Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras

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deconstructed signs are totally in right now. steve hates when i say stuff like that, but he really can’t get mad at me because i learned it from all of his pawn picker antiques roadshow programs. |
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i may have mentioned that i’m obsessed with vintage typewriters. also pillows. |
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i’m not sure what occasion a boot card is appropriate for, but i find these adorable none the less. |
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i want all the vintage jewels. all of them. |
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no, this is not an antique. these are dice stools (or end tables?) from the ll bean home store. obviously i need this to match my S&P shakers. |
So what items did I actually cross the border with? Besides an exorbitant amount of vintage postcards, I also picked up an “L” necklace made from an old typewriter key (see? Again with the typewriters). Oh, and I may have accidentally purchased a $40 lobster charm. I’m definitely going to be paying for that one for a long time. Steve has mentioned it to me at least once a day since we’ve been home, and that was a week ago.

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cue the hallelujah chorus. for steve anyway. |
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is that not the face of man overwhelmed by sheer happiness? |
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wait, they sell food here too? |
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tiny boots |
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money can buy happiness. for $250. |
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joy. |
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this is the closest to us getting a picture together this whole time. |
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you haven’t really lived if you’ve never had a grilled goat cheese sandwich. |
Okay, I guess it’s called “antiquing.” Or as I know it “finding dirty old things that make me sneeze.”
I’m half kidding. I actually found some cool things. But everything was so dusty and I couldn’t breathe and again, we were there for a solid three hours. But more on that tomorrow.
Back to the Bean. After much deliberation, Steve finally picked out his perfect pair of boots:
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all mine, baby. |
These aren’t just any boots, though. These are the 100th Anniversary special edition Bean boot. You know they’re special because they have red soles. You know, just like Louboutins.
It was love at first sight.
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is this love that i’m feeling… |
And me? I met this bird. We developed a very special bond.

Remember a few weeks back how I said that Steve and I don’t have regular schedules, therefore rarely spend time together other than having dinner at 10:00 pm? We agreed it was high time to fix that and decided to go away for a weekend. Which for us, meant Sunday-Tuesday.
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if only. |
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signed by two presidents. fo real. |
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that thing on the right is from the front of an actual boat. also it probably has a real name. |
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steve said he wants this above our bed. like i can handle that after the ship wheel. |
But there was also a lot of reading. And wandering. I tried really hard be a historically supportive wife. I tried for every store I’ve ever dragged him to, for every Reese Witherspoon movie I made him take me to see in the theater. But after a while I sort of gave up on the exhibits and just started taking pictures of nautical elements that could someday be framed to compliment a certain couple’s bedroom. Or something.

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blazer/jeans/heels/belt/dress/necklace/nail polish/blouse |

Steve and I went apple picking yesterday. I know, thrilling stuff, right?
I haven’t gone apple picking in years. Mainly because I barely eat healthy food that I can buy from a grocery store, let alone having to traipse around outside and gather it for myself like some sort of early settler.
But it’s fall in New England, and this is just one of the things you’re supposed to do. Plus for the first time in weeks, we actually had a day off together. For all of you out there with normal schedules (or “real” jobs, as Steve calls them), it’s probably no big deal for you and your husband/life partner/cat to carve out some quality time to spend together. For us, it’s slightly more difficult due to our unconventional schedules, hence why we often eat dinner at 9:30 pm.
Mondays are our Sundays, in that we can usually swing being off together and doing errands and grocery type things. Correction: Steve goes to the grocery store on Monday and I sleep in until he comes home and so rudely wakes me. But this is also the day where we do couple things, like go to the gym together. Okay, so that’s not normal either. But I did go with him yesterday, which was a mistake because he made me do level four on the elliptical. LEVEL FOUR.
After this, the plan was to go apple picking at Steve’s beloved childhood farm Tougas in Northborough. And by that I mean he went there as a child, not that he used to live on a farm. Ew. But since this was our only day off together, we had to do other less fun grown up things too- like look at mattresses. Yep. Lindsay and Steve’s Apple Picking/Mattress Buying Day of Fun.
