Author Archives: Lindsay Scouras

You Better Work: Week Three

Written by Lindsay Scouras
Hey guess what? I’m still working. At a job where I don’t have to wear black everyday. I know, I sometimes can’t believe it either. But let me tell you, it’s stressful. It’s almost like a fun stress, but for someone who is terrible at getting up in the morning, I frighten myself sometimes when I spring out of bed with little time to spare. I think one of the things that’s helped me is the fact that all of my clothes are on a rolling rack in my temporary bedroom on full display. I literally look at them all the time. It gets the wheels in your fashion brain moving and you think a lot more about this going with that, or that with this, and don’t I have a necklace that goes with that? As much as I love having things neatly put away (sometimes) I suggest that everyone should work some of their favorite pieces into your decor. Get some decorative hooks or display your shoes neatly on shelves. You spend all that money on clothes, if you can’t wear ’em all at once, at least you can look at them!

That’s my tip for the week. Now, onto the outfits!
j crew coat/kate spade dress/forever 21 necklace/targe purse/payless shoes

This coat is my most favorite coat that I have ever owned, and that’s saying something, because I have a coat problem. I saw it in J. Crew the first holiday season I was working at the mall. I had never owned anything from J. Crew, hell, I don’t even think I had ever step foot in one, and I saw this coat and I knew it was meant to be. Except a tiny problem: it was $300. Steve surprised me with it at Christmas, and it was the first of many times that we have shared all the methods in which we used to lower the price of a gift for each other. He Extreme Couponed himself out on this one, and I was so excited that he paid attention and tried to so hard. The shoes I found in my sister’s closet that she never wore and the dress was a birthday gift my my mother-in-law. Which was very nice of her, because my birthday is in July and she gave this to me in February. 


f21 top & headband/banana republic skirt/macys shoes/jcrew purse/pink pineapple necklace

We were encouraged at work to rock some blue in honor of Autism Speaks day last week. And I couldn’t wear my navy without inviting the rest of my nautical friends! So this outfit was born. I really restricted myself when peplum came into fashion and bought just this one top. Unfortunately, due to my wardrobe restrictions, I’ve only worn it like twice.  Well, NOT ANYMORE. 

As much as I was excited about the cuteness factor of this outfit, something even more exciting happened that day. After Instagramming my usual daily outfit pic, Pink Pineapple- one of my favorite shops in Newport- shared my picture on their Instagram. If you’re ever wondering why I always tag where all my pieces are from, that is why. I love seeing how real people wear clothes, and in my mind, these companies should too! This was my first real shout out for my fashion, so I was super excited. 

instagram celebrity. well, for like a night at least.


old navy coat/ny&company blazer & belt/loft dress/payless boots/aldo watch

This was another cold and windy day, hence the topknot. Seriously guys, the wind here is a killer and I feel like my hair never looks good after my ten minute walk to work. Layers were also a necessity. I love this dress because it’s relatively simple, therefore you can dress it up in lots of different (but all nautical) ways. 


ny&company sweater/forever 21 skirt & belt/target shoes/vintage necklace

I don’t know how it happened, but this ended up being one of my favorite outfits. I mean, it’s nothing crazy. A simple top and skirt. Polka dots are probably my favorite pattern, and you all know that I’m having an affair with color right now. Anyone who can wear color and chooses not to is just silly. No one ever looked back on an amazing moment in their life and remembers an awesome shade of taupe they were wearing. 


Once again, there is no Friday photo. I full planned on taking one. I got up that day, like any other. I prepared a cute but functional ensemble, as Friday is when I go out and do my weekly flyering around town. Plus it was raining. So I was walking down the street, trying to get all my locations covered without getting soaked, and I saw a truck coming. I l noticed that I was kind of close to a puddle, and thought to myself, “I should move over so I don’t get splashed by this truck.” Apparently, stepping a foot over to the left was no match for what turned out to be the most deceptively deep puddle in the history of all puddles. 


That photo? That is exactly what happened to me. Head to toe, soaked. Soaked through every layer of clothing. I had to go home and change, and then wait to see if anyone at the office noticed that I had a different outfit on for the rest of the day. I was so distraught I actually put on black pants. I haven’t even touched a pair of black pants since I walked out the door the last day of my previous job. So yeah, taking an outfit photo was not high on my priority list that day. What a bummer. I thought I looked cute. 

So other than that minor snafu, I thought week three was a fashion success. Now the challenge begins. When am I allowed to start repeating, if ever? What if I am running late and throw on, *gasp* a pair of pants and like, a button down shirt?! Will the world stop turning? Will everyone unfollow me on Instagram? THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS.

Until next week,


Gleecap: I’m All Shook Up

Written by Lindsay Scouras

It had been a few weeks, but now that all those teams are finished with their Final Fouring or whatever it was that took so long, Glee was finally back tonight. 

The episode started like so many had recently… minus the school violence PSA flashed across a black screen. Despite the warning, I still had no idea the direction that this episode was going to go.

Brittany began with some typical non-sensical Brittany chatter about rocks falling from the sky. She was unclear on the kind, but she had a vision- a little out there, but I guess not totally wrong- that the Gleeks were doomed. For a minute I thought we were going to lose our dear Lord Tubbington, but instead there was just a weird séance in an attempt to gain his respect back.


