? Well I can tell you, not as bummed as the fact that Steve showed up in this:
Which quickly turned into this:

It’s no secret that I have a small interest, okay obsession, with all things red, white and blue. So of course the Fourth of July is one of my two all-time favorite holidays (the other being Halloween, natch). I think it also stems from the fact that my grandfather was in the Navy and my mother was so into like the whole country Americana thing.

Did you miss me?
Okay, so I may have taken an accidental hiatus the past few weeks. I went on like three trips, which is three more than I’ve taken all year, let alone in three weeks. I say my hiatus was accidental because I brought my laptop to many of these places with me and didn’t crack it open once. Sorry, folks. I missed you though.
So needless to say, I have tons of recapping/updating/photo editing/unpacking (yes, still. I’m the worst) to do. Tomorrow is my first full day off without plans in a long while so I’m locking myself somewhere with WiFi hoping to get some things accomplished. And if I don’t… it means it was nice out and I went to the pool instead. My life is so hard.
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even steven (get it?!?!?!) has been begging me to blog again. or maybe he just wants me to leave him alone so he can watch olympics coverage in peace. |