So we headed off to his beloved Tougas. I had obviously dressed for the occasion with the perfect ensemble for a crisp fall day. Or at least, what I thought was perfect.
Steve: What are you wearing?
Me: This is my apple picking outfit. Well, apple picking or if I was going to sit in a ski lodge. I would have to change the boots though.
Steve: Okay, you are inappropriately dressed for BOTH OF THOSE THINGS.
Me: What am I supposed to wear?
Steve: I don’t know… SNEAKERS?!
Me: Ick.
BTW, there was a slight pit stop on the way to the farm because we realized that my car was overdue for an inspection. Whoopsie. We all know what happened last time I let that one go. Apparently, I looked slightly out of place at the local body shop.
Steve: You look so inner city right now.
Me: Okay I really hope you mean “city.”
Steve: Whatever, you don’t belong here.
By this point it was almost three o’clock. But it didn’t matter! Because even if it killed us, we were going to pick those damn apples. As we drove up to the farm, with rows of apple trees lining the quaint New England windy roads, we envisioned all the amazing things we’d do with our foraging. Well, Steve envisioned and I crushed all of his dreams. He had to think outside the box because he already knew of my disdain for apple pie (I KNOW, I’m horrible, stop reminding me).
Steve: I could make apple crisp.
Me: Eh, I don’t really like soggy apples.
Steve: If you make it right, they’re not soggy.
Me: Okay, then I don’t like cooked apples. I don’t like chunks of cooked apples in things that are supposed to be dessert.
Steve: Well then, excuse my language, but you are just shit out of luck. Your mouth is not a fun place.
Me (the most offended I’ve ever been): WHAT?!
Steve: I’m sorry, but for the person you are, your taste buds are bland. You like plain cupcakes-
Me: Classic.
Steve: Plain. You like brownies, and that’s it. Oh wait, you like the worst frosting in the world- fondant. No one likes the taste of fondant. Your palate is BORING.
Of course, after that exchange, I was determined to be a fun person to do things with. I was going to frolic around that damn orchard with the best of them. I was going to look fabulous while picking apples that I was going to eat uncooked right off the core. It was going to be the best fall day he’s ever had in his twenty seven years on this earth.
Until we got to the farm and found out it was closed.
Yep. You know our Sunday? No matter what way you slice it, it’s still Monday. And they’re open Tuesday-Sunday.
It was soul-crushing.
We sulked a little while around their farmstand and ate our emotions in the form of homemade sandwiches and apple cider donuts. I took the opportunity to take pictures of at least some fall paraphernalia because I knew that by the time we had another day off together, there would probably be snow on the ground. Which could technically be October, but still.
Instead of crying in the parking lot or just stealing apples off of the closest trees to the road (both of which I considered in my inner emotional meltdown), Steve used the powers of technology and some website that he found that helps you find where you can pick things. I’m serious- this is how he found the Christmas tree farm. And we all know how that turned out.
The closest place was Honeypot Hill Orchards in Stow. So there we went. And it was glorious. Mainly because they let us in.
There’s two of us, so the obvious choice is…
But why let that spoil the fun?
Know what does spoil the fun? All the cautionary signage warning us about the dangers of careless apple picking.
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i could use a double alright. |
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hey look what I found. |
Actually I did pick something:
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a happy weirdo. |
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and we did. |

The theme for Friday’s Fancies this week is all about showing off your team colors. Okay, so technically the theme was football focused, but I chose to interpret it a little more loosely.
You see, I don’t really watch football. Correction: I never watch football. Unless there’s a star studded halftime show. If I was held at gunpoint, of course I would choose the Patriots, but everyone knows that the home I live in is a hockey home, and that’s it. Over the past seven years, I feel like I have embraced this lifestyle, especially with my wardrobe (see here and here for proof). In light of recent events in the National Hockey League (or lack thereof), Bruins fans everywhere are thisclose to suffering from withdrawals- and the season wouldn’t have even started by now!