Next they cut to a empty hallway shot of Mr. Schuester and for a moment I got scared that this was the part that was going to “address school violence.” Although I’m sure Will would have been protected by his helmet hair. Instead, he was on his way to meet Coach Beiste for a weirdly romantic locker room date, where she admitted she had feelings for him and he promptly dashed her dreams by revealing he was back with Emma …which I sort of assumed everyone knew.
Ryder finally heard from his internet date, who at this point I couldn’t decide if it was someone in Glee club or a man. Or both. They agreed to meet, which you could immediately was not going to be a happy ending.
Brit Brit then informed everyone of what they knew all along and that her bogus asteroid/comet/meteor wasn’t real. The best thing to come out of this entire mess was a touching scene between Becky and Brittany, in which she admitted she was afraid to leave high school. Who knew these two had such a bond?
After the commercial, Schu attempted to amend things with Beiste the only way he knew how. In song! But the musical was cut short when in a horrifying moment, shots rang out in the once harmonious hallways. And it continued, for many, many terrifying minutes and we didn’t know what was happening or where some our favorite characters were. Except Brittany, who was hiding in the bathroom. Alone. And Tina, who never ever gets to be a part of the group, not even when it’s something awful happening. Will remained the amazing leader we knew him to be and kept the kids from losing their shit and also rescued Brittany and some Cheeriors and a confused boy from the girls bathroom. How he snuck out I have no idea. And all the while, that damn metrinome just kept ticking and ticking and ticking. It felt like hours.
After the only commercial break I have ever silently begged for, we saw a new McKinley High, one filled with metal detectors and SWAT teams. I take back everything I said about all those awful “Guilty Pleasure” songs last week. Well almost everything. That Wham number was truly terrible.
In a weird twist, Sue admitted that it was her gun that just “went off,” which I never bought for a minute. Something just seemed weird. She turned herself into Principal Figgins and in a very un-Sue like way, took her zero tolerance punishment in stride.
Ryder continued his frantic search for his imaginary girlfriend. Blaine and Tina continued to hag out on each other. Schu very invasively opened up an online dating profile for Beiste. A lot of people that used to have crushes on each other threw around the “love” word a lot, which made me a little apprehensive.
Mr Schuester saw through Sue just like the rest of us, and we learned that it was her number one favorite Cheerio Becky that brought her dad’s gun to school and accidentally shot it off in Sue’s office. Sue took the fall to protect to her and quietly left WMHS for what could potentially be the last time? I mean, there’s just no way to know.
In a not-so-shocking turn of events, we never did find out the true identity of “Katie,” as Ryder got stood up while the rest of the Glee kids sang John Mayer directly in each other’s faces on these weird inverted bleachers that somehow showed up in the auditorium.

I totally get the staying on top of current events, and after a few too many episodes with fluffy faux teenage issues (your biggest problem is you have a secret obsession with the Spice Girls?), this definitely hit home. I’m sure some people will say it’s too soon, but that wasn’t really the problem for me. My issue was that it was a whole lot of intensity for a show that I like to watch purely for its entertainment value. There was no escaping tonight. I understand that sometimes, television can be a teaching tool or prompt a quality discussion about the state of the world we live in. But it’s also to help you forget about some of the seriousness in your own life, which is clearly why I watch Bravo and not like Homeland or something. I can even tell you what songs they sang tonight. I don’t even remember.
I don’t know how next week will pick up from here, but judging from the previews, I’m excited to see some old friends again like Puck and Finn (who we need to get our fix of, because he’ll soon be MIA due to his stay at a “spa”) and to see if Rachel can fulfill her life long dream of making it to Broadway. And let’s face it, after this week’s episode, couldn’t we all use a little dose of Lea Michele + Funny Girl?
Stay safe, kiddos.

I’ve Been Waiting for Such a Long Time for KS Saturday

Written by Lindsay Scouras
A few months ago, I was intrigued when Kate Spade began teasing pics of a new line on Instagram. The only thing initially that we got from these sneak peeks was that the color yellow was involved and it would be called Saturday. I had no idea what to expect, but I had high expectations, as Kate Spade New York is one of my favorite brands. I’m obsessed with their mix of fun and quirky with classic shapes. And it doesn’t hurt that all of their pieces have a cheeky little saying on them somewhere.

As more info came out, it seemed that the whole idea behind this line was that it would going to be young, casual and a slightly lower price point. They appear to be releasing new products every Saturday, and each time I look at the site, I discover a new piece. 

I will admit, at first I wasn’t blown away. Like I said, I love so many things about the core Kate Spade brand, and this is a completely different concept, so you have to be open-minded. When I first checked out the merchandise, the only thing I discovered that I would remotely want to purchase was a cell phone cover. However, once I continued to check out the site when they added new things, I found more and more things that I thought were cute, and I would totally buy them… if they make it to the outlet or if I get a huge raise, bonus and win the lottery all at once- whichever comes first. 

Check out a few of the pieces I’m particularly excited about. I clearly love the Abstract print and they have it on everything. They even have a pair of PF Flyers, so Steve and I could be that couple and have matching sneaks. I could totally picture myself wearing them, cruising around with Dottie this summer, trying not to kill myself on the cobblestone streets of Nantucket. 

Have you checked out any of the pieces in this new line yet? I mean on the Internet of course, because there are only stores in like Japan or something right now that are carrying this. What items do you like the best? I’m personally not a fan of any of the purses, but I like the concept of designing your own weekender. But the Abstract print is totally where it’s at for me. Hell, I would buy a poncho with that pattern if they made it.


You Better Work- Week Two

Written by Lindsay Scouras

I’ve become one of those people.

I didn’t intend to conclude every work day by snapping selfies in my full-length mirror and posting them online. I did it the first few days into my new job because I knew that my friends and former coworkers were excited to see me living life outside of retail dress code standards. But a funny thing happened. Every time I posted a new picture, I got anywhere from 12-25 likes. Every day. I haven’t felt so much Internet love since I got married. So I started to feel like I should keep doing it. When you know a whole bunch of people are going to see what you wore that day, you spend a little extra time putting together your outfit in the morning because you don’t want to disappoint. One day I was so exhausted, I came home, changed into my after-work sweats (hey, my husband isn’t here and I’m staying in a drafty old house- don’t judge me), realized I forgot to take my daily photo, and then changed back into said outfit. This is serious stuff.

But I have to wonder- have I become the type of person that I’ve always made fun of? I mean, I get annoyed when I see people posting what they ate for lunch or the entire schedule of their day (and not a fun schedule, like a “I’m eating lunch then going to the bank then doing laundry and maybe taking a nap and then I dunno what’s up text me if you feel like hanging out later” schedule), or worse, what form of bodily fluid came out of their child. But is what I’m doing with my outfits any different than people sharing a quote every five minutes from a right-wing conservative that is paranoid that their gun rights are going to be taken away?

Everyone has their own reasons for posting what they post on social media. I have always held myself to the standard that if it isn’t something fun/funny/stylish then I don’t do it. I don’t advertise politics, change my profile picture to support a cause for a day, or share chain posts or whatever other annoying form of technological streaking is next. 

I’ve written previously how my Internet drug of choice is updating my Facebook status on award show nights. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a hell of a lot more interesting and engaging than half the crap I see on there. However, I do understand that it’s a free country and that everyone has the right to be as annoying or as boring as they want on social media. What you do with your page is your decision (which is different than your business, because once you put it out there, it’s everyone’s business). I know I’ve hidden a bunch of people’s statuses and I’m sure they’ve done the same to me. Isn’t that what America is all about? Cause apparently, Canada is not on board. 

It’s with that train of thought I decided that if people liked seeing the photos, that I would keep posting them week two and hope it wasn’t an overload. Part of me is considering making a Facebook page for my blog and posting all of my fashion/celebrity/photography content there instead, so people can see the same information if they want, but they’re not bombarded just because they’re friends with me. But another part of me feels that I shouldn’t have to do that, because all of the things I post on my personal Facebook page truly are a representation of myself. Also, I feel like the Facebook world is so saturated with blog pages, and if I ended up only getting twenty five “Likes” or something, it would be kind of embarrassing. I’m still thinking about it, but for now, I think all my “friends” are just going to have to deal with my pictures the way they are now. And hopefully, at least a few of them enjoy it.

Whew, that was deep. Let’s be real- you came here for fun. Week two outfit photos, yeah! (Wasn’t it worth all serious bull just to get to this point?!)

Day One:

jacket, flats & cardi: old navy/blouse: f21/pants: br/earrings: in pink
This is a place of honesty, so I wanna be real with you- this is not one of my favorites. This is my “week one is over, the excitement level of getting to wear whatever I want has wained, and I didn’t think about my outfit ahead of time and sort of threw this together” ensembles. First of all, khakis, by nature, are not particularly fashion forward. I mean, any retail associate that isn’t required to wear black is rocking these. Look at Best Buy, Target, etc. I have always like this shirt and wanted a reason to wear it, and now I have one! It just wasn’t until the end of the day when I was attempting to snap a quality pic that I realized that chinos are a little mom-ish and in no way can be captured stylishly. In my defense, they are from Banana Republic. 

Day Two: 

cardi: ann taylor/button down: express/pants: cr/bag: ny & co/pin: f21

Pants. I forgot I even owned pants that weren’t black, and here I am, wearing them two days in a row. While I would be perfectly happy rocking the mantra of No Pants in Twenty Thirteen, some days you just have to give in. It’s still winter and I walk to work. So sometimes pants are a necessity. A boring, un-fun necessity. I really have no business doing any shopping, but I would love to get a few more pairs of patterned pants like my polka dot ones. However, since any shopping I do from now on will be online and I don’t trust pants that come from a computer, that will most likely not be happening anytime soon. Just to put things in perspective of how anti-pants shopping I am, this pair of gray trousers are from Charlotte Russe… when worked there… in 2003. I don’t know if I’m proud of myself or horrified. 

Day Three:

jacket & headband: f21/top & flats: gap/skirt: br/bag: ny & co/necklace: cr

This is my French-inspired work look. While I’ve been experimenting with my outfits, my makeup routine has gone virtually unchanged. I have lots of fun lipstick colors, but wasn’t sure how soon is too soon to work them into office attire. I took it easy with my red Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain (I have like four of them, I’m obsessed) because you can kind of throw it on in the morning and it has pretty good staying power. I also wore one of my favorite Forever 21 finds- my pearl-edged jacket. I feel like you can work this into so many ensembles, and I have to stop myself from wearing it all the time
Day Four:

dress: j. crew/button down: br/wellies: ll bean/boots: payless/belt: ny & co/necklace: kate spade

I have so much nautical stuff that sometimes I have to look at previous pictures to make sure that I didn’t wear the exact same color scheme the day before. This was my first nautical look that week so I went all out- with my favorite anchor dress and the appropriately named “Anchors Aweigh” necklace. It was crappy in the morning, so I wore my trusty wellies for the walk and changed into less outdoorsy footwear once I got in. If I was on Project Runway and the challenge was to design a look that represents myself, this is it, except I can’t sew so no matter how cute my outfit, I would be immediately “auf wiedersehen’d” by Heidi. 
Day Five:

So this was a day I totally forgot to take a picture. And it was weird, because I actually felt bad for neglecting to post that day. I don’t know if that’s loyalty or narcissism. If the suspense is killing you, I wore my Thanksgiving dress from two years ago (and if your clothes don’t have a name or descriptive word that you refer to them as, well… then you probably have a life) with my Kate Spade purple pencil necklace. Friday was just a crazy day. I ended up staying at the office until almost 6:30, then raced back to the house to eat and catch the ferry back to the mainland for Easter weekend. I just totally spaced and it wasn’t until I checked Instagram later that I even realized I forgot. 
I did however, post this picture:
The Compass Rose is a big symbol on the island, and while I was at work that day, Steve went out exploring and came back with this. It’s technically a Christmas ornament, but he bought it for us because of what it said: 
“The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving… we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it… but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.” -Oliver Wendell Holmes
I don’t know who Mr. Holmes is, but he seems to have written the perfect motto for our lives at the moment. 
Thanks for not being sick of me. Let’s do this again next week, shall we?
Once again, not being paid or showered with gifts for any of this. Any links or mentions I’ve provided are things I’ve chosen to share. There’s hardly any links anyway, because all my fun clothes and accessories have been chilling in my closet for years. 