So what better way to deal with the lockout blues than to create fictional outfits that are inspired by that very team? Well I’m sure that’s not how most fans are handling it, but sometimes pretend retail therapy works just as well as actual therapy.
pants/jacket/shoes/earrings/bag/hat |
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i know what you’re thinking, and no, this was not for my wedding day. |

Ah, fall. Crisp leaves, warm apple cider. Prancing up and down rows of apple trees.
At least, that’s what I hear goes on outside come September. I wouldn’t know anything about that. Because…
That’s like t-shirt time, but with less orange residue.
In all seriousness, I am so excited for fall television. I can’t wait to see my old friends (missed you, Schmidt) and meet someone new ones (hello, Mindy!) and prepare to say goodbye (I understand it’s time, but I’m still coming to terms with not seeing my pals at Dunder Mifflin every week). Yes, I know the weather is perfect outside. I know that normal people are tailgating at football games (ick), baking pies (which I did once and was promptly crushed when Steve “accidentally” dropped the Pyrex dish in the parking lot and DESTROYED it) and I don’t know… hiking, or something? Sorry, that’s just not my style. Yes, I know I’m dead inside.
But seriously, I’m facing a moral and ethical dilemma. And by moral and ethical, I mean I need to somehow convince Comcast that I need more storage space on my DVR than the average person. Since their customer service representatives are clearly impervious to crying, screaming and other emotional reactions, I guess I’m going to have to be slightly sneaking in my show scheduling.
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don’t worry, claire. we’ll do this together. |
Armed with my latest copy of Entertainment Weekly, I decided that the first step to solving all of my #firstworldproblem was to get organized. This is something I hear that people do with important things in their life, like bill paying. I went through and made a list of all the shows I knew I would want to see. And there were twenty four.
I know what you’re thinking. Lindsay, that’s crazy. No sane person can watch that much television and lead a normal life. Well that was your first mistake because I am clearly not not crazy and barely anything I do can be regarded as normal. I work in retail. When you’re off on a Tuesday and the rest of the world is working, “accidentally” watching TV for eight hours doesn’t seem so pathetic… until I see it written out… just now.
Anyway, here is my list of shows that I am going to give my life to this year. Because you really care. Also because writing it out helps my brain to start to wrap around how I can make this work. This is basically the closest I will come to performing a mathematical equation.
8:00 How I Met Your Mother (CBS 9.24) So I haven’t really ever been a regular viewer of this show, mainly because I started late and in no particular order have been catching up on syndicated reruns. But I did manage to catch the finale last year, mainly because I wanted to see the birth of Marshall and Lily’s baby. But now I’ve been reading that there’s a possibility this could be the last season, and of course now I have to know who the mother is.
8:30 Partners (CBS 9.24) NEW Please just read the premise of this show and try to tell me that it’s not the story of Steve and each and every one of his gay friends.
8:00 The Voice (NBC 9.10) If you can believe it, Steve and I actually watch this show together. So it stays. Plus I still just cannot get over the brilliance of a red spinning chair.
9:00 Two Broke Girls (CBS 9.24) Again, not a regular watcher. Just kind of catching up when I can. This one may have to wait until reruns due to the many hours of The Voice blind auditions.
9:00 Gossip Girl (The CW 10.8) I know this show is clearly not what it used to be. But again, final season here. And other than that whore Vanessa, the original cast is still intact. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself if this series does not end with a Blair and Chuck wedding.
8:00 Raising Hope (Fox 10.2) I started watching this show because my mom couldn’t stop raving about the cute baby that played Hope. Steve and I both got hooked and I’ve even bought him some of the t-shirts Jimmy is seen wearing on the show. Good times.
8:00 The Voice (NBC 9.10) I don’t understand why this is necessary, but I’m there.
9:00 New Girl (Fox 9.25) I literally cannot wait for this show to start again. Steve and I have been talking about it all summer. Well, I’ve been talking about it and occasionally he remembers that it was funny. I am actually almost over the “Girl” because I’m so obsessed with the guys on this show. I.CANNOT.WAIT.
9:00 Happy Endings (ABC 10.23) We love this one too. Wow. I’m surprised by us.