First Week Fashion

Written by Lindsay Scouras

I am taking this whole “not having to wear black thing” super seriously. Like almost as serious as my new job itself. 

After spending the last four years dressing like an extra from The Addams Family, I have been, shall we say, embracing my new lack of dress code with full force. That means colors, stripes, patterns, textures- whatever I can put together without looking like Cindi Lauper. I’ve been Instagramming my daily #ootd (a few people have asked, so let me clarify- outfit of the day) and posting on Facebook, and apparently, people like me better when I can dress like myself. I like me better too. Everyone needs some kind of creative outlet, right? I just happen to wear mine. 

So after a whole week in my new position, I figured it was time for a round up post of my  first five days of fashion freedom. Apparently, I also like alliterations.

Day One (you may have seen this one already):

blazer, top & bag: ny & co/skirt: boutique/shoes: sofft/
necklace: can’t remember, some little shop in bath, maine.

This outfit is pretty self-explanatory. Mainly because I already explained it in a previous post. I just felt like this ensemble is me in textile form. 

Day Two:

dress: target/bracelet: forever 21/rain coat &
boots: l.l. bean/flats: old navy/necklace: vintage

When I woke up that day, I was super disappointed to find that it was raining. Raining. On my second day of freedom. Oh well, you gotta work with what you got, right? So I threw on a wrap dress and my L.L. Bean wellies and took off on the harrowing ten minute walk to work. Once there, I ditched the boots for some cute cap toe flats.

Day Three:

blazer & bag: j.crew/dress: forever 21/belt:
ny & co/bracelets: kate spade/boots: payless
This outfit was an experiment in stepping outside my comfort zone. I have always been skeptical of wearing black and brown together. I mean, they are in just two different world’s in my book. But I’m trying to be stylishly open-minded, so I gave it a go. I also was super excited to wear this blazer- I got it for Christmas and hadn’t taken the tags off yet (there’s a lot of that going on in my wardrobe due to previous constraints). Overall, I loved the way this look turned out, and although I don’t approve repeating outfits, I may have to work in some of these elements again in the future.

Day Four:

sweater, belt & pants: forever 21/oxford: victoria’s secret/bag:
ny & co/flats: gap/necklace: super secret rhode island jewelry sale

I know you’re not supposed to love material things, but holy hell, I love these pants. I do, I love them. I just want to wear them all the time. But I’ll have to settle for every once in a while because polka dotted pants are pretty recognizable. I don’t know if I’m ready yet to be “the girl in the polka dot pants.” Also I know that through the wondrous filters of Instagram, no one can really tell what color anything is in real life anymore, but when I tell you this sweater is neon pink, I mean it is neon pink. It’s the kind of piece that when someone sees you for the first time that day, their greeting is, “wow! You’re bright!” I choose to take that as a compliment, regardless of its intention. I mean, no one has ever come up to me and told me a dress was extra black. The world could use a little more color.

Day Five:

top & scarf: old navy/pants: tj maxx/boots: l.l. bean/watch: aldo/
earrings: ny & co/bracelets: alex & ani, macys

Another day on an island, another ensemble ruined by weather. On my first Friday, I awoke to a winter wonderland (i.e. two inches of snow that had melted by lunchtime) and had to completely rethink my original outfit inspiration. So we went back to the boots. This is definitely the most casual look of the week, but who wants to get all gussied up and traipse around in snow? 

And with that, my first week was over. Easy, right? I will say, it definitely helps your motivation if you feel like you look good. I don’t care what anybody says about being better on the inside than the outside- you need to feel good about both. And now that I can wear what I want, I finally feel like a functioning adult in a professional setting. But my typing needs a little bit of work.


Music Is My Boyfriend

Written by Lindsay Scouras

I have a routine when it comes to music. It’s not intentional, but every time I fall into a similar pattern with my song preferences.

this is how excited i am about awesome new songs.

Ever since I discovered the awesomeness that is Spotify, I do this:

1. Hear a song on the radio, TV, someone humming it, whatever. Obsess over what song it is.
2. Use every method of research possible to determine said song. Otherwise known as Google.
3. Find song. Feel the glory of victory.
4. Add song to “new” list on Spotify. Wonder why, after however many months on this thing, I still have only two playlists.
5. Stop thinking about #4. Song is so amazing, forget everything that exists.
6. Listen to whatever the three newest songs are on over and over again. Take longer doing everything because I keep clicking back on the first song.
7. Get sick of an occasional song here and there. Instead of removing it from the playlist, move it to spot further back as to not contaminate cool new songs with old boring song. BOO BORING SONG.
8. Repeat 1-7 a few thousand times.
9. Scroll through mile long playlist and discover omg all those songs I used to be obsessed with! Play them again for nostalgia.
10. Feel bad for songs I discarded. Immediately pay for them on iTunes so I can redeem myself and listen to them forever.

I mean, that is just not normal. I can see what other people are doing on Spotify (it’s one of those amazing Internet tools that allows you to stalk mercilessly without punishment by law) and it doesn’t appear anyone else has listened to the same songs forty seven times in a twenty four hour period. I can’t explain it, but it’s what I do.

I listen to music constantly. In the morning when I wake up and I’m getting ready, driving in my car, working out once every three months. I barely ever listen to the radio anymore because people I hate morning talk and commercials are the bane of my existence. I’ve used some form of iTunes/Pandora/Spotify/Sattelite radio for the past four years or so, and as you can see by my previously mapped out erratic behavior, it’s an obsession.