9:30 The Mindy Project (Fox 9.25) NEW If you’re the type of girl that read Mindy Kaling’s book, you’ve obviously been waiting for this one. I love that it’s a show about a crazy girl that also happens to be a gynecologist. Remember when they couldn’t even say the word “period” in tampon commercials? Oh, how far we’ve come.
9:30 Don’t Trust the B in Apt. 23 (ABC 10.23) Steve thinks I should let this one go. I think that anyone that watches My Deadliest Dirty Picking Job in the Yukon Swamp People Under the Bering Sea Survival Guide isn’t really in a position to make suggestions.
9:30 The New Normal (NBC 9.10) NEW So this show is going to be on Tuesdays but the pilot is getting the amazing lead in of The Voice this Monday. I know, confusing. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out together. I’m still devastated that Glee is moving to Thursdays (more on that later) so this is going to have to fill my Tuesday Ryan Murphy void. Also I’m afraid of American Horror Story so there will be none of that.
8:00 The X Factor (Fox 9.12) One word: Britney. I am not even pretending that I remotely care about any of the contestants on this show or Simon Cowell for that matter. I am all in this for Miss Spears and whatever crazy she brings to the judges table. Which I hope is a lot.
8:30 Guys with Kids (NBC 9.12) This one also just looks cute. I miss sitcoms.
9:00 Modern Family (ABC 9.26) DUH.
8:00 30 Rock (NBC 10.4) I cannot believe this isn’t coming back until October. Also in its last season, I’m hoping that we’ll find out early on whether or not Liz is going to get that… plant after all.
8:00 The X Factor Results Show (Fox 9.12) Ugh. These are so dumb. Hopefully I won’t have any emotional ties to any of the contestants so that it’s unnecessary for me to watch all of these.
9:00 The Office (NBC 9.20) I know that it hasn’t been the same since Michael Scott left, but after the announcement that this will be their final season, I know that I absolutely have to see how it ends. And how they fill the void left by Kelly Kapor.
9:00 Glee (Fox 9.13) Let me just start off by saying that I’m a little bit mad at them for moving to Thursdays. Thursday is my most stressful TV day to begin with, and now I have to rearrange everything to make room for New Directions. And no, I don’t know what they’re going to do to work in everyone now that half the cast has graduated. As much as I would like to be bitchy girlfriends with Ryan Murphy, I can’t even pretend that I understand how they’re going to make this work, and yet people keep asking me as if I am one of the writers myself. Which I have to admit, is flattering. All I know is that every cast member is in the new promo photos so no one appears to have jumped ship yet. Whether it works is to be determined, but I’m sure I will never stop believing.
9:00 Grey’s Anatomy (ABC 9.27) I know this show is ridiculous. But every year they keep me hooked. What could have topped the hostage situation in the hospital last year? Oh nothing, just LOSING ALMOST EVERY SURGEON IN THE WILDERNESS AFTER A PLANE CRASH. No biggie. Lexie bit it before the credits rolled and I’ve heard Mark is dunzo after just a few episodes. Throw in half a million of the rarest diseases that for some reason are all treated in this one hospital and McDreamy’s killer hair and I’m done for.
9:30 Parks and Recreation (NBC 9.20) This is one of my favorite shows if only because it is a Cinderella story. No one expected it to last and here’s Leslie Knope, President of the United States! Okay, she’s actually some sort of elected government official, but still, if it survived its first season, who knows how far we can take this?!
10:00 Jersey Shore (MTV 10.4) Again, final season. I will shed a single tan-streaking tear when I have to bid farewell to these juiceheads.
8:00 Whitney (NBC 10.19) Please don’t throw things at me. I am fully owning that I am one of the few people that actually likes this show, and I was excited when they announced it was coming back, but felt I had to keep it to myself for fear of mockery from fellow pop culture junkies. Steve actually likes it too, but claims he doesn’t like her. It’s so weird that he has some connection with the monotone straight man that has somehow been tricked into dealing with some crazy chick for the rest of his life.
8:00 America’s Next Top Model (The CW already started) I mean, c’mon. I can’t give up on Tyra and her smizing. And the booty tooching. And making your own wind, which sounds like farting, but it’s actually a very legitimate skill in the modeling world.