These are the current tracks that have my brain (and my playlist) spinning:

“Can’t Hold Us” by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Ray Dalton
I don’t know if I can even count how many times I have played this song since I first heard it when the guys were guests on SNL. Like I am so obsessed with this song I don’t know if I can even put it into words. Like so many others, I was lured in by the catchiness of “Thrift Shop,” but I have secretly wondered whether or not I actually like it. I really hope that things work out for them, because after seeing them perform and then downloading half of their album, I can see they are so much more than a one-hit wonder. I just heard this song in a new Windows commercial the other day too, so hopefully it’ll catch on. If you’re not a bigot, you should download “Same Love” and revel in the fact that this could be a refreshing change in hip hop that will hopefully catch on. 

“Carry On” by fun.
I may have mentioned before that I caught this video on TV one day and started sobbing. I enjoy fun., but even their best songs have become a little repetitive once you’ve heard them 27,000 times. I thought “Some Nights” would be my jam 4-eva and then Kiss 108 murdered it into the ground. I am not yet sick of “Carry On,” so for now, this one has a pretty secure spot on my list. Plus I live on an island now that only gets about four radio stations, so I am totally in control of my musical future.

“Anything Could Happen” by Ellie Goulding
So probably the only good thing that came out of The X Factor (besides this) was that I discovered this song because that girl group called 5th Harmony that ironically, could not harmonize, sang this every chance they got. Once I got around to hearing the real version, I was like, this song is super annoying. But I kept it on my list and the more I heard it, the more it started to grow on me. I will admit, some of the lyrics I just don’t understand, but Ellie Goulding is just like a cute little water nymph and this song perfectly compliments her unique sounding voice, that I can only describe as one of the pre-pubescent kids from Oliver! that smokes a pack a day. 

“Hold On” by Alabama Shakes
Okay, I’m not going to lie. The first time I saw this band was at the Grammys, and all I could think is, “why is that girl dressed so bad?” She looked like an extra from O Brother, Where Art Thou? Then I saw them on SNL, and thought the exact same thing. But I also had a much better opportunity to listen to the band and I realized how well this chick can sing. I don’t even know if I would call it singing, perhaps it’s more like growling. Whatever it is, she has amazing stage presence and totally reminds me of Janis Joplin, but in a way that I actually like her. 

“My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light Em Up)” by Fallout Boy
I am super excited FOB is coming out with new material. I don’t care what people say about them, I will always have a soft spot for them since From Under the Cork Tree was basically the soundtrack to my junior year of college. This is kind of a different sound for them (but with a hint of 80’s metal flair?), but the lyrics seem very true to how I remember them. It took me a little while to get into, as it’s definitely a little more rock than I normally listen to, but it’s a good “kick in doors song,” as Steve would say. Unfortunately, they started using this track in the ads for Revolution, which is totally appropriate but no less irritating. 

“Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
I admit, a lot of the songs that come on my radar are from really short snippets that I’ll hear in an ad or in the background of a really sad scene on Grey’s Anatomy. This one was totally off the trailer for that new movie The Host, which I have absolutely no interest in but I was like holy crap what is that song I love it what is it called how do I find it?! After searching to no avail, I started clicking on random songs in the Top Lists section of Spotify, and there it was- at the number two spot! Anyway, it’s really good, but also maybe another one you have to be in the right mindset to listen to. 

“Next to Me” by Emeli Sande
The only thing I know about this chick is that she’s British and I love this song. I mean, that’s enough, right? As much as I love a good bitter revenge song, I like that this song is about a guy that is just a good guy.It’s kind of refreshing. Plus this song and her voice is so soulful, you kind of get chills because you can just tell how awesome she is. I hope she has other songs that make it out there because I have a feeling she is kind of amazing. 

“With Ur Love” by Cher Lloyd
Cher Lloyd is like a Spice Girl mated with a Jack Russell terrier. She’s like sort of annoying but also okay in small doses. I don’t know why I like this song but I do. I don’t have anything else to say about it. It’s just fun. 

So that’s it, momentarily. Well, that and about ninety five Glee tracks. 


You Are the Dancing Queen

Written by Lindsay Scouras

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of photographing Christine and Joe’s tenth anniversary party. But this wasn’t just any party, as they chose to celebrate with a prom-themed bash- a promiversary!

There are many many many more images beyond this, which I’m still working through a bit. However I wanted to showcase a few shots at a time, starting with a little getting ready session before the party. 

I met up with Christine and her sister for some pampering at Firefly Salon in Derry, NH (my hometown!). It almost felt like we were getting ready for a wedding!

perfect prom ‘do + wedding day tiara
what did we do before pinterest?

for extra fancies, falsies are necessary

a very detailed replica of christine’s wedding day style

Stay tuned for more photos from the party this week!


Don’t Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

Written by Lindsay Scouras

So since I’ve started working a normal job and I’m essentially living alone with no access to DVR, I have been forced to try to remember my very heavy TV schedule manually. Like with my brain. I don’t even know what days my shows are on anymore.

Except Glee. How could I ever forget my favorite show about high school kids that periodically break into song in the hallways and then continue that behavior well past the age where it’s adorable?

Well while I was watching Glee in real time WITH commercials, my laptop died. Like just gave up living, right there in my lap, like it was a big budget wartime drama. We still have not determined a diagnosis. Your prayers are appreciated.

Anyway, I started my traditional live FB statuses and ended up doing a full on recap- or Gleecap, rather- in the Notes app on my iPhone. So here we are.

The theme of this episode (because apparently a regular story line just isn’t enough for a show anymore) was Guilty Pleasures. The brainchild of a sort of uncomfortable bond between Sam and Blaine, it started with what I can only describe as the gayest thing I’ve ever seen on this show, and that’s saying something. Dancing around in their sherbet colored short shorts singing “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” was not not my favorite number. I don’t mind a little cheese but this excuse of a guilty pleasure for Blaine won’t be making an appearance on my Spotify player anytime soon.

Despite being thousands of miles away, our NYC Gleeks were also discovering some deep dark little secrets about each other as well. When they zoomed in on Kurt pulling a box out from under his bed, I thought of a million things that could be in there other than… a man shaped body pillow. Really, Kurt? Is this how low we’ve sunk? You achieved your dream of getting into NYADA and living in a place where ascots and oversized brooches are completely acceptable for men and this is what you need to feel complete?

Rachel and Santana, in a fit of schoolgirl mischief, busted in and discovered Kurt’s super creepy bedtime accessory. All I can say is that these girls dress way sexier than I would If I lived with any of my gay friends.

We then segued to Sam continuing his what I had hoped was a joke proclamation of his love for Barry Manilow with a ruffled sleeve rendition of “Cope Cabana.” I know Glee has never been particularly accurate but the fact that they’re trying to convince me that a 15 year old in 2013 not only knows who he is but has many friends who are also fans is just ridiculous. The saving grace of this episode was the rumblings of a Spice Girl number, which these kids also shouldn’t be familiar with but I was so freaking excited I didn’t care. Jake threatened to derail this amazingness by performing a Chris Brown song, which is apparently THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN IN GLEE EVER according to the girl’s reactions. (My favorite line was when Brittany brought up the undeserving window that found itself targeted by Brown’s anger.)

The girls then got their scary on as they lectured Jake about he whose music shall not be named, where he actually made some good points that I ignored because I really do want Chris Brown to walk off the earth, and he could take Riri with him for all I care. Props to Brittany for defending Brit Brit til the end.

Kurt decided to spread the creepiness and rewarded Rachel and Santana for their invasion of privacy with their own politically correct body pillows. Santana then continued her tour of awfulness by going against Kurt’s wishes and telling Rachel the truth about Brody, which was weird and unprovoked.

Blaine then gave a stunning unautotuned rendition of “Take A Look At Me Now,” which like his piano bar “Teenage Dream” number earlier this season I really enjoyed. I wish they would do more unplugged performances where you can actually feel the emotions behind the barrage of musical numbers.

Finally, it was time for the Spice Girls number. All I can say is, Marley- you and that flat iron need to be BFF’s for life. Ugh, and could Kitty’s voice be any more annoying? She almost ruined the number for me especially since she was elected Ginger Spice, who was always my favorite. These girls obviously have never actually caught up on any real Spiceworld footage, and this was one of the most lackluster performances all season. I mean, Tina was basically asleep the entire time. And Jake turned the Gleeks around with a performance by… a song by a different but equally morally questionable Brown. In his signature Kermit voice, he warbled his way through “My Prerogative,” which only brought me back to Britney all over again.

And the hits just kept on coming. Small Wonder?! Another reference none of these kids would understand. I was alive then and I barely remember the premise of that show. Then Jake and Marley made out and everyone was over it.

The episode picked up for me when Rachel confronted Broday with her proclamation that he was “a MALE HOOKER” and she shoved money at him. She finally stopped blubbering around and grew a pair. She just admitted being in love with someone else and it’s over! But first, one last slow mo duet! A confusing, weird duet featuring running, evening wear, and Rachel and Brody taking turns scream singing while the other one was in bed. Huh?

Back at McKinley, Sam was surprisingly okay with Blaine’s crush on him and they decided that they stay best buddies. It was another lovefest back in NYC too, as Rachel forgave all of Santana’s highly inappropriate behavior just because she happen to expose that whole gigilo thing. She moved on quickly and pronounced she would nurse her broken heart by dating older guys. Right, because that worked out SO well. As if my nightmares hadn’t become real enough, they broke into a chorus of “Mama Mia”… WITH THE BOYFRIEND PILLOWS. If Steve was here he would say the shark just got jumped. Not my favorite episode.

But who am I kidding, I’ll be back next week. See you then!


What a Way to Make a Living

Written by Lindsay Scouras

First days are tough. Especially if you haven’t had a first day experience in four and a half years. And when you know your husband has to leave you on an island in twelve hours.

Okay, so I’m just being dramatic. All in all, it was a pretty good day!

After arriving last night and unpacking every suitcase that has ever existed between mine and Steve’s families, I sat there staring at my rolling rack (oh yes, there’s a rolling rack. And a small closet. And three dressers. But I digress). I was completely overwhelmed with figuring out what I was going to wear the next day. For those of you who are new around here, in my former job, I was under a strict dress code of:

A.) Black bottoms or a black dress
B.) A solid colored top
C.) A black outer layer (cardigan, blazer, vest, etc.)
D.) Black closed toed shoes

Are we seeing a theme here? 

Even as I went to bed, I had no idea what I was going to show up at my new job in on my first day. I figured that better I get some sleep, and I would just wake up the following day and a gang of singing cartoon birds would select something fabulous for me. 


When that didn’t happen, I had to figure something out on my own. Thanks again for the unrealistic expectations, Disney. 

I finally had the chance to dress like myself. And they say you only have one chance to make a good first impression. But who was I without the constraints of funeral wear? What outfit represented me and my personality, but was also professional? How does one say, “I’m super fun and you probably want to be friends with me, but I’m also way smart, reliable and completely and utterly perfect for this job that you took kind of a chance on hiring me for?”

I’m sure J.Crew has fourteen pages in an upcoming catalogue devoted to just that. But me? I was on my own. After much deliberation and continuously suppressing my desire to just wear everything I own like Joey did to Chandler that time on Friends, I settled on what I thought was the right amount of details to rock on a first day. Polka dots + Pink + Unique Jewelry + Interesting Details + Resoled Comfortable Heels = First Day on the Job Lindsay. 

working girl… minus the tennis shoes, perm & horrible plastic surgery.