8:30 Community (NBC 10.19) Oh God, I’m nervous about this one. When I first heard that this was being moved to Fridays, I was horrified. Friday is basically where TV shows go to die. I get that Community still hasn’t totally caught on mainstream, but I just cannot stand the thought of it ending so soon just because people don’t get it/can’t find it/are confused why these people haven’t graduated yet. If you’ve never watched this show, you have to. Specifically for these four episodes: Paintball (both parts), Dungeons and Dragons, the Spaceship, and the Pen. This year is starting with a Hunger Games tribute. I dare you to try to convince me that it won’t be genius.
11:30 Saturday Night Live (NBC 9.15) I’m a little underwhelmed so far, only because Seth MacFarlane is slotted as the first host, and I must be the only person in the world that hates everything he touches. However I am excited for the extra prime time election specials they’ll have this fall, which I’m sure will interfere with something I’m already recording.
Now keep in mind, this is excluding all the crappy I Didn’t Know I was a Teen Mom Pregnant with a Honey Boo Boo Child Kardashian Housewife of a Bridezilla Dance Mom that I find horrifyingly irresistible. So it’s going to be tight.
Priorities, people. Priorities.

Friday’s Fancies are back!
Well they’ve always been there. I just fell off the wagon for a month. But we meet again.
I guess it’s no secret by now that the back to school outfits of my day could have used a little bit of… polishing, shall we say. Of course now that I am older, wiser and five years past my last actual first day of school I can actually look back objectively on my ensembles and realize that nobody under the age of eighteen that has to wake up before 6:00 am should be given the authority to make such important life decisions. If I could do it all over again or if I was 21 Jump Streeting it, this is what I would rock this time around:
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jeans/blazer/shoes/planner/shirt/necklace |
I can’t believe summer has come and gone and I still don’t own a pair of colored jeans. Well I can, because the accountant doesn’t deem these a worthy purchase when we need to be able to afford food and stuff. I was afraid that this would only be a warm weather trend, but I could see these mustard hued pants make the transition into fall.
I have also been on a hunt for almost a year now for the perfect navy blazer. Now I’m fully aware that there are probably four of them just sitting in the mall that I work at, waiting to be discovered, but you have to understand when I say “on the hunt” I mean “finding the cheapest one possible that also fits.” I even caved at one point and bought one at Sears but I was so distracted by the less that $20 price tag that I never noticed that IT DIDN’T EVEN HAVE BUTTONS. Also it appears to be made of linen.
I am so torn over this smoking slipper thing. I feel really behind now because I remember seeing leopard ones pop up at the beginning of the summer, but like skinny jeans I was like “psh that is ridiculous” and pretended that they weren’t going to happen. Well it seems they did, and now I’m torn if I should just give in and get a pair or if the fact that it’s been four months since they first hit the scene that our time together would be awfully limited. In that case, you can’t go wrong with a pair from Target for a cool $20. If nothing else I could still wear them as actual slippers some day.
I know that the world is all iPad/iPhone/Computer savvy now, but in my former school days my favorite thing to purchase for the new academic year was a planner. I was very particular, as I only liked the one that had a month calendar listing and daily slots as well. I used to search high and low for the perfect one, of course then I could not swing, nor can I now, a $200 designer version, but hey, FF is all about lusting over things that you wish you could have.
I know that chambray shirts were everywhere this summer, but I love the refresh here with the polka dots. I have been seeing this top all over the blogosphere because it’s available at one certain retailer for an amount I can only compare to my car payment, and then Old Navy was like “haha suckers!” and gave us this for $24.99. It’s already sold out in the smaller sizes online, so I’m thinking that I may have to start stalking my local stores to pic this up. I can’t already tell that I’ll suffer from un-buyer’s remorse if I don’t get this thing.
And of course, Bauble Bar. I know the yellow bib necklace is a little matchy with the pants, but in my middle and high school days, that was what I thought style was all about.
If you have six hours to bum around on the Internet, don’t forget to check out everyone else’s back to school inspired ensembles!