I purchased this skirt at Boutique last July when I visited Stowe, VT for the first time with Steve’s family. I bought it with the hope that someday I would have a job where I could actually wear it. As of this morning, it still had the tags on it. However, due to the black polka dots, I figured I would have to work in at least a solid black top to balance out the whimsy of the skirt. Because I couldn’t stand the thought of wearing anything boring, I chose this button down from New York & Company with an asymmetrical origami detail on the front and layered a hot pink blazer over it (also from NY&Co, but not intentional). Being that I was headed to a new work environment, I had no clue what to expect on the temperature front, so layering seemed necessary. 

Because it’s still March and not almost spring as the calendar is trying to convince me, tights were a must, as were comfortable shoes, because get this people- I am walking to work. I know. The concept boggles my mind. This is something I never imagined I would do in my life. I have never lived somewhere where this was even a hint of a possibility. I bought these Sofft brand shoes from The Walking Company a few years ago during a pretty sweet sale (they’re no longer available but I would also wear these). I wore them until they fell apart because I could actually handle standing in a retail environment for eight hours in them. I brought them to a cobbler, who to my horror, told me that they were unfixable. I brought them to another cobbler- a real one, like an old Russian man whose hands were permanently stained with black shoe polish and cried until he told me they could be fixed. He resoled them, and all was right again. They don’t photograph great, but they have a fun little cutout design on the top and they remind me of character shoes from my days in musical theatre in my recurring role of Second Girl from the Left. I finished it off with my necklace made from an old typewriter key and a bag from, where else? NY&Co (gimme a break, they had a lot of sales there on “work things”). 

I packed everything necessary to get me through life in a matter of a day, so needless to say, there were some things I forgot. Like an actual lunch bag (which I own three of). Steve got up before I was even awake and bought a pack of brown paper bags. If that weren’t bad enough, I made him take my picture when I got to work. I know, I can’t help it. 

this photo op was voluntary. for me, not steve. duh.

It gets worse. They gave me a key to the office and I accidentally put it on my keychain. Which I gave to Steve so he could drive my car around. So there I was, standing outside on my first day, locked out, with a brown paper bag lunch. Luckily, I was quickly let in by one of my new coworkers and saved the embarrassment of having to call inside to ask them to come get me, or to run screaming down the street as Steve pulled away. 

Upon entering, I was shown to my new desk. My OWN desk! I’ve been sharing a desk with 1-2 people my entire professional life. 

they like me! they really like me! …hopefully.

Everyone was super nice, and aside from a few technical errors (like needing an entirely new monitor), it was a great first day. Definitely a huge adjustment from my last position, where I was basically told what to wear, when to eat, when to sit, where not to stand, etc. I didn’t even know what to do when I started to feel hungry. Do I ask if I can go to lunch? It wasn’t on my schedule. Does that mean it doesn’t exist? No, that’s impossible and probably illegal. Do I just say I’m going? How long to I know to go for? And most importantly, who can I ask all these questions of and still convince them to be my friend?!

Luckily, I found this in my brown paper bag and it helped me to calm down a bit:

nautical stationary & mini eggs? now that’s a keeper.

I know, I’m sorry. The cuteness is almost nauseating. But I cannot stress to you enough what an amazing support my husband has been through this whole thing. From encouraging me to accept a job that was something I really wanted to do but kind of required rearranging our entire lives, to listening to me cry when I didn’t know if I made the right decision, from forcing me to pack no matter how much I resisted, to going to the grocery store FOUR TIMES today just to make sure I would have everything I needed while he was gone, including a delicious dinner of cod and homemade french fries that was ready when I got home at 5:30. 5:30!!! I don’t remember the last time I got home from work before 7:00. I mean what do people even do with the rest of their evening before they go to bed?! For me, the answer was hang up more clothes and give myself a mani. But even that only took like an hour. I need some new hobbies.

Taking him back to the boat was crushing, and realizing I would be on my own for over a week (and possibly longer after that, as he is still looking for jobs on the island/packing up our apartment) was scary for me. I held back tears as I drove back from the ferry drop off, telling myself that I was going to be strong and independent, and what’s a week and half in the grand scheme of things? We have to spend the rest of our lives together, anyway. NBD, right? 

Until I got back to my room and found this:


He said he was proud of me, that he loved me, and that he would find a way to make sure we were together again soon. I mean, it was like Nicholas Sparks-worthy. And for me? The girl who doesn’t cook, cannot dance, leaves her clothes in piles on the floor and watches hours of bad reality TV. If that’s not motivation to succeed, I don’t know what is. 

So here’s to what is hopefully a successful day #2, which hopefully turns into more days, then months, and so on. And a job for Steve. And an apartment on the island. And world peace, since we’re asking. 


PS- I am in no way getting anything from any of these companies that I have mentioned or linked in this post. I just like to share things I like. However, if they want to dress me I wouldn’t be offended. I just wanted to share where I scored some of my pieces. 

There Once Was a Girl Who Went to Nantucket

Written by Lindsay Scouras

I guess it’s finally time to divulge the worst kept secret ever. And no, I’m not pregnant, so please stop asking. 

I start a new job on Monday. After over a year of searching, trying to decide what the next step would be, going on interviews for positions that never came to fruition, and having multiple quarter life crisis moments, I am now going to be working a job that is actually in the field in which I studied in college and GASP- are actually passionate about.

I should probably also mention that I’m moving to an island. Yep, so there’s that too. 

It wasn’t so much a secret, it was more that I was trying to tell everyone in my life my news before broadcasting it on the Internet, which I know is weird, because I basically live my life via various social media outlets. And even now, I know I still haven’t individually spoken to everyone that I wanted to. Since finishing up my last day at my previous job yesterday, the outpouring of well wishes on Facebook finally gave way to the fact that a change was a coming for me. Also I have been told by multiple people that I never made an official statement via blog, so I figured this would be as good a time as any.

I have spent the last four and a half years working in a high end children’s retail store. When I started, it was my first “real” job out of college. While I always had dreams of writing, after almost a year of searching and not getting anywhere (this was 2007-2008, so it wasn’t like any newspapers or magazines were beating down my door or anything), I was discouraged, living at home, working another season at my summer job and felt the strain of looming college loan bills approaching. I had never thought about working in retail after doing some part time stints in high school and college, and certainly didn’t consider that as one of my aspirations (as I discovered that most people that end up working in retail never did either) until a friend had told me about a new store opening that as a child I had been a fan of myself. I let myself be excited for any opportunity to in which someone wanted to hire me, with benefits, and I justified taking the position, assuring myself that I was working the events side of it, and not just straight retail. 

Cut to four and a half years later, and I’m still there. In my first few years there, everything was an adventure. Opening a store of that magnitude was really exciting to me, and practically everyone working there was nice and friendly and some of us became very close, people that I consider great friends of mine now, people that I would want to hang out with socially as well. But when I started, I was twenty two. At the time it didn’t seem like a big deal to work every weekend, every holiday, to stand all day and serve people, some who were pleasant and many who weren’t. As far as retail goes, it was a great gig and definitely not your average “mall” job. I found that as I got older, I felt more tired at the end of the day, more frustrated that I couldn’t spend time with my friends and family that didn’t understand why I couldn’t do something on a Saturday without at least six weeks notice, and just overall burnt out on dealing with consumers and their rainbow of emotions on any given day. I had worked in service based industries my entire life- from photographing weddings with my dad starting at age ten, to babysitting, to hostessing at a restaurant, to working at an ice cream shop to event planning. I  understood that the customer was always right. But after a while, I was exhausted, and I found myself no longer being excited to come to work everyday, and I just started to wonder if it was worth it at age twenty seven to already have that chip on your shoulder, to be unhappy in the place where you spent the majority of your time.

The only thing that got me through some of the times where I felt awful (besides the fact that I always felt I should be happy I even had a job) were the amazing people that I had come to know as my friends, but who were actually my coworkers. It’s certain people that probably made me want to stay there as long as I did, and it’s those same people that made it so hard to leave. Upon being offered my new job, I grappled for days with my husband about whether or not it would be the right decision to take it. There were some days where I was totally gun ho and others where I cried to him in our kitchen, not knowing if I was going to ruin our lives or not. In the end, we both decided that I would regret it if I didn’t take the chance on doing a job that I could actually love just because I was afraid to change, to step outside my comfort zone, to move out of the first home we had together, to live thirty miles away from the continental U.S. 

By nature, I am not so much a risk taker. I was not a rebellious child. I never felt tempted by doing anything that I wasn’t supposed to. I’ve always internalized every decision, going over things a million times in my head and listening to my conscience of whether or not I should do something. The last time I ever felt torn between two decisions was when I decided to transfer out of the first college I went to to attend a bigger school closer to home. I remember being unhappy with the direction my education was taking, but not wanting to leave all the friends I had made. I remember the panic of having to tell them that I was leaving, and then feeling such relief when it was over and they all supported my decision. I was always afraid that I would make the wrong decision and somehow derail what could have been the life plan that I was supposed to take. At nineteen, deciding to leave Cazenovia and go to Plymouth State was the hardest thing I had ever had to consider, and it ended up being the best. Had it not been for me following my gut, I would have never met Steve on my first day on campus at PSU. I never would have become an editor for The Clock, which led to my writing celebrity gossip column, which led me to blogging, which led me to meeting other amazing Internet friends, and has now led me to a new career combining many of my interests into one position. 

I’ve never been much for religion. I don’t really believe that there is one plan that is set for you for your entire life, being controlled by God, baby Jesus, Allah or whoever else you pray to. You are in control of what happens to you, and only you can decide what you think the right path is for yourself. And sure, sometimes you’re going to make the wrong decisions. I feel like that’s just part of it. But if you don’t even try, then what’s the point?

So that’s what I’m doing. I am trying. I am making multiple decisions in a very short time span. I ended my job yesterday. I start my new job as a Communications Coordinator on Monday. I am packing up only my necessities to move to the island on Sunday. That leaves me today to pack everything. And of course, I’m blogging right now instead of packing because it’s the first moment I’ve had in weeks to be able to collect my thoughts about what is going on in my life right now. 

Saying goodbye yesterday was really hard. I intentionally wore no eye makeup because I knew it wouldn’t make it through the day still in tact. The outpouring of cake and gifts and cards and well wishes from all my coworkers was astonishing. When you’re unhappy, it’s so easy to focus on the negative and doubt your abilities and think that what you do doesn’t matter. If I ever had any doubts, those people assured me that I had made a difference being there- what better compliment is there than that? I cried not because I was sad to be leaving- I had been trying for a very long time to enter a new career field, and am grateful to have a new job and excited to start- but because it was so hard to imagine not seeing the people that I had come to really like. I cried half the car ride home. Then I felt relieved that it was over, because I had been dreading saying goodbye ever since I thought about leaving someday. Then I woke up today and cried again after seeing this music video on TV:

Because sometimes, a song will perfectly describe the way you are feeling in a way that you just can’t.

So that’s where we’re at. I’m sorry I can’t think of anything humorous to say, and there’s no appropriate way to work in a Kardashian reference. Hopefully now that I’ll have a more regular work schedule (and will be spending a little bit more time alone before Steve is able to join me on the island) I will finally be able to focus the attention that I’ve always wanted to on this blog. Thank you to everyone for your support, and hopefully there are many more good things to come for us in the future. 

Until then, carry on, carry on.
